

Superman sokroflix gratuit

Derrick contre Superman

Derrick contre Superman

1992 : la chaîne de télévision La Cinq disparaît tragiquement, Derrick essaye de la sauver en contactant des héros tels que le capitaine Kirk, Starsky et Hutch, Navarro. Mais ses plans sont contrecarrés par Superman, aidé par Numéro 6 (comprenez M6) et Roger Moore, qui le met hors d'état de nuire..

National Theatre Live: Man and Superman

National Theatre Live: Man and Superman

Academy Award® nominee Ralph Fiennes (The English Patient, Schindler’s List, Oedipus at the National Theatre) plays Jack Tanner in this exhilarating reinvention of Shaw’s witty, provocative classic. Jack Tanner, celebrated radical thinker and rich bachelor, seems an unlikely choice as guardian to the alluring heiress, Ann. But she takes it in her assured stride and, despite the love of a poet, she decides to marry and tame this dazzling revolutionary. Tanner, appalled by the whiff of domesticity, is tipped off by his chauffeur and flees to Spain, where he is captured by bandits and meets The Devil. An extraordinary dream-debate, heaven versus hell, ensues. Following in hot pursuit, Ann is there when Tanner awakes, as fierce in her certainty as he is in his. A romantic comedy, an epic fairytale, a fiery philosophical debate, Man and Superman asks fundamental questions about how we live..

Return of Mr. Superman

Return of Mr. Superman

Childless farmer Ram Dayal comes across an abandoned child, who had landed from a spaceship, takes him home to his wife, where they decide to adopt him and name him Jaikumar. When he grows up he excels in wrestling, overcoming even much older children. Then he uses his powers to discover buried treasure, which his foster father donates to the Government. Years later, Jaikumar has re-located to Bombay where he works as a Journalist with a publication called 'Azad Desh'. Using his super-powers, he is able to unearth a number of criminal conspiracies and makes phone calls as 'Mr. Superman' to Inspector Dilip Desai. Then a series of robberies take place and the police are notified by victim/complainants that the culprit is none other than the masked caped crusader himself. Watch what impact this has on Jaikumar's credibility with the police and public on one hand and with gangsters on the other..

Sunshine Superman

Sunshine Superman

Portrait documentaire de Carl Boenish, le père du mouvement BASE jump, dont la passion précoce pour le parachutisme l'a conduit à des exploits toujours plus spectaculaires -et dangereux- de vol humain lancé à pied..

The Making of 'Superman: The Movie'

The Making of 'Superman: The Movie'

Ernie Anderson narrates this look at the making of Richard Donner's blockbuster 1978 film. Behind-the-scenes footage, as well as scenes from the film, reveal just how audiences were able to "believe a man can fly." This program features interviews with key cast and crew..



Argoman a un costume idiot et est un obsédé sexuel sexiste. Il utilise ses pouvoirs de télékinésie pour faire dormir les dames avec lui. Après une nuit avec une jeune fille il perd ses pouvoirs spéciaux pendant 6 heures! Argoman va se battre contre le mal, Jenabelle : Reine du Monde..

Superman: Red Son

Superman: Red Son

In Red Son, Superman's rocket ship lands on a Ukrainian collective farm rather than in Kansas, an implied reason being a small time difference (a handful of hours) from the original timeline, meaning Earth's rotation placed the Ukraine in the ship's path instead of Kansas. Instead of fighting for "...truth, justice, and the American Way", Superman is described in Soviet radio broadcasts " the Champion of the common worker who fights a never-ending battle for Stalin, socialism, and the international expansion of the Warsaw Pact." His "secret identity" (i.e. the name his adoptive parents gave him) is a state secret..