

Initiation streaming vf complet gratuit

Débauche dans la jet-set 2

Débauche dans la jet-set 2

Lily, jeune femme idéaliste, vit en parfaite osmose avec Philippe, qui nourrit en secret des rêves de luxe et de stupre. Pour mener à bien son projet, il rentre par effraction dans le réseau informatique d'un célèbre businessman. Il parvient à entrer en contact avec le dénommé Jack et, rapidement, fait la connaissance de sa femme, la sublime Natasha. En dépit des tâches illégales que Jack et Natasha lui demandent d'effectuer pour le compte de leur société, Philippe prend goût à la vie facile que l'argent lui procure. Lily, consternée de se rendre compte que son amant est tombé dans le piège de la médiocrité, le regarde se compromettre....

The Happy Prisoner

The Happy Prisoner

Sawada is a loyal employee and husband to his depressed wife. But Sawada is a bit paranoid at the office, feeling talked about and threatened by his colleagues.The beautiful Minako is having problems at home nd slowly Sawada is becoming fascinated by her. A new clerk Kishimoto is Sawada's opposite. He is confident and tough and Sawada is impressed by his charisma. Kishimoto frequently tells Sawada to become true to his instinct, and leads him to the path of evil..

The Heavenly Being Sugawara

The Heavenly Being Sugawara

Sugawara no Michizane was a poet/politician of the Heian period, who fell from grace and died in exile. It was said that his vengeful ghost was the cause of subsequent plagues, natural disasters, and deaths..

Sacred Bath

Sacred Bath

Initiation Rite/Sacred Bath (sometimes referred to as Baño Sagrado) (1990) is a single-channel video and the second of thirty-three collaborations by Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons with sound by Neil Leonard..