

Où voir The Train Netflix

The Trainee

The Trainee

Artist Pilvi Takala goes undercover at a marketing department. Her intention was to do nothing until she was fired; hidden cameras catch the bewilderment with which her co-workers react to this..

The Power of The Freight Train

The Power of The Freight Train

Freight Train was born Charles Stevenson, a son of a single mother trying to make ends meet. While Charles may have struggled during his childhood, as an adult he has become one of the most beloved figures in the world of professional wrestling. Much like everything in Freight Train's life he had to fight for it. Charles dealt with an undiagnosed mental condition, greedy wrestling school owners and shady promoters before he found his place in the world known as $5 Wrestling. Freight Train proved to be the most endearing of all the $5 Wrestlers. Charles' 14 years of fighting rejection finally paid off and he had become the talk of the wrestling world. To further show the scope of Freight Train's popularity a Kickstarter campaign was launched to send him to the UK to wrestle for Preston City Wrestling, one of the premier wrestling promotions in the UK. This documentary covers the lowest of lows in Freight Train's life and the highest of the highs..

Training the Recall

Training the Recall

Having a solid recall command is hands down the most important behavior you can train your dogs. As Michael Ellis always says, “You can have a dog that won’t sit, down, or stand, but you cannot live with a dog that will not come when called”. This is true regardless of your ultimate training goals. Whether you are training a working dog for high level competition, a police k9, or and every day house dog your dog must come when called no matter what..

Super Express 109

Super Express 109

Un criminel a posé une bombe dans le train Shinkansen 109. La bombe explosera si le train descend en dessous de 80 km/h, à moins que la rançon demandée ne soit payée..

The Great K&A Train Robbery

The Great K&A Train Robbery

Cullen has hired Tom to try and stop the robberies on his railroad. Knowing Cullen's secretary Holt is tipping off the gang, Tom works undercover by posing as a highwayman. To help him bring in the gang he enlists the help of the hobo DeLuxe Harry..

The Pay Train

The Pay Train

Helen, overhearing Tony and his accomplices plotting to derail the pay train and steal its money, is thrown into a cattle car; grabbing a revolver which one of the men has dropped, she shoots the wire controlling the semaphore arm, which then swings up and flashes the danger flag, thus averting disaster in the nick of time..

Luxury Trains of the World: The Imperial Express

Luxury Trains of the World: The Imperial Express

Travel through Eastern Europe in old-style comfort and luxury with this program featuring the Imperial Express, a train originally used by the Hungarian president and made up of elegant antique Hungarian carriages. The unique 52-hour, three-day journey takes viewers from Prague to Budapest. Take a glorious trip through scenic countryside and towns in the Czech Republic, Bohemia, Slovakia and Romania..

The Wee Sing Train

The Wee Sing Train

All aboard for fun and adventure! Children everywhere will clap, move, and sing along to the exhilarating song and dance numbers of The Wee Sing Train. Imagine playing with a toy train and suddenly becoming a passenger---this could only happen with a spark of Wee Sing magic! Casey and Carter have finally finished creating their make-believe land when, magically, they’re in it! Join them and Tusky, their curious toy elephant, as Chug-a-Long the Engine and Cubby the Caboose take them on a wonderful adventure complete with musical cowboys, dancing paper dolls, and a singing vegetable patch. Packed with 20 memorable songs, colorful characters, and a special lesson about thinking before you act, The Wee Sing Train is a charming way to put kids on the right track..

The Train Now Departing

The Train Now Departing

Despite being phased-out by British rail networks in 1968, the steam train has resisted its bleak fate of becoming a mere museum exhibit, and fading into obscurity. This series charts their re-emergence over the subsequent twenty year period following the end of the age of steam..

The Royal Train

The Royal Train

A lost monarchy is represented by a princess whose steadfast mission is to restore to her dynasty real political and economic responsibility in contemporary Romania. With great energy, sometimes funny slips, too, but mostly with the appropriate royalist seriousness, Princess Margareta of Romania plays her role as the subject and object of her own campaign. The performance is of the tale of new wine in old wineskins. Surrounded by her courtly entourage, Margareta travels through “her” country in the same old royal train, on the same royal route, in which her father, King Michael the First already sought contact with his subjects. It goes without saying that the red carpet as the most obvious symbol of monarchist grandeur must be immaculate even at the tiniest stop – though this isn’t always achieved perfectly..

Luxury Trains of the World: The Palace on Wheels

Luxury Trains of the World: The Palace on Wheels

Tour Rajasthan, India's largest state, with this program that takes you on a seven-day journey aboard the Palace on Wheels, one of the most elegant trains in the world. Starting in New Delhi, the trip continues through India's countryside. Stops include the pink city of Jaipur, Udaipur, Rattan Bur National Park and the Taj Mahal. Named after former Rajput states, the cars are furnished sumptuously in the style of the regions they represent..