

voir film Sweet

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

Forcé de faire une cure au centre spécialisé Sweet Dreams, Morris a du mal à affronter sa misérable vie. Mais quand leur maison est mise aux enchères, il accepte à contrecoeur d'entraîner leur équipe de softball de marginaux toxicomanes pour gagner un prix en argent et prouver que quiconque, en dépit de son passé, peut gagner une compétition..

The Sweet East

The Sweet East

Lilian, jeune lycéenne, fugue durant un voyage sco­laire. Au fil de ses ren­contres, elle découvre un monde insoup­çon­né. Les frac­tures men­tales, sociales et poli­tiques des États-Unis, fil­mées comme un conte de fée ou une varia­tion d’Alice au pays des merveilles..

Sweet River

Sweet River

L’enlèvement de son fils par un tueur en série a fait sombrer Hanna dans la drogue et l’alcool. Après une cure de désintoxication, elle va enquêter sur les lieux du drame. Là, elle découvre des secrets qu’elle veut exposer au grand jour. Les morts comme les vivants, vont tout faire pour l’en empêcher..

Sweet Teeth

Sweet Teeth

Dentist Ai Jing Chu, who also teaches at Donghu University, is known to be the most handsome man at school. University librarian Zeng Li, however, is prejudiced against him because of a little misunderstanding. When Zeng Li’s mother forces her to get braces, she tries to avoid Ai Jing Chu at all costs, but eventually still ends up becoming his patient. As the two interact more and more with each other, Zeng Li realizes that Ai Jing Chu is actually a very professional and caring person, and starts to develop feelings for him..

Ms. Sweet

Ms. Sweet

Vera's life was like a fairy tale with a loving husband, smart and beautiful daughter, caring father, and her favorite hobby, baking desserts. When her husband cheats on her with her young neighbor, she decides to leave him and turn her baking hobby into a business..

Sweet Life

Sweet Life

Tian Mi was a pampered young woman with a rich and happy life, until her husband, Liu De'en, died suddenly, leaving her with an enormous debt. Overnight, Tian Mi's life went from heaven to hell. With the aid of Chang Sheng, a private bank account manager, Tian Mi plucked up the courage to embark on the long road to debt repayment. After several years of hard work, Tian Mi became self-reliant and an excellent financial planner, Together Tian Mi and Chang Sheng founded a wealth management company, where years of mutual support and encouragement allowed for the seeds of love to sprout in the passionate hearts of two kind people..