

Où voir HOPE Netflix

Hope and Wire

Hope and Wire

Hope and Wire is a dramatized edition of what happened to a group of New Zealanders after the 2010 Christchurch earthquakes telling the "real story". They didn't need any extra drama, Christchurch survivors know that..

Ainsi va la vie

Ainsi va la vie

Un stupide "jeu de la vérité" télévisé révèle soudain a Birdee, mère et épouse heureuse, que son mari la trompe avec sa meilleure amie et qu'il s'apprête à divorcer. Effondrée, Birdee retourne chez sa mère, Ramona qui vit dans la petite bourgade texane de Smithville. Dans l'ambiance chaleureuse et désuète de ce lieu inchangé, Birdee revit avec émotion ses souvenirs de jeunesse et refait connaissance avec Justin Matisse, prétendant timide et gauche qui n'a jamais cessé de l'aimer..

Danganronpa 3: La Fin de l'Académie Kibôgamine - Désespoir

Danganronpa 3: La Fin de l'Académie Kibôgamine - Désespoir

Danganronpa 3 : Désespoir se déroule avant les événements décrits dans Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc. Chisa Yukizome est une nouvelle professeure à Hope's Peak Academy et devient la principale de la classe 77. Pendant ce temps, un étudiant sans talent de la réserve se porte volontaire pour subir des expériences ayant pour but de créer l'« Espoir Ultime ». L'histoire suit tous les événements qui donneront naissance aux « Désespoir Ultime », puis à la Tragédie4..



Pour fuir une vie sans avenir et sans espoir, un jeune homme est entraîné dans une spirale de violence qui le conduira au cœur d’une organisation criminelle menée par un leader charismatique..

The Land of Hope

The Land of Hope

Un tremblement de terre frappe le Japon, entraînant l'explosion d'une centrale nucléaire. Dans un village proche de la catastrophe, les autorités tracent un périmètre de sécurité avec une bande jaune qui coupe en deux la localité. Une sorte de ligne de démarcation absurde, entre danger bien réel et sécurité toute théorique. Au sein de la famille Ono, les parents, âgés, choisissent de rester. Leur fils et son épouse acceptent d'être évacués pour fuir la radioactivité….

Hope Island

Hope Island

Hope Island is an American television show that originally aired on PAX TV in the 1999-2000 season. It was based on Ballykissangel, a popular drama that aired on the BBC One. The series ran for 22 episodes, and focused on the residents of Hope Island, a small island in the Pacific Northwest with a population of 1,998..

The Hope

The Hope

Lei Ming, a former lecturer, and Sang Xia, a psychology teacher, runs a special class to help under-performing students. They guide students like Li Ran, who plans to drop out due to his grandmother’s illness, to overcome challenges and aim for university. Their combined efforts help students realize their potential and prepare for the next phase of their lives..

Tall Hopes

Tall Hopes

Tall Hopes is a short-lived summer comedy series that aired on CBS in 1993. It centers on a smart 14-year-old black kid named Ernest Harris struggling to get as much family attention as his 16-year-old brother, Chester, a high school basketball star..

Seed Of Hope

Seed Of Hope

Two people from totally different backgrounds meet in the ‘Children’s Home’. MAN (KWOK HO YING, KENIX) is an orphan and grows up in the ‘Children’s Home’. She understands, from very young age, that future is in her own hands. She works hard to complete her university study and becomes a social worker. On the contrary, NICK (TAM YIU MAN, PATRICK), having a rich father, has everything he wants. He studied abroad and has a high paid job. However, he is unhappy. There is always a gap between him and his father. No matter how hard he works, his father is still not pleased. Under enormous pressure, he takes soft drugs and is arrested and sentenced to offer public services. He is assigned to work in the ‘Children’s Home’..

Hopeless Pictures

Hopeless Pictures

Hopeless Pictures is an American animated comedy series starring the voice of Friends actress Lisa Kudrow, Seinfeld guest actor Bob Balaban, and produced and broadcast by the IFC. The cartoon follows fictional film producer Mel Wax, voiced by Michael McKean, in a spoof of the Hollywood movie industry. Stylistically the show makes use of the audio from scripted telephone conversations combined with on-screen gags surrounding the cartoon characters speaking..

Hope Springs

Hope Springs

Ellie finds herself in hiding in a remote Scottish village called Hope Springs along with fellow ex-cons Hannah, Josie and Shoo after plans to start a new life in Barbados – courtesy of £3m stolen from her gangster husband – go awry. All the girls have to do is keep their heads down, assume new identities and plan an escape to their Barbados idyll... little do they know that Hope Springs is going to change their lives forever..