

Comment trouver Summit gratuit

Yama No Susume

Yama No Susume

Aoi et Hinata sont deux amies d'enfance qui ont la même passion, l'alpinisme. Elles désirent gravir la montagne pour pouvoir revoir le lever de soleil qu'elles avaient pu voir lors de leur dernière ascension, quand elles étaient petites. Mais depuis une mauvaise chute qu'elle a faite il y a quelques années, Aoi est victime d'acrophobie (peur de la hauteur), ce qui va compliquer les choses. Les jeunes filles décident donc de commencer par de petites collines et rencontrer d'autres jeunes filles ayant la même passion..

The Summit

The Summit

A fleeting instant in filial relations shows us the way in which we transmit to our children and others the meaning we attribute to life..

Forty Seven Summits

Forty Seven Summits

A film following Huw Jack Brassington, as he attempts to run the notorious Paddy Buckley round a 100km fell running challenge. Those who are brave enough to take on the round, climb 8000m over 47 of Wales' highest mountains in 24 hours. But when a massive summer storm hits Snowdonia, Huw must push the boundaries of his strength, endurance, and determination further than he's ever done before..

The Summit

The Summit

Georgian and foreign alpinists make an effort to ascend a high mountain. The weather is inclement making their effort extremely perilous. Every step on the snow-covered trail is precarious. Professionalism, firmness and compassion have far more value than the physical ability..

Fog Over the Summit and Storm Over the Plain

Fog Over the Summit and Storm Over the Plain

On the land, a zone of hard labor, a friendship is born between two men, a Vietnamese farmer and a Western painter who do not understand each other's language. Every year, storm and inundation devastate everything, the farmer informs his friend about the death of his father... Meanwhile, on the mountain, the park of attraction continues to entice people in the fog....

Earth Summit Mission: Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research Team

Earth Summit Mission: Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research Team

"Earth Summit Mission" is the first 4K documentary recording a scientific expedition. The 60-minute Earth Summit Mission documentary is a record of the second Chinese scientific expedition to Mount Qomolangma which took place in the summer of 2022. It involved around 200 scientists, led by Yao Tandong from the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the course of the expedition, the scientists set a number of records, from collecting ice and snow samples from the highest point on Earth and setting up the world’s highest weather station, to sending up an observation aerostat to an altitude of over 9,000 meters..

Summits and Ashes

Summits and Ashes

In the Peruvian mountains, rituals offer connection between participants and the divine. Resplendently realized in black and white by director Fernando Criollo, this documentary captures a place where the heavens meet the earth..

Summit Circle

Summit Circle

Réjeanne et Gilles viennent d'acquérir la maison de leur rêve à Beloeil lorsque ce dernier, camionneur de son métier, est victime d'un accident cérébro-vasculaire qui le rend aphasique. N'écoutant que son courage, Réjeanne prend soin de lui le jour et file le soir vers Montréal, où son emploi de téléphoniste parvient à peine à couvrir les dépenses du ménage. Lorsque la multinationale pour laquelle elle travaille annonce qu'elle coupe son poste et celui d'un millier de ses collègues, Réjeanne, d'abord abattue, se retrousse les manches et cumule les petits emplois. Un second ACV ayant cloué Gilles à son fauteuil roulant, elle se voit toutefois dans l'obligation de vendre leur maison et de revenir s'installer avec lui en ville. Le pire est à venir?.

The Summit of the Shamans

The Summit of the Shamans

In a theater, as the actors agree to set a new play, our protagonist goes to the theater basements full of old costumes to look for Dracula's costume. But, by chance, finds a magic book, which once he opens, it instantly displaces reality and leads him to phantasmagorical journeys..

The last summit

The last summit

Pablo was a priest. He knew he was going to die young. He gave his life to God ... and God accepted the offer. Now they say he's alive. Pablo was known and loved by countless people, that have gone on record about it after his death..

80 Meters Below the Summit

80 Meters Below the Summit

Rising 28,169 feet above the Earth's surface, Nepal's Kanchenjunga or "five treasures of snows" is the world's third-highest mountain and the object of destiny for the members of the Slovak expedition at the heart of this documentary. Weather, geography and legend all conspire against those who set out to conquer the five-peaked behemoth in this film that reveals many of the mountain's most spectacular vistas..

History Summit

History Summit

A gathering of top-tier historians, engaging in a heated debate on historical research, scrutinizing cutting-edge evidence and materials, and presenting their own theories..