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À la manière de Sherlock Holmes

À la manière de Sherlock Holmes

Henri, un homme d'affaires parisien en déplacement à Rouen, se trouve mêlé à une affaire de vol et d'assassinat. La police le soupçonne avant d'arrêter un garagiste nommé Gamey et de rechercher le mystérieux chef de la bande. La police incite un journaliste à publier un article laissant croire que Gamey dénoncerait le mystérieux chef de la bande. Gamey et sa maitresse Viviane sont alors empoisonnés..

Stronger than Sherlock Holmes

Stronger than Sherlock Holmes

A bourgeois gentleman gets excited reading about cops and robbers on the newspaper. His wife, bored by his comments, falls asleep and right after, with the help of the warmth of the living room, he falls asleep too. Then, the shadow of an escaping robber comes to life from the newspaper. Suddenly the dreamer wakes up wearing the cop uniform and starts chasing him..

Sherlock Holmes contre Conan Doyle

Sherlock Holmes contre Conan Doyle

Sherlock Holmes : le mythe littéraire par excellence. Imaginé en 1887 à des fins alimentaires par un Conan Doyle aux plus hautes ambitions littéraires, Sherlock Holmes échappe presque aussitôt à son auteur, porté par l’enthousiasme d’un public qui s’en empare et finit par le croire vivant, personnage réel, auquel on écrit, dont on sollicite l’aide, et voici le malheureux auteur qui se retrouve transformé en secrétaire de sa créature, submergé de courriers qu’on le prie de transmettre au détective… jusqu’à aujourd’hui où Sherlock continue à vivre parmi nous sous différentes formes....

Sherlock Holmes et la main de l'assassin

Sherlock Holmes et la main de l'assassin

Londres, 1900. Alors qu'il va enfin être pendu, le professeur Moriarty, cerveau du crime et ennemi juré de Sherlock Holmes, parvient à s'enfuir. Il reprend aussitôt ses activités criminelles en volant un code secret utilisé par l'armée anglaise pour chiffrer ses communications militaires, code qu'il essaie de revendre au plus offrant, une fois la clé en sa possession. Moriarty enlève donc le créateur du code, le seul à en avoir la clé. Malheureusement pour Moriarty, il s'agit de Mycroft Holmes, frère aîné de Sherlock et éminence grise des services secrets....

Une aventure de Sherlock Holmes

Une aventure de Sherlock Holmes

Adapted from Pierre Decourcelle's version of the William Gillette play. Jacques François plays a very mannered Holmes, almost effeminate, who is in love with the young Alice Brent. The story is a mix of A Scandal in Bohemia and The Adventure of the Empty House..

Bartitsu: The Lost Martial Art of Sherlock Holmes

Bartitsu: The Lost Martial Art of Sherlock Holmes

At the end of the Victorian era, E. W. Barton-Wright combined jiujitsu, kickboxing, and stick fighting into the "Gentlemanly Art of Self Defence" known as Bartitsu. After Barton-Wright's School of Arms mysteriously closed in 1902, Bartitsu was almost forgotten save for a famous, cryptic reference in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Adventure of the Empty House. Hosted by Tony Wolf and featuring interviews with Harry Cook, Emelyne Godfrey, Mark Donnelly, Graham Noble, Neal Stephenson and Will Thomas, Bartitsu: the Lost Martial Art of Sherlock Holmes relates the fascinating history, rediscovery and revival of Barton-Wright's pioneering mixed martial art..

Sherlock Holmes and the Shadow Watchers

Sherlock Holmes and the Shadow Watchers

The sensational details of a gruesome murder in The Daily Gazette have London in a panic, as a blood-thirsty madman - more vicious than Jack the Ripper - preys upon the city. Of greater concern to Scotland Yard, however, is that the account of the murder was published nearly two hours prior to the crime having been committed! Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson - the Great Detective and his faithful assistant and chronicler - find themselves challenged with one of their most baffling cases - "The Case of the Woman Who Was Murdered Tomorrow"! Will an innocent man be sent to the gallows? How much blood will be shed before a scarred fiend is brought to justice? ...And who are the mysterious Shadow Watchers, a coven of ominous figures who orchestrate terror from within the darkness? Starring Anthony D.P. Mann as Holmes and Terry Wade as Dr. Watson, "Sherlock Holmes and the Shadow Watchers" is a horrifying new adventure, produced with the kind permission of the Conan Doyle Estate*..

Sherlock Holmes l'héritage

Sherlock Holmes l'héritage

Dans les romans d'Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes utilise des méthodes scientifiques pour confondre les coupables. Il a recours à la chimie, étudie les traces de sang et les moindres indices. Une manière de faire totalement révolutionnaire pour l'époque, qui a inspiré les véritables enquêteurs. Des experts de la police scientifique, des historiens et des spécialistes du détective en témoignent..

The Confidence Trick

The Confidence Trick

Jens Larsen has worked hard to become a wealthy man in America, and when he travels home to visit Denmark, the people he meets are extremely acommodating. A little too acommodating, as it turns out. The only surviving film of the Danish series about the world famous detective Sherlock Holmes that ran between 1908-1911..

The Dark Beginnings of Sherlock Holmes

The Dark Beginnings of Sherlock Holmes

Arthur Conan Doyle reveals the story behind Sherlock Holmes and his mysteries by telling about Dr. Joseph Bell, from whom he drew his inspiration, after meeting him as a medical student in Edinburgh. This TV movie served as the pilot for the later released minisseries Murder Rooms: Mysteries of the Real Sherlock Holmes produced by the BBC. The series then picks up with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's time as a general practitioner in Southsea, solving mysteries with the help of his mentor, Dr Joseph Bell, who is still based in Edinburgh. The series name in the pilot was Mr Bell and Mr Doyle instead Murder Rooms. Some of the cast of the pilot was also changed in the series..