

Comment faire pour télécharger Ballerina gratuitement



Nicolas II, l'empereur de Russie, rencontre la danseuse polonaise, Matilda Kschessinska, qui a assuré la gloire du ballet russe. Une passion naît entre eux, une passion qui pourrait changer le cours de l'histoire russe. Un amour devenu une légende. Chacun connaît dans sa vie des jours qui peuvent la changer pour toujours, quand surgit l'essentiel. Tu écoutes la voix de l'amour, et tu fais ton choix. Mais si le souverain d'un empire aime une danseuse dont la beauté l'ensorcelle….



En Bretagne, nuit d'Halloween. La jeune Lucie Clavel et ses deux acolytes qui s'ennuient à mourir dans leur petite ville de province décident sur un coup de tête de cambrioler la maison d'une vieille femme plongée dans le coma. La légende veut que cette maison renferme un trésor… Après avoir traversé la lande de nuit, le trio arrive chez Deborah Jessel et pénètre dans sa maison plongée dans les ténèbres. Ils ne tarderont pas à découvrir un "trésor" surprenant, ainsi que sa véritable identité..

Movie Movie

Movie Movie

Three movie genres of the 1930s, boxing films, WWI aviation dramas, and backstage Broadway musicals, are satirized using the same cast..

The Killing Mind

The Killing Mind

Isobel Neiman, a former FBI agent turned cop, is assigned to catch a ballerina's murderer, but runs into resistance by fellow cops who don't think a woman detective can handle the case..

La danseuse étoile de Noël

La danseuse étoile de Noël

Natalia, ancienne danseuse étoile, revient dans sa ville natale de Richmond pour travailler comme chorégraphe au sein d’une prestigieuse compagnie de danse, qui prépare le spectacle de Noël : Casse-Noisette. Lors d’une audition pour recruter l’interprète de la Fée Dragée, elle rencontre Vivi, une jeune danseuse d’origine latino et professeur de salsa au studio de danse tenu par ses parents. Les deux jeunes femmes se lient d’amitié....

A Little Inside

A Little Inside

When he unexpectedly becomes a single parent, an aspiring professional baseball player trades in his bat for a socket wrench and becomes a small-town mechanic. But when he tries to convince his young daughter to play Little League ball, King is disappointed to learn that she prefers ballet shoes to cleats. Can he accept his daughter for who she is and take another swing at his dreams?.

The Hunchback and the Dancer

The Hunchback and the Dancer

Wilton, a hunchback, who was always scorned and ridiculed by women, returns from Java a rich man after having discovered a diamond mine. He romances Gina, who is on the rebound from a broken affair, and showers her with expensive gifts. After Gina reconciles with her boyfriend, she continues to see Wilton because of what he gives her. After he discovers her perfidy, Wilton develops a poison and mixes it into her lipstick, which will kill any man who kisses her..

Lover's Concerto

Lover's Concerto

Katya (Shelly Michelle -Julia Roberts' body double in Pretty Woman) is the world's most beautiful and talented ballerina. On stage she is a picture of poise and grace. Off stage she hides a burning passion for love which remains hidden until she begins to relate her hidden desires and fantasies to a magazine journalist sent to interview her. Not surprisingly her desire soon turns to reality as she enters a world full of sexual encounters which in turn brings a new energy to her dancing..

The Toll Collector

The Toll Collector

A parable about a thwarted dream. A narrator tells us about a young woman who wants, more than anything, to be a ballerina. Thanks to animation, we see the problem: her legs make up about three-quarters of her height. She sees the impossibility of her dream and moves to a house on an isolated hill where she lives by herself, lonely, practicing her art, and then, in near despair, taking up knitting. Madness seems close at hand, but is there anything that can bring hope and pull her from her solitary, circumscribed life?.