

Où voir Escape Netflix

Clash by Night

Clash by Night

A gangster is caught and arrested by police. When he's being transported by bus -- filled with innocent civilians -- it's hi-jacked by his gang in attempt to free their boss. They hide out. As the authorities close in they threaten to torch the barn the escapee and his men are hiding in -- with their hostage inside..

Women Unchained

Women Unchained

They will do anything to get to Mexico... and freedom. From the moment the riot started and the guard is killed, there's no going back for the women of Cell Block 3. The eruption of violence following their escape leaves a trail of death and destruction for those who try to stand in their way!.

Hard Exit

Hard Exit

Tota has fallen in love with Mana, a younger woman who believes in and practices open relationships, which is a new world for Tota, challenging to handle. They are at the height of their romance when, suddenly, Mana leaves her. In the film, Tota is going through her mourning process. In the meantime, the filmmaker-character relationship unveils a deep, loving long-lasting friendship between us. Hard Exit is about lesbianism and feminism, transforming relationships, love, broken hearts and remaining friendships. It is about the idea that life goes on and, in the end, somehow everything is overcome..

Cycles South

Cycles South

Don Marshall follows three pals who fuel up their motorcycles in Denver and hit the great highway for the adventure of a lifetime.A road trip that takes them all the way to Panama. They don't have much cash, but these nomadic spirits still manage to get their thrills while skiing, scuba diving and watching bullfights as they make their way from the States to Central America..

Le médecin du château

Le médecin du château

Two criminals lure a doctor away from his home with a phony note about a child's illness. After the doctor rushes off, the criminals break into his house and menace his wife and child. By the time the doctor realizes what has happened, his family faces a desperate situation..



L'Échappée trace au fil des saisons, le portrait d'une famille d'agriculteurs des Hauts-de-France convertie à l'agriculture biologique, les Vicart. Ensemble, avec leurs 3 ouvriers et les saisonniers, ils démontrent dans leur ferme de 200ha qu'une agriculture respectueuse de l'environnement est possible au prix d'une métamorphose intellectuelle, d'une technicité agronomique à la pointe et d'une sensibilité retrouvée..