

Comment regarder if.... sur Netflix gratuitement

Nobody's Happy if I'm Not

Nobody's Happy if I'm Not

Her belief and trust were destroyed by the person who she loves the most. In spite of losing her home and family business, a light hearted young girl, Muanprae, became a woman who has nothing to lose and put everything for the revenge to her own aunt, Prangtong. Muanprae was deeply wounded by her cold-hearted aunt. The burning vengeance is so strong and would stop at nothing even though it might hurt people around her. Coming into their world, understanding as he comes, Pithan is cutting the trail of love and forgiveness toward Muanprae and Prangtong. It not an easy task and still, he might get burn as well..

If I Forget

If I Forget

A play about the stories we choose to believe, the compromises we can't avoid and the hurt only our nearest and dearest can inflict. In the final months before 9/11, a liberal professor has reunited with his two sisters to celebrate their father's 75th birthday. Each having their own version of family history, the siblings clash over everything. Destructive secrets and long-held resentments surface as the three negotiate—with biting humor and razor-sharp insight—how much of the past they’re willing to sacrifice for a chance at a new beginning..

If You Love

If You Love

IF YOU LOVE (Ya Çok Seversen) follows the unlikely romance of Leyla and Ateş, two young people who have faced their fair share of struggles. Leyla is a resilient orphan with an intense spirit who joins a team of con men to fund the search for her long-lost parents. When she first meets Ateş, the brooding and cynical scion of a wealthy family, things don’t go well. Leyla is turned off by Ateş’s playboy charms, seeing him as just another privileged snob. But when fate reunites them, Leyla's radiant personality gradually breaks through his defenses, and Ateş discovers a new, more mature side of himself. Amidst a backdrop of mystery and emotional turmoil, the two opposites find themselves drawn together..

Blue Blood

Blue Blood

Dans les Hamptons, Davis Meyers, un mari volage, a recours à l'infidélité et au meurtre pour se trouver un héritier convenable. Quand l'enquêteur du coin découvre son plan, la scène est déjà en place pour la tragédie..

If Katie Hopkins Ruled The World

If Katie Hopkins Ruled The World

Ever wondered what would happen if Katie Hopkins was joined by a mix of equally outspoken celebrities, comedians, experts and a studio audience, to put forward and debate rules for life? This no-holds-barred series debates some of the issues that get Britain talking - at home in front of the TV, at work, in the pub or on social media - but as you've never heard them talked about before. Expect mischief, mayhem and - from time to time - moodiness as Katie and the three panelists battle it out to have their often outrageous rules passed or rejected by a live studio audience vote..

If She Screams

If She Screams

Kassi's friend takes her to a farm, up in the hills of Northern California, but when all hell breaks loose, she will be put through a gauntlet of terror, and fight to make it off the mountain alive..

What if it Works?

What if it Works?

Adrian, développeur fou, a un TOC. Grace, une belle artiste de rue, a de multiples troubles de la personnalité. C'est une histoire d'amour qui semble impossible. Mais que faire si ça marche ?.

If I Were You

If I Were You

When a woman tries to outwit her husband's sexy young mistress, the unexpected consequences include starring as King Lear in a very amateur production - with the mistress, an aspiring actress, playing The Fool..

If I Die in America

If I Die in America

According to Muslim practice, burial ought to occur within 24 hours of death — so after Manny’s immigrant husband, Sameer, passes away in an accident, he is confronted by a representative of Sameer’s family urging him to sign the paperwork needed to ship the body back to Kuwait. Manny initially refuses, clinging to his rights as Sameer's husband, while knowing that with every passing hour, Sameer's family grows more infuriated. After an emotional climax, spurred on by the family’s homophobic claim that Manny and Sameer’s marriage was merely a green-card arrangement, Manny comes to realize that his objections won't change the fact that his husband died — try as he might, he cannot delay grief..

What If?

What If?

A poetic meditation on the things that connect us, despite the distance created by the pandemic. Shot by students working remotely in Washington D.C and Dubai..

Mortelles retrouvailles

Mortelles retrouvailles

De retour dans son village natal pour une fête réunissant les anciens élèves de sa promotion, l'inspectrice Sharon Myers se trouve au centre d'une enquête criminelle lorsque le corps d'une enseignante est retrouvé dans un lac. Les choses se compliquent lorsque Phil, son ex petit ami et l'époux de sa meilleure amie Helen, est suspecté du meurtre. Pensant qu'il est victime d'une tiers personne, Sharon va cacher des indices à charge contre Phil, mais ses collègue découvrent sa liaison passée avec le suspect....

What If?

What If?

Suicide prevention and awareness film. Based on a true event. The film depicts a transgender person who contemplated suicide but chose to give life a chance..

What If I'm Gay?

What If I'm Gay?

The popular and macho captain of the high school soccer team is forced to confront his homosexuality after his buddies discover a male pornographic magazine in his bedroom..

Catch Me If You Can

Catch Me If You Can

A hotshot teenage car racer persuades the class president of a small Minnesota high school to gamble on illegal car races to raise money for their school which is facing closure..

As If I Am Not There

As If I Am Not There

Samira, jeune femme de Sarajevo, voit sa vie basculer le jour où elle est déportée dans une région lointaine de Bosnie. Emprisonnée dans un entrepôt, elle apprend vite les règles et la vie du camp. Quand elle est choisie pour « amuser » les soldats, le cauchemar commence..