

Phantoms voirfilms

Facing the Phantoms

Facing the Phantoms

French film and WWII historian Sylvie Lindeperg analyzes Alain Resnais's seminal 1956 film, "Night and Fog", and attempts to place it in the context of the historical treatment of WWII, and specifically of the Holocaust, in the decade following those harrowing events. Oddly, she argues that the images of Resnais's famous film are "powerless", in her words..

Le Fantôme de la liberté

Le Fantôme de la liberté

Tolède, 1808, lors de la prise de la ville par les troupes napoléoniennes, un capitaine de dragons français baise une statue de femme et reçoit un coup de poing d'une statue de chevalier. Un homme étrange dans un parc, remet à une petite fille des cartes postales pornographiques, les parents sont horrifiés par ces clichés alors qu'ils ne représentent en fait que des monuments célèbres de Paris… Une suite de scènes surréalistes et farfelues ponctuées par des scènes de répression qui dévergondent la rigidité morale de la société..

Phantoms of White Nights

Phantoms of White Nights

Black people, red dwarfs, idols on bronze steeds, shadow of geniuses and heroes. This is not story about Hades from an ancient history textbook. This is Sankt-Petersburg In mystical literary tradition such as he is. A pomposity, an open space and - deathness. There is no gleam in the sky, Neva looked like poured by a lead, a crude air presses and can not pass through lungs, which are already struck by bacillus Kochii, and there are around ominous frights, threatening to punish for an unknown offence. And even white nights are bad. It looks as if you can meet phantom of a Poet which was tortured at thirtieth years of any of the last centuries. Be careful with monuments. They fond of walk along town quays (as told us Poushkin - he brings luck!). And do not trust this Neva prospectus. City - phantom, evolved from a bog which is refuge of evil spirits. Brilliant St.-Petersburg..

Phantom Assassin

Phantom Assassin

Genjuro’s crime was assassination, his punishment was to survive a faked execution and lose his home, lose his identity, and emerge as Maboroshi Shinigami, the Phantom Assassin..

These Phantoms

These Phantoms

A young husband is persuaded to move his new bride into an old palace that is supposedly haunted.But the so called ghost is really the bride's former lover who is stalking her on the premises..

Phantoms of the Sea

Phantoms of the Sea

The sea vanished without any trace. Where the waves had once splashed, the bottom is cracked from the heat. Here, at the same depth, people stayed to live. An old fisherman, who is trying to escape from the past. The border guard, who changed his boat to jeep for patrol the state border. Former official, who because of other people's machinations, has lost everything - The sea is gone, but hope remains that it will return. And with it returns hope to find love for the neighbor ..

Chromatic Phantoms

Chromatic Phantoms

Super 8, B&W in color, approximately 25 minutes. Triple projection, sound in digital file. Music by Claudio Caldini. "Chromatic Ghosts operates through the primitive system of color photography, not to reconstruct its result but to decompose it, suggesting in the images a critique of the omnipresence of the automobile and an impossible escape into the natural world.".

Le fantôme enchanteur

Le fantôme enchanteur

Ning Cai Chen est un jeune érudit, maladroit mais au cœur pur. En route pour passer un examen important, il est contraint de passer la nuit dans un temple abandonné, où il rencontre Nie Xiao Qian, un fantôme dont la mission est de le séduire pour offrir son âme à un démon. Mais au lieu de cela, elle tombe sous son charme. Après avoir appris la vérité, Ning Cai Chen, qui commence à tomber amoureux de Ni Xiao Qia, décide de la sauver de son terrible destin....

Belphégor, le fantôme du Louvre

Belphégor, le fantôme du Louvre

Lisa vit non loin du musée du Louvre en compagnie de sa grand-mère. Après la mort de celle-ci, elle accompagne Martin, un électricien, dans la cave où travaille une équipe d'ouvriers. Détournant leur attention, Lisa et Martin réussissent à s'introduire dans le musée désert. Dans un laboratoire, la jeune femme découvre une momie récemment exhumée, en cours d'examen. Intriguée, Lisa s'en approche. Un esprit s'échappe des bandelettes et prend possession d'elle à son insu. Très vite, son comportement se modifie, au point d'inquiéter sérieusement Martin, devenu entre-temps son petit ami. Par ailleurs, le musée devient le théâtre d'événements étranges, pour ne pas dire inquiétants....

L'Inde fantôme

L'Inde fantôme

Ce documentaire se divise en 7 épisodes d'une durée respective de 52 minutes, chaque segment reflète les problèmes politico-culturels de l'Inde..

Le Nouvel Angyo Onshi

Le Nouvel Angyo Onshi

L'histoire se passe dans une contrée inconnue. Après la chute de l'empire Jushin et à la mort de l'empereur, le pays se trouve plongé dans le chaos, laissant régner la terreur et la loi du plus fort. Agents secrets du royaume disparu, les Angyo Onshi avaient pour mission de veiller au respect des lois et châtier les gouverneurs oppressant le peuple. Aujourd’hui, un Angyo Onshi dénommé Mun-su poursuit cette mission à travers le pays dévasté, accompagné de son fidèle garde du corps (sando) Chun-Hyang, de son écuyer et d'une petite chauve-souris du désert..

Keizoku Special: Phantom

Keizoku Special: Phantom

After the events of the series, Shibata has lost her memories and is reassigned. Meanwhile, a strange case regarding a cursed tree that kills whoever's name is written on its trunk surfaces among mysterious deaths. Following different leads, Shibata and the Unsolved Cases unit will meet again as they investigate. Asakura, it seems, is also plotting behind the scenes....

Hana-Dama: Phantom

Hana-Dama: Phantom

“Hana-Dama”—a flower in the wasteland. This flower is a symbol of earthly desires and every human is overwhelmed by desire and their rationality collapses wherever the flower is in bloom. And even today, the “Hana-Dama” continues to blossom profusely somewhere in the world. The story is set in a film theater, the facility keeps on closing one after another during recent years. The last day has come to a film theater which has been maintained by a film-loving owner, the staff, and their unique audiences. The symbol of human desire, “Hana-Dama,” blossoms at the theater and instigates people’s erratic behavior. Upon facing its closure, tremendous chaos that will be noted in the history of Japanese film takes place within this film theater..