

Abyss voirfilms

Into the Abyss

Into the Abyss

A young woman comes home to Dublin for Christmas after ten months away. When her family resumes their old hostility, Sandra's only alternative is to return to desperate circumstances in London..

This Wild Abyss

This Wild Abyss

The story Milton L. Humason (a former janitor with an eighth grade education) who forms an unlikely friendship with world-renowned astronomer Edwin Hubble in the 1920s, leading to the discovery that the universe is expanding..

Thalassa - Abysses, le dernier continent

Thalassa - Abysses, le dernier continent

Au royaume de l’obscurité, règne une faune extraordinaire : des créatures de cauchemar, des espèces encore mystérieuses, des formes de vie nouvelles jusqu’alors inconnues sur notre planète. Des scientifi ques, des pionniers téméraires ont contribué ces dernières années à explorer ce nouveau continent dans une épopée qui n’est pas sans rappeler la conquête de la Lune. Mais déjà les nations se disputent ce nouveau royaume des abysses qui recèlerait bien des richesses et des ressources naturelles. L’avenir de l’Homme se joue tout au fond de l’océan… 3 reportages : - « Claire et le peuple des ténèbres » - « Une plongée au Pôle Nord » - « Voyage au fond de la mer ».

Internal Abyss

Internal Abyss

As Mia battles the effects of both her broken home and her toxic relationship, her loneliness grows, and hope is fading. Will she find hope and a route to follow, or will life always be this Internal Abyss?.

Abysses, la conquête des fonds marins

Abysses, la conquête des fonds marins

Débutée il y a un siècle et demi, la conquête des profondeurs océaniques constitue une formidable aventure, à la fois humaine et technologique. Scaphandres, bathyscaphes, sous-marins : en inventant de nouveaux outils pour l’exploration, industriels, scientifiques et militaires ont permis d’affronter ces territoires inconnus et de relever les défis posés par le froid, l’absence de lumière et les terribles pressions..

Fireflies in the Abyss

Fireflies in the Abyss

In the Jaintia Hills of Northeast India, boys and men descend into the abyss of the 'rat-holes' to scratch coal out of hard rock, with nothing more than a pickaxe and a head-torch. One of them is Suraj, an 11-year old boy. Born in the mines to Nepali immigrants, Suraj cherishes the hope of getting out of the coal-pit someday. With his mother no more, an unsupportive father and no place he can call home, the odds are stacked against him. And yet, he battles to eventually put himself in school. The film follows Suraj through his tumultuous journey, while revealing startling stories and lives under unusual - perhaps extraordinary - circumstances..

La Minerve, le fantôme des Abysses

La Minerve, le fantôme des Abysses

28 janvier 1968 : le sous-marin La Minerve disparaît dans les eaux de la Méditerranée. Malgré des moyens de recherche impliquant l'ensemble de la Marine nationale, le navire et ses 52 membres d'équipage ne seront jamais retrouvés. C'est l'un des plus grands mystères de l'histoire navale française. Plus d'un demi-siècle plus tard, les recherches reprennent à l'été 2019..

Expédition dans les abysses

Expédition dans les abysses

Expedition into the Abyss is a 52-minute scientific adventure which takes us to California on board a research boat equipped with the latest technology, the Western Flyer, to discover the mysterious destiny awaiting whale corpses 2000 meters underwater. The expedition leader, Craig Smith, a researcher at the University of Hawaii, speculated more than 20 years ago that the corpses of enormous marine mammals would disrupt the balance of the deep water plain, usually deprived of food. His discoveries confirmed his conjectures and led him even further, to explore the mystery of deep water inhabitants... This film presents us with exceptional footage never seen before, filmed two kilometers underwater. We follow a man like no other, founder of a new discipline in modern oceanography: the ecology of whales corpses..

USO: Aliens and UFOs in the Abyss

USO: Aliens and UFOs in the Abyss

Unidentified Submersible Objects are the new UFO. USOs traverse the skies but also traffic in the oceans depths seemingly outside our current understanding of the laws of physics. USOs exhibit no discernible propulsion system, maneuver in and out of water at unfathomable speeds withseemingly no resistance. The phenomenon has captured the attention of the main stream media with the USS Nimitz encounter, but in truth, has been mystifying military factions for decades. Multiple questions arise with these objects. What are they, where do they come from? Who isoperating them and can they be captured or destroyed? Are they from another dimension, or a civilization living among us now, hidden from us under the canopy of our own oceans? the only thing we know now is that they are real and they are here..

Abyss of want

Abyss of want

In a desperate bid to survive, a struggling mother finds herself facing an impossible choice. With no other options, she contemplates stealing money from her 5-year-old son, a gift from someone who entrusted it for his own use.".

Star Abyss

Star Abyss

An interstellar spacecraft was accidentally trapped in the "Stargate Abyss". Only 4 of the 15 passengers were able to enter the hibernation cabin and get a chance to survive. Faced with precious survival quota, some people release the imprisoned alien monsters and attempt to massacre others by manipulating the monsters; others desperately resist the monsters, sacrificing their own lives to save more people. In this dark abyss, a just battle is beginning..

Abyssal Spider

Abyssal Spider

Rescue member Ajie and his companions rescued a reef tanker in the storm, but met the captain who was stubborn and unwilling to give up. At the same time, a dark shadow haunted the deep sea and dragged everyone into the sea. From then on, the surviving Ajie, bearing the shadow of his colleagues' deaths, became decadent and disheartened. Many years later, Ajie overcomes the shadow and boards a fishing boat again. They rescue Xiaojing, who had fallen into the sea after his yacht overturned. Once onboard, things start growing strange. When the trapped people face the storm's severe test, they find the most dangerous thing is far more than this. There are unknown creatures coveting under the water. The savage people must put aside their prejudices and work together to survive..



The story of Lee Tae-shik, a former anti-terrorist unit who worked as a secret agent for the National Intelligence Service, struggling to find his wife Ri Seon-hee, a North Korean defector who went missing on their first anniversary of marriage..



Il y a 11 ans, un policier n'a pas réussi à retrouver l'assassin d'une jeune fille. Lorsqu'un autre enfant est kidnappé de la même manière quelques jours seulement avant que l'affaire ne soit définitivement close, il décide de réexaminer l'enlèvement non résolu..