

Unknowable voirfilms

Letter from an Unknown Woman

Letter from an Unknown Woman

A famous singer, who is known for being a womanizer, meets his neighbor who is enamored with him and sleeps with her. When she gives birth, she has to leave her past behind and forget about her flippant ex-lover to look after her son..

Case Unknown

Case Unknown

An arrogant medical man discovers there's more to his new patient than he imagined in this drama from Polish filmmaker Feliks Falk. Dr. Konstanty Grot is an ambitious young doctor who is determined to make a name for himself, to the point that his wife often accuses him of being more interested in his career than in her. Grot believes that he can earn the respect of his peers by successfully treating a supposedly incurable patient, and he believes he may have found a likely candidate in Pawel Plocki, a mental patient who can barely function. Grot signs Plocki out of the mental hospital where he's been treated for years and moves him into his own home; in time, Plocki shows genuine improvement, and Grot thinks he?s beaten the state medical establishment at their own game. But that?s before Grot learns some secrets about his patient that cast his condition in a new and disturbing light..

L'inconnu de Shandigor

L'inconnu de Shandigor

Von Krantz, savant infirme à demi fou, a inventé l'Annulator, procédé capable de désamorcer les armes nucléaires, ce qui ne manque pas de susciter la convoitise de puissants états (les États-unis et la Russie) comme d'étranges organisations (les Chauves et les Asiatiques de Soleil Noir-Orient)..

The Unknown

The Unknown

At an isolated Canadian area Madiha lives with her mother; they run a small motel after they immigrated from Egypt when the mother got divorced. Madiha doesn't know that she has a brother in Cairo named Nagi, And she hate the way they make their living by sedating the few customers who arrive to the motel, steal their money and using their deaf/mute servant to get ride of the bodies in the near by lake. Nagi arrives to Canada after his father dies trying to locate his mother and sister, he arrives to the motel and checks in hiding his personality trying yo get to know his mother first and understand why his father didn't want him to have anything to do with her...

Unknown Child

Unknown Child

Businessman Yohei Kogure is being treated for a psychosomatic disorder. He's forgetful and regularly dreams about a girl who he believes to be his daughter..

Hemingway Unknown

Hemingway Unknown

Ernest Hemingway is an almost mythical figure. In addition to being an author, he is literary work himself - a real rock star ante litteram. Much of his life has been an eternal holiday, minutely documented and continues to be a source of inspiration for himself. Wherever there are places that share their quotes: true or presumed. The pictures that portray him are thousands. Hemingway had built a fame as a captain of ventura, expressing a strong personality, man and myth, joining the life lived in the imagination of his characters..

Exercise with Three Unknowns

Exercise with Three Unknowns

Criminal investigation is investigating the case of robbery of the factory cashier. At the checkpoint of the factory of precision mechanics and optics, two criminals attack the cashier. Criminals manage to escape by the car, waiting for them around the corner. At the scene of the crime, criminal investigation officers arrive Major Dorokhov and Lieutenant Matushkin. They interview witnesses, but they did not remember properly any attackers or machine numbers, but noticed that one prevented the other from firing..

The Unknown Cowboy

The Unknown Cowboy

The Sheriff of a small town, in his search of a robber bank, gets to another city, working undercover. There, he tooks the place of man recently killed, and falls in love with his widow..

Everything Is Unknown

Everything Is Unknown

While he was in Macau, Pan Yiming unexpectedly receives a will from his father. They haven't seen each other in 30 years, still father left Pan Yiming with a huge hesitance, asking him to attend the funeral in order to inherit it. Pan Yiming returns to the small village in southern China, where he founds out his former lovers, daughters he has never met, and some residual memories and intricate secrets..

Break-Out to the Unknown

Break-Out to the Unknown

In the near future: Europe is in chaos. Right-wing extremists have taken power in many countries. The democratic state that once was Germany has become a totalitarian system that persecutes dissenters, Muslims and homosexuals. Jan Schneider has stood as a lawyer on the side of dispossessed victims. When he learns that the regime wants to jail him again, he decides to flee with his family. His goal is the South African Union, which enjoys political and economic stability after an economic boom. A freighter is to bring him, his wife Sarah and the two children Nora and Nick together with other refugees to Cape Town, but the tugs abandon their passengers in much too small boats off the coast of Namibia. On rough seas, it comes to disaster, the little Nick is lost, and no one knows if he could reach the shore....

Promesse à l'inconnue

Promesse à l'inconnue

Une jeune femme est amoureuse d'un jeune écrivain, lauréat du Prix Goncourt. Mariée à un banquier, elle doit affronter la colère de son mari et le chantage d'un ancien prétendant..

Selfportrait of an Unknown Man

Selfportrait of an Unknown Man

A strange combination of circumstances leads the forty-year-old engineer Igor into the hall of the old cinema, where the film session has already begun. The main character of the picture is the poet Belov, the same romantic loser, disappointed in himself and in everything - surprisingly similar to him. Moreover, Igor soon realizes that he is looking from the side at his own life. What is happening on the screen becomes a shock and revelation for him. In the dark hall of the mysterious cinema, fate gives Igor the only chance to start all over again..

The Unknown Athenians

The Unknown Athenians

The documentary follows the daily routine of stray dogs struggling in the center of Athens and the people who take care of them, in the course of five years. A hidden world emerges from the routes of these unknown Athenians, unveiling the unexpected face and the heart of Athens in the midst of change..

Address Unknown

Address Unknown

In a post office at Balatonföldvár, Pali, a spoiled young man, one who has good manners and knows the way of the world, falls in love on one lazy summer afternoon with Teri, a young post office clerk and an orphan..

The City’s Unknown

The City’s Unknown

The life, the problems, the hopes of the ragazzi of the suburbs of Rome. Ignored by the city, these young men spontaneously express their vitality, their violence, their willingness to put themselves at risk. They are at the center of "Ragazzi di vita", the first novel by Pier Paolo Pasolini, author of the text of this documentary..

The Unknown Man

The Unknown Man

Safia is a beautiful girl from the countryside, who is loved by two men: Rashwan, the mayor's son, and Hamid, the poor young man. Her father approves her marriage to Rashwan, but Rashwan soon changes his mind, as he tries to get close to Hamdiya, Hamid's sister..