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The Hostage

The Hostage

20-th years. In the mountainous regions of the Pamirs, a dangerous epidemic is rampant. There was sent a caravan with a vaccine, followed closely by the local bandits as the hostage in the caravan should be, as they learned, their leader. It is not known to them only one thing: the leader is a double ....

The Hostilities

The Hostilities

In the deserted, littered streets of Santa Lucía, nothing ever seems to happen. But life behind the concrete walls is dominated by worry and uncertainty. When night falls, few dare to go outside for fear of the drug gangs. And even in broad daylight, there’s the danger of muggings, robberies, and murders..

The Guest

The Guest

Liés par un passé tragique, un médium, un prêtre et une détective unissent leurs forces pour combattre un esprit assoiffé de sang..

L'otage de l'Europe

L'otage de l'Europe

Chronique de la détention de Napoléon sur l'ile de Sainte-Hélène, ses relations avec son entourage et ses affrontements avec Hudson Lowe, le gouverneur britannique..

The Hosts

The Hosts

This documentary shows four Brazilians who were affected by the 2014 FIFA World Cup in different ways, from a woman selling street food by the stadiums to a man who was displaced by construction projects. It paints a social-political portrait of Brazil in this historical time - before, during and four years after the World Cup - and makes a commentary on FIFA, mega-events, and their long-term impacts on the host countries..

The Hostage

The Hostage

A young man sentenced to death manages to postpone his execution because of the impending wedding of his poor sister, who is to be married off. His best friend vouches for his return. After taking care of his sister, the young man hurries back, but is delayed by numerous unexpected obstacles. Nevertheless, he continues the journey, determined to join his now-presumably dead friend..

The Hostage

The Hostage

A video that deals with perspectives; that of a hostage, and that of the hostage takers. The video ends with a philosophical analogy of the capabilities of seeing through video through 2 or more sources..

The Hostage

The Hostage

The otherwise peaceful cowboy Bill gets into a duel with a prospector and hits him deadly. The border police arrest him and Bill is sentenced to death. As a last favor, he asks permission to say goodbye to his old mother. His friend Harry offers himself as a hostage to guarantee Bill's return. Harry will be shot in Bill's place if Bill does not return within three days. But on his way back Bill falls from his horse and has to walk. As a result, time passes and Bills absence endangers Harry's life. Eventually Bill is back just in time. The commander of the police is amazed by such a true friendship and gives Bill amnesty..



Dans un paysage aux confins des récits bibliques et des mythes occidentaux se dresse une bâtisse qui ressemble à la fois à un repaire de motards et à une ferme de montagne. L’auberge accueille tous ceux qui traversent cette région inhospitalière..

The Hostess

The Hostess

Introduction:“Xià hǎi” (go to the sea) is often used to describe women who are involved in hospitality industry, falling into a socially unrespectable profession, namely, be drawn into the dangerous sea, which is defined by society for these mistresses. In the social frame, these mistresses are seen as aphasiac. The Hostess recorded the authentic faces of the three mistresses while working, and how they provoke destigmatization and organize a union, in terms of communicating with society. However, the denial and derecognition from the family and society turn out to be the biggest challenge. How are they going to face it?.

Fish for the hostage

Fish for the hostage

The sensitive Piet only wants to help his brother Herm with a small break-in, but as Herm takes a hostage, Piet finds himself involved in a kidnapping that Herm mercilessly dominates. Piet has to play along the perfidious plan, if he does not want to endanger the hostage's life..

Five Hostesses for the Resistance

Five Hostesses for the Resistance

A patriot Park No-Hun is dispatched by Shanghai Provisional Government for Independence to assassinate members of the House of Council. In this situation Young-Kuk, brother of Hyeon-Ju who is a kisaeng of Myeong Wol Kwan, is jailed and Choi Chil-Yong, an inspector of Japanese Higher Police Department, is in agony of difficulties between Korea and Japan. Shin Yun-Il, a member of the council falls in love with a kisaeng whose name is Jeong-Mi. All of these are going their way under the influence of phases of the times such as carrying out colonial policies and each of them is linked complicatedly and causes troubles. After all their efforts concentrated on Independence of Korea, and Park No-Hun carried out his mission with help of 5 kisaengs of Myeong Wol Kwan. Finally he leaves for Shanghai with them..

The Hostage

The Hostage

The series revolves around a couple who live their lives happily with their young daughter, but that happiness did not last long, as it happens unless it was taken into account, as their lives are exposed to an incident in which the family entity is turned upside down, the story is inspired by Kuwait's kidnapping cases of children..

Les Larmes du soleil

Les Larmes du soleil

Au Nigéria, la famille du Président vient d'être assassinée et une guerre civile est sur le point d'éclater. Un commando secret mené par le lieutenant Waters est envoyé aux confins de la jungle afin de faire évacuer Lena Kendriks, une femme médecin travaillant pour une organisation humanitaire, d'un village menacé par les rebelles. Mais le cours de la mission change lorsque celle-ci refuse de partir sans les villageois....



Bagdad. Le lieutenant James est à la tête de la meilleure unité de déminage de l'US Army. Leur mission: désamorcer des bombes dans des quartiers civils ou des théâtres de guerre, au péril de leur vie, alors que la situation locale est encore... explosive..