

voir film Coming In streaming vf

They're Afraid of Me! They Know I'm a Punk and that I Come from the Canaletto

They're Afraid of Me! They Know I'm a Punk and that I Come from the Canaletto

Carmine Cicchetti and Andrea Castagna are the authors of “They are afraid of me! They know I'm a punk and I'm from Canaletto ”, a documentary short film dedicated to the Italian cartoonist Gianluca Lerici - Prof. Bad Trip. A very interesting reconstruction made through archival and unpublished materials on punk music of the period, the pages of 1978 and the clashes between police forces and young rebels. In the paintings and drawings of the artist from La Spezia, the glories of Robert Crumb, the fanzines, the graphic productions of the Black Flag are recalled, up to the current graphic novels. Bad Trip's absolute masterpiece was the transposition of the novel "The Naked Lunch" by the American writer William Burroughs. The documentary also shows the author's most college-related production that is most tied to what was media criticism and politics in the early 1980s..

When I Fall Asleep, My Dream Comes

When I Fall Asleep, My Dream Comes

Through an intricately hand-drawn ink wash animation created frame-by-frame, Liu Yi explores the concept of dreams as a blend of personal memories and parallel universes. She delves into the recurring theme of parting with one's grandmother, symbolizing a cycle of sorrow. This reflects on the idea that dreams are shaped by our past, mirroring the 'information cocoon' effect seen in reality.

Bathtubs over Broadway

Bathtubs over Broadway

Steve Young est obsédé par les "comédies musicales industrielles", les productions souvent bizarres et hilarantes commandées par des entreprises pour célébrer leurs produits lors de congrès. Le film le suit dans l'étude de cette singularité de la culture d'entreprise du milieu du XXe siècle, et dans sa quête de perles rares comme Diesel Dazzle et The Bathrooms are Coming!..

Coming Through the Rye

Coming Through the Rye

Coming Through the Rye, set in 1969, is a touching coming of age story of sensitive, 16 year old Jamie Schwartz, who is not the most popular kid at his all boys' boarding school. Disconnected from students and teachers, he believes he is destined to play Holden Caulfield, the main character of The Catcher in the Rye, and has adapted the book as a play..

Vasily Shukshin. I've Come to Give you Free Rein

Vasily Shukshin. I've Come to Give you Free Rein

A television documentary dedicated to the anniversary date – the 90th anniversary of the birth of actor, director, screenwriter, writer Vasily Shukshin. "I came to give you Free Rein" is a novel by Shukshin about Stepan Razin, which he dreamed of making into a film. But they didn't give it to him. The film tells in detail about the tragedy of the artist, who for many years fought for his idea, but turned out to be doomed….

Romance par accident

Romance par accident

Daphne voyage en camping-car avec sa marraine Fran pour que cette dernière puisse disperser les cendres de son mari, là où ils se sont fiancés. En chemin, elles ont un accident car Fran est fatiguée à cause de son cancer. Daphne la convainc de rester un peu en ville, en s'inventant une amourette avec Matthew, qui se prend facilement au jeu….

Where do you come from? What are you doing? Where are you going?

Where do you come from? What are you doing? Where are you going?

A dismissed chef and a failed rapper rob a car to flee from the city after having a very bad day. On their way, they meet a mentally unstable girl who thinks of herself as an angel. Later they find out that a gang is chasing after them, because of the car they robbed. The trio has different destinations in life but rides on the same journey. Will they reach their destinations? Three people, two days, one journey..

Mademoiselle Noël

Mademoiselle Noël

Le moment est venu pour Annie, la fille du Père Noël, d'aller séjourner sur Terre. Elle a un mois pour rencontrer son âme soeur, rester auprès de lui ou le convaincre de la suivre au pôle Nord. C'est à Los Angeles qu'elle rencontre Ted, doux et timide marchand dont la boutique de jouets est au bord de la faillite, et qu'elle remet à flots grâce à l'esprit de Noël. Mais elle est également sensible à la cour empressée de Dean, avocat s'occupant d'un orphelinat....

Urusei Yatsura: Inaba the Dreammaker

Urusei Yatsura: Inaba the Dreammaker

It is summertime, and Shinobu laments not having a boyfriend. She then happens upon a young man weak from hunger, and wearing a rabbit costume. She gives him a carrot, he expresses his gratitude by hitting on her... and she hits back. The young man leaves behind a key to another dimension where everybody's possible futures exist. Lum and Ataru join Shinobu to find the bunny boy, and happy futures for themselves..