

Comment regarder Revenger sur Netflix gratuitement

The Ghost Bride Takes Revenge

The Ghost Bride Takes Revenge

Yanhong was murdered by a traitor and is preparing for death on the charge of murdering her husband. She repeatedly told adults and those who executed him that she was wronged, but no one believed her. In the end, she could only die with injustice. Before her death, she told the executioners that she would retaliate... Yanhong died, but everything seemed to be the same as she said, and she began to retaliate. A series of supernatural events, such as causing zombies and being injured by ghosts, occurred in the house where he wanted to retaliate.

Woman Revenger

Woman Revenger

Learning of childhood friend Meihua's death, Lingling goes to Japan to find Meihua's sister, Meifeng. Brutal gangsters demand Lingling return an item Meihua stole, and hold Meifeng hostage. Old friends help Lingling confront the gang..

La Revanche d'Emmanuelle

La Revanche d'Emmanuelle

Originaire de l’Afrique Centrale, la jeune et belle Shalomey voyage à New York, où il a demandé une activité qui vous permet de gagner leur vie. Il a immédiatement trouvé un emploi, grâce à son charme exotique dans une grande campagne de publicité financée par la compagnie aérienne, dirigé par Steve Carcino. Ce, dans l’amour avec Shalomey, il invite la femme à dîner. Carcino a un objectif: séduire. Mais comme vous le progrès, le soir, leurs espoirs sont affaiblis, Shalomey semble évaluer farouchement attaché à sa liberté..

Revenge of the Reborn Princess

Revenge of the Reborn Princess

The female general, Murong Qiuyu, was infatuated with the Second Prince, Li Mo. After helping him seize the throne, she was tragically killed by Li Mo and her sister, Murong Xin’er. After being reborn, Qiuyu finds herself back to the wedding night with the Seventh Prince, Li Jian... Qiuyu decides to join forces with Li Mo's rival, Li Jian, to ensure that Murong Xin’er and Li Mo receive the punishment they deserve!.

Miran, The Revenger

Miran, The Revenger

Miran, a daughter who can't speak because of the shock of witnessing her father's murder, vows revenge on the international drug organization Yongdeng faction. She is reunited with her estranged sister Mishuku, and they part ways. The Black Dragon Society led by Lee of the Yongdeng Faction vs. the runaway group Night Raid led by Mishukul. The killing machine, Maya vs. Miran. What is going through Miran's mind as she takes revenge despite the loss of her friends?.



A film about an unhappy man who catches his wife with a lover. He leaves to buy a gun, while plotting to kill the wife and the lover. Based on a short story by Anton Chekhov..

Giver: Revenge's Giver

Giver: Revenge's Giver

Giba (Ryo Yoshizawa) and several of his colleagues work at a revenge agency. A mysterious girl called "Taker" leads the group. Giba lacks emotion for a person. The revenge agency takes on revenge requests on behalf of their clients. Their clients include a woman who is a victim of a fraud marriage and the family of a victim killed by a serial murderer..

Behind the Revenge

Behind the Revenge

Ponwalai, Yodthian's sister, is Prakob's mistress. He devoted his money and himself to her, but she already had another man. When Prakob finds out, he dies of a heart attack and leaves lots of his assets to Ponwalai, which results in his son Noppharuj being furious at both her and Yodthian. Noppharuj chases after them to get revenge, and Yodthian lets him do whatever he wants because she feels guilty over her sister's actions..

4 dollars de vengeance

4 dollars de vengeance

A quelques jours de son mariage avec Mercédes, une riche héritière, le lieutenant Nordiste Roy Dexter doit convoyer jusqu'à Washington des sacs de dollars en or. Le lieutenant Haller, également amoureux de Mercédes, en profite pour lui tendre un guet-apens qui consiste à le faire accuser du vol de l'or...

Samon’s Hell Revenge: Unauthorised Jutte Records

Samon’s Hell Revenge: Unauthorised Jutte Records

Samon Kamiyama, a skilled yoriki under Toyama Saemon-no-jō Kagemoto is feared and known to the villains as “Samon from the Hell.” Samon suspects that the drowning incident at the raw silk wholesaler Shinano-ya was the work of Maruya Rihei, a kimono wholesaler favored by the Ōoku, but has no evidence to prove his allegation. The elder Arao Tsushima-no-kami who is colluding with Maruya plan on building a gold mine on an uninhabited island using prisoners. Arao gives the supervision charge to Samon, who along with his comrades and Horikawa takes up his post on the island but is attacked by assassins one after another..

Girl's Revenge

Girl's Revenge

At a birthday party, a sex video is filmed without consent and Ren Li-cha is the girl in the video. The clip circulates among the students and Li-cha is mocked and bullied as a result. Wu Yun-heng, a transfer student, went to the party with Li-cha. As she cannot stand how much Li-cha is suffering' she is determined to find out about the truth behind the incident, fighting for her best friend. However, as she gets closer to the truth, she is about to shatter the peace in school..

Les Nibelungen : la Vengeance de Kriemhild

Les Nibelungen : la Vengeance de Kriemhild

Kriemhild n'a pas pu oublier Siegfried et son lâche assassinat par Hagen Tronje, qui reste le protégé du clan des Burgondes et s'est approprié le trésor des Niebelungen qu'il a caché dans le Rhin. Le margrave Rüdiger von Bechlarn lui apporte la demande en mariage du roi Etzel (Attila) : elle l'accepte. La voilà reine des Huns..

Lustful Revenge

Lustful Revenge

After reading about beautiful women killed in a gruesome manner during the recent months, Akiko tries to nail down the sick serial killer herself. What she does not know is that the killer has already targetted her as his next victim..

Money. Revenge

Money. Revenge

The main characters are approximately 35–40 years old, some are already firmly on their feet, have a business, a fortune, others are struggling to survive, getting into debt. And someone, wanting to easily and quickly earn big money and show off his classmates, becomes an accomplice in a criminal scheme. All of Baidam's efforts to change his life for the better fail when his fraudulent past catches up with him in the present. The unfortunate father of the family, Demid, who suffered at the hands of scammers, begins his hunt. Will Baidam be able to save his loved ones and understand that any actions have consequences?.

Bangkok Fighter

Bangkok Fighter

Manit, un petit garçon de dix ans assiste à l’assassinat de ses parents. Implacables, les tueurs décident de l’éliminer. Touché à la tête, l’enfant survit miraculeusement à ses blessures, mais se retrouve frappé d’ataraxie. Les dommages provoqués à son cerveau lui ont enlevé toute émotion. Sauvé d’une mort certaine par un vieux maître d’arts martiaux, Manit, 20 ans plus tard, devenu une véritable machine de guerre, retourne sur les lieux de son enfance… La justice va s’abattre… Et des hommes vont mourir….