


Visit to Pompeii

Visit to Pompeii

George Albert Smith and Charles Urban snaffled the plum job of travelling to Italy to take a series of views of Italy for the Warwick Trading Company, including this one. The long panning shots of Pompeii linger respectfully, as a tourist would, before the camera finally raises its eye to the mighty volcano looming in the distance beyond..

Pompeii: The Bodies in the Basement

Pompeii: The Bodies in the Basement

A new investigation into one of the most harrowing gravesites of the 79AD eruption, where more than 55 bodies were found cowering in a warehouse at a site that has long baffled archaeologists. While the skeletons at the back of the room have no possessions, those crowded at the front are laden with jewellery and gold - but why, in the chaos of their dying moments, were the bodies so starkly divided by wealth?.

The Last Days of Pompeii

The Last Days of Pompeii

Well-respected Pompeiian Glaucus performs an act of kindness by purchasing Nydia, a blind slave being mistreated by her owner. Nydia falls in love with her new master, but he only has eyes for Ione. Ione in turn is lusted after by Arbace, an Egyptian high priest of Isis. When Nydia beseeches Isis for help in capturing Glaucus' heart, Arbace gives her a "love" potion-- an elixir made to drive Glaucus mad, securing Ione for himself. Ultimately, Mount Vesuvius will end their lives and seal their fates in a terrible, glorious eruption..

Pompeii: Rebirth of a City

Pompeii: Rebirth of a City

Archaeology, as we understand it, didn't exist in 1758 when Johann Joachim Winckelmann made his way from the royal library in Dresden, Germany, to visit another private collection. He wanted to see the King of Naples's museum of statues, salvaged from crude digs at the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, 1700 years after their destruction in the eruption of Vesuvius in AD79. The king's guards refused him entry. But Winckelmann persevered, sneaking into the museum and the excavation sites, until he published an illicit catalogue of the finds that took the civilized world by storm, sparking a new interest in, and understanding of, the classical world. At last Winckelmann's life's work was recognized, but he had to fight to the end of his life for the ideal of scientifically accurate and responsible archaeology. In the 21st century, Andrew Wallace Hadrill directs excavations at the two lost cities..

Journey To Pompeii

Journey To Pompeii

An extraordinary walk through the streets and the houses of Pompeii and Herculaneum reproduced in computer graphics. The most beautiful views of the lost cities: the hidden places, their majestic monuments, the splendour of the ornaments..

Pompéi, les origines

Pompéi, les origines

Tout le monde connaît la Pompéi romaine. Pourtant, qui sait que cette ville antique avait déjà une longue histoire derrière elle à l'heure de sa fin tragique ? Que sait-on de ses fondateurs qui ont tracé son plan et construit ses premiers bâtiments ? Sous la Pompéi romaine miraculeusement préservée par les cendres du Vésuve, se cachent les traces d'une ville encore plus ancienne..

Une nuit à Pompéi

Une nuit à Pompéi

Alberto Angela, auteur, entre autres, du best-seller Les trois jours de Pompéi, fait revivre les cités romaines détruites par l'éruption du Vésuve, en l'an 79 de notre ère : Pompéi, bien sûr, dont les ruelles, les monuments et les villas fabuleusement préservés attirent chaque année quelque trois millions de touristes, mais aussi Herculanum, distante d'une vingtaine de kilomètres sur le littoral et plus proche du Vésuve, qui dormit durant dix-sept siècles sous une épaisse couche de boue volcanique..

Pompéi, le secret de la villa de Civita Giuliana

Pompéi, le secret de la villa de Civita Giuliana

En février 2021, le Parc Archéologique de Pompéi annonçait la découverte d’un chef d’œuvre antique. Dans le quartier de la Civita Giuliana, sauvé de justesse des mains des pilleurs de tombes, les archéologues ont déniché un char romain datant de 2 000 ans dans un état de conservation quasi-inédit. Ce documentaire suit les avancées de l’équipe de recherche, composée de jeunes archéologues, archéobotanistes et anthropologues passionnés qui enchaînent les découvertes étonnantes, allant même jusqu’à révolutionner nos certitudes quant au drame de Pompéi..

Vacationers in Pompeii

Vacationers in Pompeii

In "Spaces #1", 8 beloved Greek directors shot, after commissioning by the Festival, a short film at home, making their own timely comment on the new reality that we live in. The project is inspired by the book "Species of Spaces" by the French novelist, filmmaker, documentalist, and essayist, Georges Perec and the days of quarantine. The idea is to create a film at home, using the environment, the people or the animals in that space. The only outdoor areas that may be used are outdoor living spaces, such as the terrace, the garden, the balcony and the stairwell. "Vacationers in Pompeii" is Giorgos Georgopoulos's submission..

Le Monde fou de Tex Avery

Le Monde fou de Tex Avery

Dans le monde fou de Tex Avery, les histoires se suivent et ne se ressemblent pas. Au fil des épisodes, l’univers du créateur se décline sous la forme d’aventures aussi diverses que celles du pseudo-savant Einstone, Ghenghis le lion avec Kannie le petit panda, Maurice et Moutch, Phil Pompéi le centurion et Dan l’embrouille, Pile Poil, Freddy la mouche et sa baronne ou même Tex Avery, sous les traits d’un petit cow-boy..