

Lost and Found sokroflix gratuit

Tides: A History of Lives and Dreams Lost and Found (some broken)

Tides: A History of Lives and Dreams Lost and Found (some broken)

There is a city with two different names: Derry, for Catholics, Londonderry for Protestants, and in the middle of the city flows the River Foyle. Narrated from the point of view of the river itself, using dreamlike sequences and archival material made by ordinary Irish people in the 50’, 60’s and 70’s from Derry and Inishowen, Donegal, we hear the stories of ship building and war, immigration, the rise of the most recent conflicts in 1969 and the loss of jobs and industry. But, the river also tells stories of past glories, dreams for a prosperous future and the building of a bridge that spans the waters hoping for peace. As the river gently moves between the shores of Derry and Londonderry reflections of what the past holds and what the future might bring and what lies beyond its borders and it asks the question: Are the dreams of those that lived before the violence different from those who dream today? And what happened to those dreams?.

Lost and Found in Underground: Lothar Lambert's Psycho City

Lost and Found in Underground: Lothar Lambert's Psycho City

Life, work, art and struggle of Berlin's radical enfant terrible Lothar Lambert, an underground filmmaker for 40 years now, who mainly focuses society's misfits, the gays, lesbians, transvestites and transsexuals of his Berlin neighborhood with no-budget films on loss, fear and fury. His films are reflected by critics as art, trash and experimental films and are often misinterpreted and rejected. This documentary shows him and his unapologetic way of working, visits him in his surroundings, speaks to friends and 'victims', enemies and members of the notorious 'Lambert-Family', enlightens his dark past and his reasons for remaining off-stream. Beyond all the cheap humor, the explicit sexual performances and the amateur acting in his features lies his deep wish to eventually break all taboos for more rights..

Journey: A Voice Lost... and Found

Journey: A Voice Lost... and Found

Journey dominated the American music scene in the '70s and '80s with their epic arena rock anthems and power ballads; frontman Steve Perry was dubbed "The Voice," thanks to the vocal stylings that made him a household name..

Lost and Found in Armenia

Lost and Found in Armenia

A US Senator's son who attempts to forget the break up of his fiancée is forced to vacation in Turkey by his best friends. A para-sailing trip mishap lands him in a small village in Armenia, where he is accused of being a spy. It is there he meets a young woman who helps him to escape from misfortune..

Kenedi, Lost and Found

Kenedi, Lost and Found

After his participation in filming of “Kenedi Goes Back Home," Kenedi Hasani decided to illegally go to EU countries where his father, mother, brothers and sisters still are. The documentary recounts Kenedi's experience of his two-year refugee status..

Lost and Found

Lost and Found

A suitcase arrives at the airport with its owners and all is ready for boarding. But what happens when the suitcase is naughty and wants to be free?.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found

After receiving a call that her mother is ill, Yun-ji keeps getting lost on the subway on her way home. A young girl who lost her mother on the subway goes to the lost and found center and registers herself as a lost item. The following morning, Yun-ji leaves her sick mother behind. She listens to an announcement from a girl looking for her mother on the subway..

Lost and Found

Lost and Found

As closeted teenager, Yuval, loses his mobile phone which is then found by a stranger. When the pair meet at the park, at first the stranger asks for a reward for finding it, but it soon becomes apparent that he wants more than what the boy is prepared to give..

Lost and Found

Lost and Found

A group of relatively young (30-35 years), college-educated, smart, urban people, whose youth was destroyed in the events during the breakup of Yugoslavia, in a late search for their identity..

Lost and Found

Lost and Found

Qianbi goes missing on Malaysian Airlines flight MH370. The Beijing office of Malaysian airlines promises to send the family members of missing passengers a parcel containing search results. Xiangpi, Qianbi's boyfriend, goes to Qianbi's hometown Chongqing. He takes a job as a mailman, hoping to intercept the parcel containing information on Qianbi's fate. At the same time, the girlfriend of Qianbi's mother is also waiting for news in Chongqing. She hopes she will receive the parcel on 16 May... In a confusing and confused society, where everything that is right looks like it's wrong, two people are longing for a parcel at the same time - throughout their waiting process, they discover what is true..

Lost, Found

Lost, Found

Li Jie, a lawyer, is taking divorce proceedings to try to get custody of her daughter. As she is working hard to earn a better life for her daughter, she hires a baby sitter, Sun Fang, to watch her child. One day, Li comes home only to find her child and Sun have disappeared. Unfortunately, Li is suspected by both her family and the police, and must lean on herself to trace Sun alone..

Alone : les survivants

Alone : les survivants

L'expérience de survie ultime, mais aussi l'opportunité d'une vie. Dix hommes, de 22 à 46 ans, sont lâchés en pleine nature, sans équipe de tournage et sans artifice. Leur mission : rester en vie aussi longtemps qu'ils le peuvent. Sur l'île de Vancouver, tous les participants sont séparés par l'eau ou par des montagnes afin qu'ils restent totalement seuls. Dans un milieu hostile qui détient le record du plus grand nombre d'attaques de pumas en Amérique du Nord, c'est chacun pour soi. Confrontés à un isolement extrême et à une détresse psychologique, ces hommes vont chasser, construire des abris et repousser les prédateurs. Le dernier survivant remportera 500 000 $..