

Comment trouver Survive gratuit

I Survived a Crime

I Survived a Crime

Un voyage dans l'expérience d'être victime d'un crime soudain, à partir du moment où les agressés perçoivent pour la première fois le danger à travers les effets potentiels à long terme. En utilisant des images de surveillance et de téléphone portable capturées pendant le crime, la série suit des individus dans leur vie quotidienne qui ont été confrontés à une situation dangereuse et forcés de prendre une décision rapide sur la façon de se protéger ou de protéger leur famille..

La rage de survivre

La rage de survivre

Socrate Fortlow a commis un double meurtre. Il a payé pour ça. A sa sortie de prison, il vit misérablement en collectant des canettes et des bouteilles consignées. Désormais, il rêve d'une vie tranquille et souhaite se faire une place au sein de la société. Mais sa couleur de peau et sa situation sociale l'empêchent de sortir des bas fonds….

Meokjjibba: Big Survival

Meokjjibba: Big Survival

Although they are bigger than others, Korea's representative large people who love their bodies have gathered together! In this era where fashion, tastes, and tastes are diverse, big people who shout, “My body can become a trend too!” compete for the position of ‘advertising model’, a big survival show that loves my body and cannot gain or lose weight..

I Survived Bear Grylls

I Survived Bear Grylls

Celebrated survivalist Bear Grylls turns the tables to America’s armchair adventurers by creating wilderness simulated challenges that will test the contestants’ smarts, physicality and their ability to adapt and do whatever it takes to survive. Comedian Jordan Conley co-hosts..

Survive Block Island

Survive Block Island

An online competition reality series where 12 gamers are stranded on an island in the world of Minecraft. The competitors' gaming and social skills are put to the ultimate test in a variety of challenges where the losers are forced to vote off the weakest link. The last player standing will be crowned the champion of Survive Block Island..

Survive the Savage Sea

Survive the Savage Sea

After their 43-foot schooner was stove in by a pod of killer whales, the six members of the Robertson family spend 37 days adrift in the Pacific with no maps, compass, or navigational instruments.They use every survival technique they can as they battle 20-foot waves, marauding sharks, thirst, starvation, and exhaustion..

Survivor's Law II

Survivor's Law II

Is everyone truly equal under the eyes of the law? When Sun Man Kwan “MK” was young, he was wrongly accused of using drugs but was successfully defended by the famous lawyer, Tsui Ching Ping “Brandon”. MK grows up to become an attorney just like his new idol and gets hired at Brandon’s law firm. There, he meets fellow attorneys Suen Lei Lei “Lily” and Cheuk Wai Ming “Vincent”. MK becomes smitten with Lily but she doesn’t return his feelings. And although he has a rocky start with Vincent, he and MK eventually become best friends. As MK and Vincent get entangled in matters of the heart and the law, can they prove that everyone gets a fair shake through the justice system?.



The series takes place in a small Russian town where a deadly virus appears. Most of the inhabitants die, only a few people remain alive, who are affected by sleeping sickness: people cannot wake up on their own, and after two hours of sleep they fall into a coma..

I Survived a Zombie Holocaust

I Survived a Zombie Holocaust

From the land of early Peter Jackson comes another Braindead movie in bad taste. It’s the third day of shooting the low budget horror ‘Tonight They Come’ on location in the wilds of New Zealand. Director SMP is already beside himself having to work with a self-obsessed leading man and a bimbo actress when into his line of fire comes a new runner, wannabe screenwriter Wesley Pennington. Clearly an accident-prone nerd, Wesley nevertheless tries his best to fit in with the crazed cast and demented crew while falling head over heels for Susan, the set caterer. But something nasty has entered the local water supply and suddenly the zombie extras start acting like genuine members of the living dead, gore stunts looks even more authentic and actual severed limbs fly. Reel life turns real as Wesley attempts to save the day while ensuring his latest script will get made..

Fight to Survive

Fight to Survive

Hosted by Akbar Gbajabiamila, 17 competitors that are former "Survivor," "Alone," "Naked and Afraid" and "American Ninja Warrior" contestants, set out to survive on a remote island for 25 days – while fighting each other to win $250K..

Dark Stories to Survive the Night

Dark Stories to Survive the Night

Et si les démons, les morts-vivants, les poupées maléfiques, les Djinn et autres créatures extra-terrestres venaient hanter nos appartements, nos maisons, nos cafés, nos musées et autres lieux de la vie quotidienne ? Que ferions-nous ? Comment réagirions-nous ? DARK STORIES raconte cinq histoires de terreur saisissantes dans une anthologie fantastique où l'horreur, le suspense et l'humour se mêlent à la dure réalité pour nous faire frissonner de peur ! Rejoignez-nous pour un Festin de goules, le Jugement dernier avant l'apocalypse imminente, un colis surprise du livreur, un médecin légiste confronté à sa victime zombie et le pire cauchemar d'un monstre marocain..

Village Survival, the Eight

Village Survival, the Eight

In an abandoned land where no one lives anymore, 8 entertainers build the ultimate utopia. A new-generation genre of entertainment creation through which we can see unexpected creativity and fierce survival ability of entertainers, solving problems about food, clothing, and shelter, deciding the community village’s fate like job, age, taste, and lifestyle..

S.O.S. Survive or Sacrifice

S.O.S. Survive or Sacrifice

Deux sœurs vivant des vies séparées sur différents continents se retrouvent sur une île méditerranéenne. Les deux ont à peine le temps de se rapprocher et de renouer leurs liens familiaux que Kate, l'aînée, rencontre un groupe de locaux et accepte de faire un excitant tour en montgolfière. Mais le désastre frappe et suite à un accident imprévisible, la montgolfière est emportée loin en mer. Leurs téléphones portables sont hors de portée et la montgolfière est à court de carburant, Kate et ses amis se battent pour leur vie. Pendant ce temps, sur la terre ferme, la plus jeune sœur, Liz, devient un témoin indésirable d'un crime. Les choses prennent alors une tournure dramatique qui marquera leurs vies à jamais..

SOS: How to Survive

SOS: How to Survive

True stories of various people who found themselves in situations in the wild that tried their abilities to survive. Survival expert Creek Stewart hosts and gives tips and training on survival skills..