

Où voir Dolls Netflix

Red Room 2

Red Room 2

The sequel to the underground goretastic RED ROOM, RED ROOM 2 will leave you gasping for air in its grueling portrayal of what people will do for money. Another million dollars is up for grabs as four more contestants enter the RED ROOM. Locked inside, they begin to play "King", a deadly card game in which the loser must perform whatever action the winner desires. The game is played till there is a single survivor. How far will the contestants go for a little hard earned cash? How much abuse can a person handle? Can you dare watch the horror of the RED ROOM?.

Apartment Troubles

Apartment Troubles

Two codependent roommates, on the verge of eviction, flee New York for the promise of sunshine in Los Angeles where their friendship is tested by a chance at fame, a fortune teller and an amorous wealthy aunt..

Stranger in the House

Stranger in the House

An American serial killer, known for his handiwork with a straight razor, manages to escape while being transported in Mexico and hides out inside a publisher's home, where he claims many more victims..

Love Me, Love My Doll

Love Me, Love My Doll

This special focuses on a group of men who have fallen in love with their life-size dolls, called "Real Dolls." For these men, their $10,000 lifelike, built-to-order creations have replaced human women. For some people, finding a partner in life can be difficult. For these men, it's almost impossible. Some years ago, a small factory in California began making an alternative partner. Each one is tailored made to suit every taste. There are now 3000 real dolls across the world providing some of those with love and companionship that real women cannot..

Les Chemins de Katmandou

Les Chemins de Katmandou

Olivier part au Népal pour retrouver son père. Il y rencontre trois hippies et tombe amoureux de Jane, mais il ne peut admettre qu'elle passe son temps à se droguer et faire l'amour. Il retrouve son père qui est devenu trafiquant de statuettes. Déçu, il décide de rejoindre Jane et de l'aider à s'en sortir....

Music in the Attic

Music in the Attic

A musical fantasy adventure about Lise and Lotte, that finds out that all the instruments are living. The story continues in the short movie "Musikk på Loftet".