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Last Days at Sea

Last Days at Sea

Reyboy's world is the sparkling ocean, the hidden treasures on the long coast, the taste of honey rice. The filmmaker accompanies the Filipino boy in his fishing village by the sea as his life is about to change forever..

We Become Silent - The Last Days of Health Freedom

We Become Silent - The Last Days of Health Freedom

International award-winning filmmaker Kevin P. Miller of Well TV announced the release of a new documentary about the threat to medical freedom of choice. We Become Silent: The Last Days of Health Freedom details the ongoing attempts by multinational pharmaceutical interests and giant food companies — in concert with the WTO, the WHO and others – to limit the public’s access to herbs, vitamins and other therapies..

Bluu, Last Days Of Ibiza

Bluu, Last Days Of Ibiza

On a stormy day, Nat a Parisian woman, arrives by boat in Ibiza; invited by her childhood friend Sandra. Very quickly, she'll find herself in the middle of a group of initiated, within which, the suicidal master intends to lead them towards an apocalyptic end. But Nat, Sandra and their friends will take matters into their own hands in order to save Ibiza....

Les derniers jours de Ben Laden

Les derniers jours de Ben Laden

Après le succès de l'opération secrète américaine visant à éliminer le terroriste le plus recherché du monde, Ben Laden, de nombreuses interrogations subsistent. Notamment comment le chef d'Al-Quaida a pu réussir à échapper à son arrestation pendant plus de dix ans. Le journaliste Peter Bergen, spécialisé en terrorisme islamique, a interviewé des anciens agents de la CIA, de la Marine et un pilote de commando, qui dévoilent comment les forces américaines sont parvenues à mener cette attaque-surprise au Pakistan. L'enquête réunit les témoignages du voisinage ainsi que des passants présents pendant la rafle, et des agents officiels de la Maison Blanche et du Pakistan..

The Last Days of Princess Diana

The Last Days of Princess Diana

By 1997 Diana, Princess of Wales had spent over a decade in the global spotlight. From a fairytale princess to a powerful independent mother - Diana had shown resilience and resolve. Free from the shackles of a royal marriage, she was just about to conquer the world all over again and this time on her own terms, but everything was about to come to a screeching halt..

Last Days in Havana

Last Days in Havana

The story of a friendship in a city on the verge of substantial change. Miguel dreams of settling in New York while he waits for a visa that never seems to arrive, and Diego, a HIV-positive homosexual man, puts his dreams and cheerfulness to good use in his struggle to carry on enjoying every single day of his life from a rickety old bed in his small bedroom..

Creation and the Last Days

Creation and the Last Days

Scoffers ridicule the biblical account of Noah’s Ark and a global Flood. They say that evolution is true and that all things continue as they have from the beginning (2 Peter 3:4–6). But the Bible reveals something far different ... and indicates that we now live in the last days. What's the connection between Creation and the description of the last days found in 2 Peter? Why is it so crucial to have a solid understanding of both the beginning and the coming end of time as we know it?.

The Last Days of Loneliness

The Last Days of Loneliness

A younger man encounters the old. Both fearful and aware of the impending end. The clock is almost striking 12, it has passed 5 to 12. Celebrating love between two humans they spend time together, until the old one vanishes into the wind..

Last Days of Boot Hill

Last Days of Boot Hill

Treasury Department Steve Waring, and also, unknown to others, the Durango Kid, comes to Sunset Pass in search of $1000,000 in gold coins, stolen from the government by the late Forrest Brent. He is aided by Smiley Burnette, the local deputy sheriff. Later, Paula Thorpe, Brent's daughter from his first marriage, arrives with her lawyer sweetheart Frank Raeburn, with intentions of proving her father's estate belongs to her and not to Mrs. Brent, his wife of record when he died. The widow Brent has no intentions of giving up one single cent..

The Last Days of August

The Last Days of August

Using the photo book aesthetic, filmmakers Rodrigo Ojeda-Beck and Robert Machoian explore some nearly abandoned prairie towns of Nebraska and meditate on the blurred lines between still photography and cinema..

Last Days at Paradise High

Last Days at Paradise High

The most destructive wildfire in California history leveled Paradise in November 2018. As the seniors of Paradise High finish out the school year away from their shuttered campus, they must reconsider what it means to leave home..



"This is a story about a girl, love and passing summer, Lightness, less thoughts. Good here and now. About a fantasy that captures you and it is difficult to understand where it is, and where is reality...".

The Last Days of Jesus

The Last Days of Jesus

For almost two thousand years, the story of Jesus’ final days has been celebrated by Christians the world over. From Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, through to his eventual crucifixion six days later, the key moments have been immortalized in countless films, pieces of music, and works of art. But in recent years, some historians have begun to question inconsistencies in the Gospels’ version of events. They believe that the Gospels could hide a very different story; one that casts the historical Jesus in an entirely new light. Based on a new interpretation of contemporary historical events in Rome, "Last Days of Jesus" peels back thousands of years of tradition, to explore a new political context to the events in Jerusalem. "Last Days of Jesus" explores how dramatic political events in Rome could have played a crucial role in shaping Jesus’ destiny, and examines an extraordinary political alliance that altered the course of history..

The Last Days of Okak

The Last Days of Okak

This short documentary tells the story the once-thriving town of Okak, an Inuit settlement on the northern Labrador coast. Moravian missionaries evangelized the coast and encouraged the growth of Inuit settlements, but it was also a Moravian ship that brought the deadly Spanish influenza during the world epidemic of 1919. The Inuit of the area were decimated, and Okak was abandoned. Through diaries, old photos and interviews with survivors, this film relates the story of the epidemic and examines the relations between natives and missionaries..

The Last Days of Shishmaref

The Last Days of Shishmaref

Shishmaref is a community of about 600 people, located on an island just off the west coast of Alaska. The effects of global warming threaten the very existence of these people- so much that the entire population needs to be relocated off the island within 10 years. They have become the first tangible victims of the worldwide climate changes. The project exists of several components; exhibition, book, film, website, and educational program. In the documentary Jan Louter depicts the impending end of the traditional lifestyle on the island of Shishmaref trough the lives of three Inupiat families. Despite the alarming situation, the film has not become a political manifesto. The Last Days of Shishmaref is a moving film about identity, transience, mortality, and the clash between different eras and cultures..