

voir film Our Time streaming vf

In Our Time: The Museum of Modern Art

In Our Time: The Museum of Modern Art

What do the superstars of modern art – van Gogh, Matisse, Picasso, Pollock, Warhol – have in common with the Vincent Black Shadow motorcycle and an Apple iPod? All share the stage at New York’s Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). At MoMA, the two big questions are: What makes it modern? And, what makes it art? MoMA’s experts, along with David Rockefeller (son of MoMA founder Abby Aldrich Rockefeller) discuss the museum’s development and its peerless collection of modern art..

Amen, Amen, Amen: A Story for Our Times

Amen, Amen, Amen: A Story for Our Times

To honour the UAE’s Year of Tolerance, their ex-patriate Jewish community commissioned a Torah scroll and luxuriant case as a gift dedicated to the memory of the late Sheikh Zayed, the Founding Father of the UAE. This marked the first time in history that a Torah was dedicated to an Arab-Muslim ruler. This fascinating documentary takes us behind the scenes of their efforts and interactions with the Sheikh and the rulers. As evidenced by the film’s title and its shared meaning in Hebrew, Arabic and English, this film celebrates the breath of ‘good news’ toward greater tolerance and co-existence in the Arab Peninsula..

St. Gerard Majella: A Saint for Our Times

St. Gerard Majella: A Saint for Our Times

This dramatic video tells the story of St. Gerard Majella, a Redemptorist Brother from Southern Italy, whose purity, faith, love of God and obedience to our Lord and his Superiors are models for us today. Shot on location in Italy, Ireland and the United States, this video brings to life the extraordinary passion and devotion of St. Gerard…from his earliest days to his all too brief life as a religious, when he performed so many miracles that he became known as the “Wonder Worker”..

The Human Voice: A Story for Our Times

The Human Voice: A Story for Our Times

The Human Voice is a contemporary adaptation of the 1928 stage play by Jean Cocteau, and "La Voix Humaine," the 1958 chamber opera by Francis Poulenc. In a radically new production The Human Voice presents a flip of gender, and a metaphor of global pandemic. Now in English, Isaiah Bell sings to his male lover, and into the abyss of COVID. In a Zoom call impaired by lag and freeze and dropped signals, technology is once again enemy to intimacy. The agony of failed love is heightened by the necessity of distance, by the anaesthetic of the machine..

Un héros de notre temps

Un héros de notre temps

Alberto Menichetti vit avec sa tante et sa vieille bonne à Rome. Il travaille dans l’entreprise de Vedova De Ritis, une séduisante veuve qui est secrètement amoureuse de lui. Mais Alberto est attiré par Marcella, une jeune femme du village..

Bee Gees: In Our Own Time

Bee Gees: In Our Own Time

Aujourd'hui encore, la bande originale du film La fièvre du samedi soir de John Badham, avec John Travolta, reste la musique de film la plus vendue au monde. Bee Gees - In Our Own Time retrace ce parcours à nul autre pareil, des premiers succès des Bee Gees au début des années 1960 en Australie jusqu'aux hits disco des années 1970-1980. Une histoire souvent rocambolesque, parfois tragique, que les frères Gibb livrent eux-mêmes à travers des interviews récentes et de nombreuses archives..

Our Times

Our Times

Documentary by Rakhshan Bani-Etemad, an Iranian female director. This film portrays two aspects of the Iranian presidential election of 2001..

A Woman for Our Time: St. Elizabeth of Hungary

A Woman for Our Time: St. Elizabeth of Hungary

Born into a royal family and brought into a foreign land, to discover love, raise a family and become the mother of the sick and poor of her country, Elizabeth of Hungary became a follower of St. Francis and mobilized people throughout Europe to lead the Gospel life. She still inspires us today. The feature-length documentary A Woman for Our Time tells the story of Elizabeth's life through art works, historical recreations and narration, interwoven with a chronicle of the events of the eighth centenary of her birth in 2006-2008. Her Franciscan followers tell how they became acquainted with her, what she means to them and how the celebration of her centenary has led them on a journey of rediscovery of her. This young medieval woman's social conscience, and the way she loved God in action make her truly a woman for our time..

End Time Revealed: Could Christ Come In Our Lifetime?

End Time Revealed: Could Christ Come In Our Lifetime?

Tim LaHaye's Prophecy Institute presents this engaging home video collection that provides an in-depth examination of Biblical prophecy. Featuring the world's foremost Biblical scholars and theologians, including Tim LaHaye (author of the Left Behind series), Ed Hindson and Thomas Ice, this complete collection offers insight into what the Bible reveals about the future, as well as an understanding of the prophecies that have intrigued mankind for centuries. In Could Christ Come in Our Lifetime lets us know what the Bible has to say about the question..

Voices of Our Time: Dawn Upshaw: A Contemporary Songs Selection

Voices of Our Time: Dawn Upshaw: A Contemporary Songs Selection

Soprano Dawn Upshaw, a multiple Grammy winner and recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship, performs a variety of songs in this spectacular concert filmed live at the Théâtre Musical de Paris Châtelet in 2000. Selections include "Mirabai Songs" by John Harbison, "The Sleeper" by George Crumb, "In Just Spring" by Laura Elise Schwendinger, "Cabaret Songs" by William Bolcom and several songs set to Carl Sandburg poems by Ruth Crawford..

The Hour of Our Time: The Legacy of William Cooper

The Hour of Our Time: The Legacy of William Cooper

An insightful and provocative documentary on the life and death of William Cooper, author of the classic conspiracy book "Behold a Pale Horse," and host of the popular 1990's cult short-wave radio program "The Hour of Our Time." Revised by director James Jankiewicz for its 10th anniversary, The Hour of Our Time (Redux) offers additional images in a more concise format to better illustrate the man who, "challenges us to be brave in ways much larger than we thought possible.".

Our Time: A Decade of Daring

Our Time: A Decade of Daring

a documentary series created by Jia Zhangke, with 10 short films about 10 leading figures in various industries in China, exploring the stories of China's decade. Won the Gold Award at China Marketing Awards.

A Hero of Our Time

A Hero of Our Time

1837. The grueling Caucasian War. The young officer Grigory Pechorin was sent into exile in the active army in the Caucasus for participating in a duel. Pechorin will have to become an unwitting participant in rapidly unfolding events — a battle with smugglers, the kidnapping of a young Circassian princess, and another duel. And when the whole world takes up arms against Pechorin, he will continue his journey alone — a hero, a product of the new time..

Anywhere – In Our Time

Anywhere – In Our Time

This experimental short film was made as part of a film workshop at the University of Munich and premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival in 1952. The plot focuses on a young painter who, absorbed in his own thoughts, is unable to communicate with those around him..

Our time

Our time

Roberta is a nine year old girl who wants to enjoy the last days of summer on the beach playing with her friends, while her father Donato forces her to stay at home to help with household chores. The distance between the two seems unbridgeable, but the discovery that Donato is much more fragile than it seems, will lead them to appreciate their time together..