

The Box sokroflix gratuit

Mystery in the Box

Mystery in the Box

"Mystery in the Box" is an all-star immersive drama suspense variety show. Huang Lei serves as a variety show producer for the first time, creating a variety show version of Truman's world. He will customize their own "Spiritual Healing Journey" for each of the 10 groups of friends in the circle. One box space, 100 characters, 10 mystery tourists, all stories are closely related to his/her life experiences. Visitors need to interact with the characters in the box, promote the plot, and uncover the truth of the story step by step in various bizarre, hilarious and reversal in order to get out of the box..

The Toy Box

The Toy Box

Aspiring toy designers submit their inventions to a series of tests and a panel of kid judges as they compete to work with Mattel..

Le Cercueil vivant

Le Cercueil vivant

Revenus d'un long séjour en Afrique, les frères Markham s'installent aux abords de Londres. Julian retrouve sa fiancée Elizabeth, mais Edward, à demi-fou et défiguré par des sorciers africains, reste enfermé dans les combles de la maison. Pour le délivrer, Trench, l'avocat de la famille, met au point un stratagème. Il s'agit de droguer Edward afin de le faire passer pour mort, et de venir l'exhumer après son enterrement. Mais c'était sans compter avec le docteur Neuhartt, qui dérobe les cadavres du cimetière pour pratiquer ses macabres expériences anatomiques....

Un mort en pleine forme

Un mort en pleine forme

Deux frères vivent dans des maisons mitoyennes sans s'adresser la parole depuis des années. Ils sont les derniers membres d'une famille, qui rapportera au dernier d'entre eux la somme de 100 000 livres. A la suite d'un accident, on croit l'un des frères mort..

Le boxeur et le papillon

Le boxeur et le papillon

Lorsqu'une danseuse en herbe est abandonnée par son partenaire quelques jours avant son grand numéro, elle doit enseigner quelques mouvements à un boxeur en difficulté pour gagner l'argent du prix et ouvrir le studio de danse de ses rêves..

Cutie and the Boxer

Cutie and the Boxer

La chronique du mariage chaotique de deux artistes japonais installés à New York : le célèbre peintre "boxeur" néo-dadaïste Ushio Shinohara, et son épouse Noriko, elle-même soucieuse de trouver sa propre identité..

Les enfants du wagon

Les enfants du wagon

Les enfants du wagon raconte l’histoire de quatre frères et sœurs orphelins – Henry, Jessie, Violet, et Benny – qui arrivent dans une ville endormie, un soir d’orage, à la recherche d’un abri et de nourriture. Les enfants découvrent un wagon abandonné, et avec un peu de créativité et de travail, ils le transforment en une véritable maison. Craignant d’être forcés de vivre avec leur grand-père, réputé cruel et qu’ils n’ont jamais rencontré, les enfants gardent leur nouvelle maison secrète – jusqu’à ce qu’une maladie grave les force à se révéler afin de sauver la petite Violet..

Life Beyond the Box: Norman Stanley Fletcher

Life Beyond the Box: Norman Stanley Fletcher

Spoof documentary looking at the life of Normal Stanley Fletcher, the star of 1970s sitcom Porridge played by Ronnie Barker. Featuring fictional footage and interviews with the character's family, friends and associates, the film documents Fletcher's chequered career..

Un séminaire mortel

Un séminaire mortel

Quatre cadres d’une entreprise de conseil partent ensemble pour un week-end de formation dans les Alpes aux frais du patron de la société. Alors qu’ils s’attendent à deux jours de séminaire et de détente dans une villa de luxe, ils vont vite déchanter : leur direction leur a concocté un "stress test" grandeur nature. Sous les ordres d’un militaire acariâtre, ils doivent se plier à des exercices en pleine forêt et finissent kidnappés par deux Italiens armés et surexcités. Toute cette mise en scène, orchestrée par des comédiens, se déroule sous l’œil de caméras : ainsi, Bickstein et le service des ressources humaines – mais aussi une poignée de journalistes spécialisés convoqués pour l’occasion – pourront évaluer en temps réel les performances et l’esprit d’équipe de ces cadres dynamiques en situation de crise..

The Glass Box

The Glass Box

Shelly Rohde meets various celebrities to ask them which personal treasures they would seal away in a glass box for future generations. Guests include Hughie Green, Edward Heath and Victoria Wood..

The Bone Box

The Bone Box

Depressed and reeling from the recent death of his wife, Tom has built up quite a gambling debt. He goes to stay with his wealthy Aunt Florence in hopes that she will write him into her will. When a nasty creditor makes it clear that Tom is out of time, he devises a plan with Elodie, the undertaker's daughter, to rob the graves of the rich townspeople buried in the cemetery across the road. After plundering the graves, Tom arrives back at Florence's house and events take a dark turn. Tom begins hearing and seeing strange things that seem to coincide with the deaths of the people he robbed. Even more disconcerting... he appears to be the only one sensing the occurrences. One question lingers: Is Tom's conscience playing a trick on him... or is he really being haunted by those he stole from?.

The Prayer Box

The Prayer Box

On a mission to get God's attention in hopes that God will heal his sister from terminal cancer, a young boy begins answering the prayers left by church members in the pastor's prayer box after the pastor throws them away, jaded by his own suffering..

Pink Floyd: The Dark Side of the Moon (Immersion Box Set)

Pink Floyd: The Dark Side of the Moon (Immersion Box Set)

DISC 5 – BLURAY: - AUDIO: The Dark Side Of The Moon, James Guthrie 2003 5.1 Surround Mix (previously released only on SACD) in high resolution audio at 96 kHz/24-bit - AUDIO: The Dark Side Of The Moon, Original stereo mix (1973) mastered in high resolution audio at 96 kHz/24-bit - AUDIO: The Dark Side Of The Moon, Alan Parsons 4.0 Quad mix (1973) mastered in high resolution audio at 96 kHz/24-bit - AUDIO VISUAL: Live In Brighton 1972: - Careful With That Axe, Eugene (previously unreleased on DVD/BluRay) - Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun (previously unreleased on DVD/BluRay) - AUDIO VISUAL: The Dark Side Of The Moon, 2003 documentary (EPK) - AUDIO VISUAL: Concert Screen Films (5.1 Surround Mix): - British Tour 1974 - French Tour 1974 - North American Tour 1975 - AUDIO VISUAL: Concert Screen Films (High Resolution Stereo Mix): - British Tour 1974 - French Tour 1974 - North American Tour 1975.

The Box - 2017

The Box - 2017

You have probably heard of the phrase “to think outside the box”? Well, this is a film about such a box and the flat-headed creatures that live inside of it. Life in the Box is boring and miserable. Until one day a new baby boy starts to grow in the middle of the Box! This boy is very different from other flat-headed inhabitants of the Box. He’s happy, lively and curious. As the boy grows bigger and bigger, the flat-headed neighbours are becoming more and more annoyed with him. Until one day when he literally grows over their heads..

The King Boxer

The King Boxer

The King Boxer shares a name with two early 70's martial arts films, but shares a lot more with some later vintage films of the genre. Most obvious is Fong Sai Yuk, from which large chunks of plot are lifted, but the not-particularly-observant will recognise elements from Fist Of Legend and Tai Chi Master and Sammo's Prodigal Son. Well, original story lines aren't exactly a strong feature of the kung fu genre I guess tongue.gif Chin Kar Lok stars as the headstrong young (!) son of a business man who is far more interested in learning Kung Fu than business wiles, and joins the Yiyin kung fu school despite the fact their master was just defeated by their rivals and it is going to close..