

The Break voirfilms

Break the Bank

Break the Bank

Break the Bank is an American game show created by Jack Barry and Dan Enright and produced by their production company Barry & Enright Productions. It was the first game show produced by Barry and Enright as a tandem since their fall from grace following the 1950s quiz show scandals. The show aired in the spring and summer of 1976 as an ABC daytime series hosted by Tom Kennedy, and in weekly syndication during the 1976–1977 season, hosted by creator-producer Barry..

Breaking the Silence: The Making of Hannibal

Breaking the Silence: The Making of Hannibal

Several aspects of Ridley Scott's masterpiece Hannibal (2001) are examined through interviews with the cast and crew, and behind the scenes footage. We are even taken to two premieres and get to see some of the audience's reactions while they're watching the film..

When the Bough Breaks

When the Bough Breaks

NSPCC social worker Margaret Ashdown is given the case of investigating into the Gosse family, when the young mother, Sheila, is unable to explain her baby's fractured skull at the hospital. She discovers the family live in poverty and ignorance, and have a tradition of instability..

Break the Science Barrier

Break the Science Barrier

Break the Science Barrier is a 1996 television documentary written and presented by Richard Dawkins, which promotes the viewpoint that scientific endeavour is not only useful, but also intellectually stimulating and exciting. Featuring interviews with many well-known figures from the world of science and beyond, it was originally broadcast on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom — the first of a series of collaborations between Dawkins and the station — before being released on DVD more than a decade later. The documentary contains many of the themes later expounded in his book Unweaving the Rainbow, which was published two years after the initial broadcast..

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Spring Break Adventure

The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Spring Break Adventure

In the sixth film in the series, in February 1916, high school student Indy's plan of taking his girlfriend Nancy is sidetracked when a mysterious break-in, the theft of an electric motor, and rumors of German spies result in a mystery that only young Indy and Nancy can unravel. Indy and his father then head to the southwest to visit family in Albuquerque, where Junior is taken captive by Pancho Villa and his riders..

The Break-up Artist

The Break-up Artist

Une femme qui est payée pour démanteler des gens est obligée de devenir entremetteuse lorsqu'une nouvelle compétition la force à sortir de l'entreprise de démolition. Désormais, pour sauver sa compagnie (et garder sa garde-robe chère), elle devra compter sur son ancien ennemi: l'amour..

Breaking Benjamin Live:  The Homecoming

Breaking Benjamin Live: The Homecoming

Breaking Benjamin Live - The Homecoming Get ready for Breaking Benjamin, one of the most fresh and exciting bands in the Modern Rock scene, performing live in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, where it all began. Theses east coast alt-rockers perform songs from their platinum album We Are Not Alone in addition to their recent release, Phobia, in front of a sold-out hometown crowd at Stabler Arena..

The Breaking of Bumbo

The Breaking of Bumbo

The hilarious adventures of young Bumbo Bailey, who enlists in the Brigade of Guards and is based in the prestigious Wellington Barracks in London in the Swinging Sixties. He regards his social life as important as his military..

The Cowra Breakout

The Cowra Breakout

In August 1944, 1104 Japanese prisoners of war at the Australian POW camp at Cowra stage a mass breakout. Four guards are killed in the escape, and 231 prisoners die by wounds sustained or suicide, while 334 prisoners are recaptured over the subsequent nine days..

Breaking All the Rules

Breaking All the Rules

Trois voleurs cachent un bijou volé à l'intérieur d'un animal en peluche dans l'un des jeux de piste d'un parc d'attractions. Lorsque Jack, un adolescent qui a un emploi d'été à temps partiel dans le parc, son meilleur ami David et deux filles traînent dans le parc, ils se retrouvent mêlés au plan des voleurs pour récupérer leur bijou..

Breaking the Bank

Breaking the Bank

With ruthless US and Japanese investment banks circling Tuftons, a struggling two-hundred-year-old, family-run British bank, can its bumbling, incompetent chairman, Sir Charles Bunbury, fend off the onslaught and save the bank?.

Les Gardiens de la Galaxie

Les Gardiens de la Galaxie

Peter Quill est Star-Lord, un aventurier impétueux qui, pour sauver l'univers de ses plus grandes menaces, s'associe à un quatuor de marginaux disparates, d'un raton laveur d'apparence humaine appelé Rocket Raccoon , d'un humanoïde végétal appelé Groot, l'énigmatique experte et chasseuse Gamora et du rude guerrier Drax le destructeur..

L'évasion du capitaine Schlütter

L'évasion du capitaine Schlütter

Dur à cuire, gros buveur et fort en gueule, le Capitaine irlandais Jack Connor est chargé d'enquêter sur les menaces d'évasion d'un groupe de prisonniers allemands conduits par le charismatique Kapitan Schluetter. Si le Commandant du camp n'a pu contenir les prisonniers, les méthodes peu conventionnelles de Connor permettent de résoudre le problème… momentanément….

Un été à Cold Spring

Un été à Cold Spring

Sammy et Emily, deux adolescentes issues de mondes différents, nouent une amitié improbable dans la chaleur étouffante de l'été 1998. Leurs journées insouciantes se refroidissent rapidement lorsqu'elles se retrouvent au centre d'un effroyable meurtre..

Le code maya enfin déchiffré

Le code maya enfin déchiffré

En 1519, l'invasion des Espagnols et la prise de Cozumel par Cortés contraignent les Maya à fuir vers la forêt vierge. Dans les cités abandonnées, les conquistadores découvrent des objets sacrés et utilitaires, mais aussi des milliers de livres rédigés selon un mystérieux alphabet composé de hiéroglyphes. Pour les très chrétiens envahisseurs, il ne peut s'agir là que de l'œuvre du diable : ils interdisent ces ouvrages et en brûlent un nombre considérable..