

Où voir Sacred Netflix

Sacrée jeunesse

Sacrée jeunesse

M. Thomas Longué (André Luguet), 79 ans, se voit proposer par son neveu (Jacques Morel) de lui vendre en viager son domaine, dépendances et terres. Son neveu et sa femme (Gisèle Grandpré) multiplient leurs visites dans l'attente que l'oncle Thomas passe de vie à trépas afin d'empocher l'héritage. Mais Thomas a une idée en tête : prolonguer sa vie afin que la rente viagère se perpétue. Pour cela, il va suivre le programme chirurgical de rajeunissement du professeur Koranoff, dans un établissement en Suisse. Désireux de profiter des profiteurs qui s'additionnent, Thomas reçoit de son assureur (Noël Roquevert) une offre viagère plus avantageuse. Le séjour en Suisse réalisé, l'effet est saisissant, Thomas retrouve une seconde jeunesse physique et mentale, laissant les héritiers et l'assureur en plein désarroi. Zabeth (Gaby Morlay), sa femme ne peut rivaliser devant la métamorphose de son mari et décide de quitter le domaine. Ira t'elle réellement visiter son amie, comme elle le prétend ?.

Art Mind - The Healing Power of Sacred Art

Art Mind - The Healing Power of Sacred Art

In this innovative release, teacher and internationally exhibited artist Alex Grey considers the healing and transformative potential of sacred art. Grey looks back on the artists, traditions, and experiences that have shaped his career, and examines the metaphysical, mental, health, and emotional benefits that can be had from looking at sacred art created in places around the world..

Santana - Sacred Fire

Santana - Sacred Fire

Sacred Fire: Live in South America is an album by Santana. This album is dedicated to the life of Cesar Chavez. There is also a video of this album, by the same name, featuring additional songs not featured on the album. It features shots of Carlos playing guitar at various historic sites around Mexico city..

Sacred Time

Sacred Time

While seeking to reveal the beauty of the Gregorian chant tradition and the secret of its appeal, the film asks what could be considered as sacred time in our secular lives. In the prevailing chaos, it is rather hard to keep direction. Caught in that hastle and bustle, you end asking yourself what to fill the day with, so that at night before sleep you could feel not a fleeting and fictitious, but solidly stable meaning, so that you could fall asleep with a feeling of calmness that you have lived a day being useful, and not only for yourself. Jokūbas Vilius Tūras was born in Zarasai, Lithuania in 1971, currently doing doctoral studies at Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre. His feature debut „Dreaming the Path“ (2013) was awarded the National Film Award winner for the Best Documentary of the Year. „About Jonas“ (2016) gained National Film Awards nominations for the Best Director and the Best Film of the Year..

Sacred Monsters

Sacred Monsters

This major work brings together two of today's pre-eminent dance talents, Akram Khan, world renowned for developing his own 'contemporary Kathak' style, and international superstar Sylvie Guillem, as they explore the dynamics and language of two great classical dance forms, kathak and ballet..

Sacred Reich: Live at Wacken

Sacred Reich: Live at Wacken

“Live at Wacken” marks the first release in 15 years for Arizona-based thrashers Sacred Reich. This deluxe edition contains a CD and DVD of their 2007 performance in front of the world’s biggest metal show, Wacken Open Air. Front man Phil Rind states that this performance is their first in 10 years. Rind may have become heavier around the waist, as he candidly points out to the massive crowd, but time hasn’t trimmed the band’s sound, which has remained as heavy as their first recorded note in 1985..

Sacred Waters: The Okefenokee in Peril

Sacred Waters: The Okefenokee in Peril

Sacred Waters, presented by OPA with the generous support of the National Parks Conservation Association, takes viewers into the heart of the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge, showcasing its mystical natural beauty, cultural importance, and incredible ecological value. The threat of a proposed heavy mineral sands mine near the edge of the Okefenokee looms large, putting the natural integrity of the Swamp at risk. As Sacred Waters brings us deeper into the Okefenokee, we understand how great this threat truly is..

