

Pirating pirates streaming vf complet gratuit

Pirate's Soul

Pirate's Soul

Schoolboy Pashka Kostin is injured and falls into a coma. His friends decide that Pashka's soul has moved into a yard dog named Pirate. The friends are looking for all sorts of ways to get the soul out of the dog and return it to Pashka. In the end, the old proven method works - the princess kisses the "sleeping beauty" Pasha..

Pirates of Gramvousa

Pirates of Gramvousa

Gramvousa. A stronghold of conquerors, a pirates’ den or a charging point for freedom fighters? How can a small, barren islet keep so many secrets? Dimitris Gotsopoulos takes us on a fascinating journey of discovery in the backdrop of the Aegean, where nothing is as it seems and roles keep shifting. Just like in any good story..

Hercules and the Pirates

Hercules and the Pirates

aka Hercules and the Black Pirates. Brave and noble Samson fights pirates as a soldier in the royal army. He wants to marry lovely fair maiden Rosita, but her haughty governor father disapproves. Meanwhile, the cunning and duplicitous Rodrigo Sanchez joins forces with the wicked Black Pirate to thwart Samson..

La Fille du pirate

La Fille du pirate

Taaniel Tina est un capitaine strict et dur d'un bateau pirate. Sa fille Arabella est habituée au mode de vie des pirates, notamment à la chasse au trésor et aux batailles. Aadu est un voyageur plein de sagesse et de cordialité qui gagne le cœur d'Arabella. Elle apprendra progressivement que les pirates, y compris son père, sont emprisonnés par la cupidité et le mal. Le bateau pirate navigue vers un autre vol dangereux. Comment diriger son destin pour qu'un enfant puisse vivre dans un monde meilleur?.

The Enemy's the Pirates!: The Cats' Banquet

The Enemy's the Pirates!: The Cats' Banquet

Apulo (a cat-like space alien with the ability to lock a human's emotions) and Latell work for the Division of Space Piracy (or DSP for short). The two of them are extremely destructive in their solving of DSP cases. They are attempting to stop Youmei the space pirate from exploiting Computer Aided Thinking for his own nefarious plans..

Les pirates du lac Maëlar

Les pirates du lac Maëlar

Un été, un garçon espiègle et deux amis volent un bateau pour jouer les aventuriers sur le lac Mälar. Alors qu'ils sont en train de s'amuser, ils vont tomber par hasard sur un trésor inattendu..

Iron Claw the Pirate

Iron Claw the Pirate

In the spirit of the jaw- droppingly outrageous KILINK ISTANBUL'DA, DEMIR PENCE concerns itself with two masked adversaries -- one fighting for justice, the other a nefarious criminal -- who do battle with the fate of Turkey & the entire world at stake..

Sinbad: Pirates of the Seven Storms

Sinbad: Pirates of the Seven Storms

Sinbad, a young and easygoing pirate, is not very adept at pirating: he and his crew have not been able to capture a single ship in a year. But fate finally smiles at Sinbad: old Antioch shows him an ancient map and persuades him to set sail for Skeleton Island to seek buried treasure..

Codename Pirate

Codename Pirate

Was my father really a spy, as his file in the former East German Secret Service (STASI) suggests? This question marks the starting point of a son’s journey into his late father’s past which still remains somewhat mysterious even today. Eric Asch is looking for answers – in the Stasi archives, at the NSA and in his own family history. The result is a very personal documentary which reports ironically about the practices of secret service during the Cold War..

The Granny Pirate

The Granny Pirate

Marina, a city girl, and her brother spend a few summer days at their grandmother's house. There they discover that their grandmother is a pirate in the 21st century, and that she plans to rescue her husband from an enchanted island that appears one day every forty years, using a magic bottle. One night, Ulysses is kidnapped and the bottle is stolen by a bloodthirsty pirate, who intends to take a great diamond from the island. From here, Marina, along with her grandmother and her crew, begins a chase against the clock, facing terrible pirates and countless dangers, to rescue Ulysses, recover the bottle and reach the island in time to save her grandfather..

Playing Pirates

Playing Pirates

A boy and his family move into a wooden house the family has inherited and he becomes friends with a girl who now has to move away. To save their friendship, the children find no other way but to embark on a perilous adventure..

Pirate Hunting

Pirate Hunting

Ce documentaire de 2010 s'intéresse de près à la piraterie moderne et met en lumière les intérêts commerciaux à l'œuvre derrière ces actes de cupidité et de violence..