

Kidnapped voir films streaming gratuit sans compte

Mou Yuukai Nante Shinai

Mou Yuukai Nante Shinai

Tarui Shotaro est un homme ordinaire qui rêvait de devenir un héros lorsqu'il était enfant, mais qui se débrouille maintenant comme travailleur à temps partiel. Un jour, la fille d'un chef yakuza lui demande d'organiser un faux enlèvement..



Crime drama based on true incidents around a Kidnapping - and murder case ,also taking much time describing the psychological moments which propel the criminals. It's strictly focused on them, the law representatives are mostly faceless and out of the plot. Lo Lieh plays a moneyless guy working on a gas station, it's owner is a thorn in his flesh, because he completely knows the differences and painfully shows it: "I can find a new worker faster, than you can find a new job" Together with 3 friends, who are similarly struck, a plan to kidnap and blackmail this guy is made.....

Puzzle: Kidnapped

Puzzle: Kidnapped

Puzzle: Kidnapped is a Bulgarian action web series. The series is produced and distributed by 7Talents. The plot tells the story of four young people who decide to spend Friday night in an escape room. Instead, however, it turns out that they have witnessed a brutal crime. Two hired killers take the youth hostage. Only the four friends' strong will to survive will prevent the criminals from getting away with their crimes..



In need of money for his brother's medication, Min takes work as a kidnapper. When his employer asks him to kill the rich young man he's kidnapped, Min cannot bring himself to pull the trigger. Instead, he tells them the job's complete and takes him home to hide him away..

Colère noire

Colère noire

Deux enfants d'une dizaine d'années sont enlevés à l'entrée d'une école. L'un est le fils d'un riche industriel, l'autre d'un mécanicien sans le sou. Une importante rançon est bientôt exigée, mais l'industriel refuse de payer....

Maugli : l'Enlèvement

Maugli : l'Enlèvement

Episode 2. Mowgli — the adopted son of a wolf family. He grows quickly and learns from his mentors. The rumor that the wolf pack living human child, comes to banderlogs. The monkey tribe, decided to make Mowgli their leader. They steal Mowgli and transfer it into a towns ruins in the jungle..

Kidnapping, Caucasian Style

Kidnapping, Caucasian Style

Shura journalist comes to the Caucasus to shoot a report about the local beauty and tradition, and into Gorski, fiefdom of the local city mayor George Gadzhievich Saahova. Those supporting fashion, given the governor planned to marry a young beauty, athlete, and even ekstremalka Nina, who was so pleased with Shurik. Using the hapless journalist CAAX and his henchmen kidnap Nina. But, realizing that it played, Shura rushes to save his girlfriend ....

L'Enlèvement de Michel Houellebecq

L'Enlèvement de Michel Houellebecq

Michel Houellebecq vit une existence bien réglée et sans surprises. Il discute avec un ami des travaux de rénovation de son appartement, déambule dans le quartier, travaille dans sa cuisine, visite des églises, rend visite à une amie avec qui il parle musique, récupère un panier de légume auprès d'une voisine ou raconte sa vie de juré du prix «30 Millions d'amis». Un jour, alors qu'il rentre chez lui, trois hommes entrent à sa suite dans le hall de l'immeuble. Sur le pas de sa porte, ils se saisissent de lui et le ligotent : l'enlèvement de Michel Houellebecq vient de commencer....



A fortnight before her eighteenth birthday, Sonia goes missing. Her family receives a call informing them that she has been kidnapped and her estranged father, a US-based businessman, must now follow the kidnapper’s instructions to the letter if he is to entertain any hopes of seeing her alive again. Is this a mere kidnapping or is there more to it than what meets the eye?.

Express Kidnapping

Express Kidnapping

Sao Paulo, Brazil. Isabel, a 25-year-old girl, is kidnapped. The first ATM the criminals try to withdraw money from is broken. It's almost 10:00pm. The kidnappers realize they will not be able to get to the next one on time. What was meant to be an express kidnapping becomes an all-night imprisonment..

Kidnapping Miyabi

Kidnapping Miyabi

Three guys head to the airport to see their favourite Japanese star, Maria Ozawa, when she visits Jakarta. However, chaos in the airport resulting in them kidnapping their idol..



Ka-Ming, fils agé de 7 ans du magnat Sam, a été kidnappé. L'inspecteur Jenny s'occupe de l'affaire. Le cerveau du kidnapping s'appelle Hilary. Elle souhaite obtenir de l'argent pour les soins de son mari malade. Elle semble prete à tout pour cela....

The Kidnapper

The Kidnapper

A group of poor people living on the bare minimum in a slum, trying to survive in a world that seems to have no place for them. With a tone raw and realistic story portrays their daily tragedies, and their struggle to survive..

Mission Possible : Kidnapping Granny K

Mission Possible : Kidnapping Granny K

Madame Kwon est à la tête d'un empire alimentaire, construit de ses propres mains à partir du petit resto où elle cuisinait. Toutes ses parts ont maintenant été distribuées à ses enfants. Mais un jour, des kidnappeurs l'emmènent en espérant toucher le pactole. Mais les enfants, contre toute attente, n'ont pas la moindre envie de payer la rançon. Frustrée, Kwon prend alors les choses en main afin d'aider les malfrats à obtenir leur rançon..