Sacred Heart

Sacred Heart

Bringing a highly entertaining blend of drama, comedy and sexual tension, this award winning film features a scorned woman who is desperate to try anything to save her marriage...including having an affair. Beautiful Nichel Priam becomes disenchanted with her marriage to a successful art dealer in Chicago and escapes to Paris. On her first day there, Nichel writes about her determination to have an affair with no moral consideration. She explains to her therapist that her reason for going to Paris was to get even as she was convinced that her husband was cheating on her..

Dewa Sanzan: Who will save the sacred mountains?

Dewa Sanzan: Who will save the sacred mountains?

The yamabushi priests of the Dewa Sanzan mountains in Northern Japan have been practicing their religion: Shugendo, for more than 1400 years. These ancient beliefs are a fusion of Shintoism, Buddhism, and primeval Japanese mountain worship. It is believed that the practitioners of Shugendo endure long rituals in the mountains to gain divine powers to protect the people in the plains from disease, hunger, and poverty. The Dewa Sanzan was once a thriving pilgrimage site, welcoming many new yamabushi each year and worshiped throughout all of Northern Japan. But as the demographic crisis continues in Japan, and younger generations continues to lose interest in these ancient rites; the yamabushi of the Dewa Sanzan struggle to renew their ranks, and the region's culture threatens to disappear. Venture to the Dewa Sanzan and hear the stories of the local people to learn the keys to preserving this ancient culture..

Sacred Sound, documentary film

Sacred Sound, documentary film

Sacred Sound is a documentary film of one summer week when 50 American girls learn to sing extraordinary sacred music in the manner of traditional boy choirs. The girls rehearse under the baton of premiere choral conductor David Hill in preparation for Sunday’s church services. With sixteen pieces of music to learn and the clock ticking, we wonder, will they be ready for Sunday?.

Sacred Steel: Live Blessings

Sacred Steel: Live Blessings

1.Blessed By The Gods (Intro) 2.Open Wide The Gate 3.Tonight The Witches Ride 4.Battle Angel 5.Faces Of The Antichrist 6.Victory Of Black Steel 7.Carnage Rules The Fields Of Death 8.The Rites Of Sacrifice 9.Dark Forces Lead Me To The Brimstone Gate 10.Sword Of The King 11.Stormhammer 12.Metal Is War 13.Master Of Thy Fate 14.True Force Of Iron Glory 15.Sacred Bloody Steel 16.We Die Fightinhg 17.Blood On My Steel 18.Heavy Metal To The End 19.Slaughter Prophecy 20.Battle Cry 21.Wargods Of Metal.

Sacred Relics of the Saints Treasures of the Church: Saint Maria Goretti

Sacred Relics of the Saints Treasures of the Church: Saint Maria Goretti

This contains the complete teaching on relics that Fr. Carlos Martins gives in his presentation on relics, in addition to other content. This is the same teaching he has given all over the world. Among the special features that are included: 1) A complete biography on St. Maria Goretti that Fr. Carlos recorded within the kitchen of her family home (i.e., the place where she was attacked) and within the hospital room where she died (the place where she forgave her attacker). 2) A virtual exposition in which over 160 relics are individually zeroed in on the screen. This offers an opportunity for individuals to venerate the saints right from their own home..

Sacred Stages: A Church, a Theatre, and a Story

Sacred Stages: A Church, a Theatre, and a Story

A short film that tells the unique and inspiring story of the relationship between the First United Methodist Church at the Chicago Temple-Chicago's oldest Christian congregation-and Silk Road Rising, a theatre company founded in response to 9/11 that showcases playwrights of Asian and Middle Eastern backgrounds. A shared commitment to storytelling, racial and economic justice, and LGBT inclusion characterizes this profound partnership between a religious community and a secular theatre..