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Il faut sauver la maison de Noël

Il faut sauver la maison de Noël

Une auteure de livres pour enfants, qui souhaite vendre la maison familiale, organise un dernier dîner de Noël avec ses frères et soeurs, qui ne sont pas très chaleureux. Lorsqu'elle retrouve son amour de jeunesse, la situation change. Il va l'aider à trouver une solution qui lui permettra de conserver la maison qu'elle aime tant....

The Beach of Lost Children

The Beach of Lost Children

Since Mina is sufficiently mentally impaired that her judgement is not all that it might be, in this Moroccan drama her actions are not questioned. She doesn't know what's happening when a taxi driver has sex with her, and she's equally clueless about how she accidentally killed him. However, she does recognize that having a dead body around is a liability, and she buries the taxi driver under a pile of sea salt. When it turns out that she's pregnant, her aged fisherman father and loving stepmother put her in hiding and the stepmother pretends to be the pregnant one, so that when the child is born she can claim it as her own..

Banco de prince

Banco de prince

Josette, the daughter of a hotel-casino owner on the French Riviera is wooed by Pradier, a young gambler she (and everyone else) mistakes for the Prince of Austravia. On the other hand another young man starts courting her and she does not feel insensitive to his advances. What she does not know is that Monsieur Lefèvre, whom she feels so much to her liking, is actually the real prince of Austravia. When the Austravian revolution dethrones the prince, the young man has only one citadel left to conquer: Josette's heart..

The Misadventure of a French Gentleman Without Pants at the Zandvoort Beach

The Misadventure of a French Gentleman Without Pants at the Zandvoort Beach

'Zandvoort in an uproar! On Saturday morning at roughly 10 o’clock, with beautiful weather and calm seas, a Frenchman sat in a beach chair to gaze upon the magnificent view that the sea always affords, until he slowly began to fall asleep’ So begins a report in the ‘Zandvoortsche Courant’ of July 25, 1905. The article explains how the man was faced with the oncoming tide, and – to the amazement of the audience – took off his trousers to prevent them from being ruined by the saltwater. While trying to escape from the policeman who had rushed to the scene, he jumps into a passing car, and hides out in a small changing cabin. Eventually he's nabbed by the police. Accompanied by a band and a large crowd, he is escorted to the police station. The article ends by saying that ‘Messrs. Alberts Frères’ had staged the whole incident for a film in which two of the most popular genres of that period - the locally-shot film and the chase film – would be combined..