

Mafia sokroflix gratuit

Les reines de la mafia

Les reines de la mafia

Dans les coulisses de la mafia : quel rôle les femmes jouent-elles dans les cartels. Comment les choses tournent-elles lorsque le parrain est une femme ? Pour la première fois, voyez plusieurs de ces femmes de pouvoir raconter comment leur passage dans la mafia s'est vraiment déroulé..

Shooting the Mafia

Shooting the Mafia

La Sicilienne Letizia Battaglia commence son combat contre la mafia le jour où elle ose, pour la première fois, diriger son appareil photo vers une victime brutalement assassinée. En exposant le règne barbare de la Cosa Nostra, elle devient un témoin inébranlable de leurs crimes et mène une vie continuellement marquée par le défi et la passion..



Six friends who were extremely closely knit in their college days reunite for Tanya's bachelor party in Madhupur. However, all six of them are bound by a horrifying incident which had torn them apart for years. The reunion serves to rake up the trauma afresh, turning an idyllic trip into a dangerous cat-and-mouse game. The friends embark on a round of Mafia, the popular game which many of us enjoyed playing in our childhood. Instead of serving as a bonding activity, the game brings out the worst in them, fuelling each of them to act on their hidden agendas filled with deceit and betrayal..

Mafia, Parasite

Mafia, Parasite

The Italian Mafia is often referred to as an octopus, its many arms symbolising the clan’s countless branches, with which it ominously and sinisterly penetrates all areas of society. But Italian investigators consider this comparison dangerous and erroneous, as the Mafia rather more resembles one of evolutionsmost intelligent entities: the parasite. This documentary, based on Sicilians in their campaign against the world’s oldest Mafia organisation, the Cosa Nostra, explains how it succeeded in penetrating the brain of the system like a parasite. In doing so, barely known chapters of recent Italian history are brought to light. The documentary shows the example of the Cosa Nostra, the Mafia is now a global company and their influence despite all search successes of recent years rather than growing waning..

Port Mafia

Port Mafia

The main character of the story is veteran officer Mikhail Samylov who loses his friend Igor Makarov in Syria. Mikhail comes back to his port hometown Yantarsk to help Makarov’s widowed wife. He blames Igor’s death on himself. He doesn’t know, though, that Makarov is actually alive and turns out not who he seemed to be. A small port town becomes a battlefield of life and death. A chain of crimes always leads to one man — owner of the port Kupriyanov. Lost at what to do with his life, Mikhail, tormented by the pangs of guilt, will have to solve the crimes and find a new reason to keep on living..

Me and the Mafia

Me and the Mafia

Charmørsvindleren Victor "Viffer" Hansen (Dirch Passer), laver sammen med vennen Richard Abelsteen (Klaus Pagh) et Millionkup i Sverige, forklædt som svensk diplomat, repræsentant for kongehuset, franarrer de en italiensk forretningsmand Vittorio Fercci (Poul Bundgaard) 10 millioner svenske kroner, ved at arrangere et giftermål mellem kongen og Vittorio's datter Marcellina (Susanne Heinrich)..

L'Histoire de la Mafia

L'Histoire de la Mafia

A documentary film series on the Italian Mafia Cosa Nostra, exploring its codes, exploring its activities, witnessing its trials, including the 1986 Maxi Trial, and unveiling new aspects such as the eminent role played by women, recently discovered by Italian magistrates..

L'homme qui trahit la mafia

L'homme qui trahit la mafia

Un trafiquant de drogue américain a été assassiné ainsi que sa secrétaire et une hôtesse de l'air. La police française possède des informations laissant penser que les victimes appartenaient à un important réseau de trafic d'héroïne et l'enquête est confiée à l'inspecteur Claude Lambert. Grâce à des indicateurs et aux révélations de Bianchini, l'avocat des mafieux qui y laissera sa vie pour les avoir dénoncés, Lambert poursuivra les membres du gang..

My Beloved Mafia

My Beloved Mafia

Chun and Pat Boung meet unexpectedly in a mall and Pat Boung and her friend saves Chun from a mafia group in Thailand while he was visiting on a business trip. He returns home safely to Hong Kong and is just amazed and intrigued by her. So he sends one of his men to find out about this girl. Chun is now the leader of a mafia, but was only inherited into the mafia because he was an orphan and he was his adopted sister's father. He becomes loyal and shows leadership. Pat Boung's dad is a very known man in Thai society, but he unfortunately gets hooked onto gambling in Chun's casino in Hong Kong. Chuun figures out that the man was Pat Boung's father. He gets the man into big debt with them, he manipulates Pat Boung's father to sell her to him and he promises that he will not harm his daughter in anyway and seemed liked a good man to Pat Boung's father. So he gets the money he sold his daughter for thinking that he would gamble it and get all the money he owned back and then the deal could be forgotten and he could have his daughter back. At this time, he loses all the money again and ends up in bigger debt than before but this time with no daughter. He returns to Thailand, but before he gets there Chun sends his men for Pat Boung in Thailand. Chun's bodyguards Chen Hao and Ban are sent to get Pak Boung but in the process of going back to Hong Kong, Pak Boung manages to escape the two bodyguards and she is saved by Min. She thinks she has nothing left in her life because of what her father has done and that they are so far in debt she is a lost soul. Min decides to take Pak Boung in and take care her as if she was his wife but what Pat Boung and Min doesn't know is that Chun's bodyguard already found them. She falls in love with him because he is the only one that is there that cares for her. She and Min fall in love, but that doesn't stop Chun. He finds her and takes her from Min. Min goes to Hong Kong and tries to get Pat Boung back in numerous times, but doesn't succeed. During the process while Pat Boung is forced to live with this "cold hearted" man, she tries every available way to escape Chun to get back to Min. In the process of trying to escape from Chun, she sees that he is not just cold hearted man that he also a very caring man. Unable to get close and help Pak Boung, Min decides to manipulate Chun's little sister Gye' Yhong to get back at Chun for taking Pak Boung from him. As time goes by, Pak Boung starts to fall in love with Chun as Yong starting to fall in love with Min but just as their relationships starts to mend its gets even more complicated when Chun's childhood lover, Lilly, comes back and stir up more trouble for all the couples....

La Chasse à la Mafia

La Chasse à la Mafia

Quelque-part en Amérique Centrale... Alors qu'il s'apprêtait à donner des renseignements à l'inspecteur Ruiz à propos du politicien véreux Leprince, le barman Paco est assassiné à coups de couteau. L'inspecteur mène l'enquête alors que, petit à petit, les participants au meurtre tombent les uns après les autres....

Le pape et la mafia

Le pape et la mafia

L'excommunication prononcée par la pape François il y a un an peut-elle mettre fin à la collusion entre l'Église et la mafia italienne ? Le spécialiste anglais de la mafia John Dickie enquête sur les liens complexes unissant depuis des décennies en Italie les hommes d'Église et les "hommes d'honneur"..

Money Mafia

Money Mafia

No one is safe from cyber crimes in India. From CAs, and advocates, to villagers, 1 out of every 2 Indians has been a victim of identity theft. But who are the people behind this fraud, and how did they convert a place into India's Cyber crime Capital? Find out the truth behind these criminals on 'Money Mafia'..

Me, Too, in the Mafia

Me, Too, in the Mafia

Mafiaen, det er osse mig er en dansk komediefilm fra 1974 og en fortsættelse af Mig og Mafiaen. Filmen har manuskript af Lise Nørgaard og er instrueret af Henning Ørnbak..