

In the Garden voirfilms

Love Your Garden

Love Your Garden

Le célèbre horticulteur Alan Titchmarsh et son équipe parcourent le Royaume-Uni pour aider des citoyens méritants à réaliser le jardin de leurs rêves..

In the Mind's Garden

In the Mind's Garden

On the shores of Lake Como, an association for mental health meets once a week to write a periodical. Everyone brings their story, their ups and downs, their tragedies and solidarity..

In the Garden

In the Garden

For a year at monthly intervals, Ute Aurand and Bärbel Freund filmed In the Garden, a lovely portrait of a Potsdam-Bornim garden designed in 1910 by gardener and philosopher Karl Foerster. An extraordinary variety of flora, natural lighting effects, textures and colors unfold in this gentle, expertly edited film, which forms a bridge between the natural world and the individual soul..

Time in the Garden

Time in the Garden

A documentary that explores the relationship between three families in Suzhou and their private gardens. Each family invested considerably in creating serene and classic gardens, seeking ancestral tranquility. However, they face challenges when trying to maintain a poetic relationship between people and their gardens in an ever-changing modern world..

Celebration in the Botanical Garden

Celebration in the Botanical Garden

One of the lead characters is Maria, an inn keeper; always a bride but never a wife. She meets the newcomer Pierre, who disturbs the peace of the small village and teaches the locals how to enjoy life. The film is full of fireworks of lovely colours, and a warm feeling. It is like a carousel of humour and human situations that carry us away, from the very first frame to the unexpected ending, making the viewer laugh gaily. Using a mosaic approach to the traditional narrative line, the film director creates a picture of fairly anarchic glee. “Celebration in the Botanical Garden” is a world of fantasy, full of summer fun, good humour and delight. E. Havetta´s debut was inspired by naïve art, French impressionism, and silent slap-stick as well as Western Slovakian folk traditions..

Venus in the Garden

Venus in the Garden

Mid-summer heatwave. Nikos and Alain, two male prostitutes and a female pimp, Monica, get tangled in a peculiar relationship after meeting in a dark street called POUTANA. They fall in love, play with guns and talk about card games, money and theatre castings. Is this a game of role playing the three of them have invented to pass their time in a remote, empty summer house? Have they been reading Jean Genet? Whether a mirror image of the characters’ reality or an elliptic depiction of their distorted, dream-like perception of it, I Afroditi Stin Avli, by juxtaposing disparate literary and art references, leads its isolated characters towards dissolution. And yet, in its strange language, it presents this dissolution as a triumph..

Garden in the Sea

Garden in the Sea

Jardín en el Mar is the story of an exceptional project. Several years ago, a group of enthusiastic and committed people started to work for the protection of the Islands in the Sea of Cortez in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Thanks to this effort all the Islands became a UNESCO world heritage side, but the story of Espíritu Santo island is especially remarkable. It was bought back from different owners and donated to the people of Mexico for its conservation in perpetuity. To celebrate the success of all the efforts and to remind people of our close relation to the ocean, renowned Spanish artist Cristina Iglesias was asked to make a piece of art for the Island. Cristina decided to create a "Garden in the Sea", a labyrinth-like setting of various screens sunk into the sea, that nature will grow over, generating marine life..

Something in the Garden

Something in the Garden

Dead of night in a residential area. The crickets' chirping is interrupted by a strange presence, a slithering creature lurking in the darkness. An extraordinary interplay of light and shadow and a prodigious sound design in a short film full of sheer horror..

Suzie in the Garden

Suzie in the Garden

Suzie loves going with her parents to the allotment garden where each plot is so different from the others. One day, a big black dog and a blue key take her to a mysterious garden..

Mustard in the Gardens

Mustard in the Gardens

Elena goes home to the village, located on the front line in the "gray zone" of the Donetsk region, where she spent her childhood. In the garden, so that weeds do not climb on neighboring areas, her brother planted mustard. The girl lies down in the prickly grass and remembers how large and tasty apricots, cherries, pears and cherries were once..

Le rêve de Nila au jardin d'Éden

Le rêve de Nila au jardin d'Éden

Leyla and her six-year-old daughter Nila live in the holy city of Mashhad in Iran. Nila is the result of a temporary marriage, which allows a man to marry a woman even if he is already married. Children born from such a relationship are legally non-existent. As long as the father does not recognize the child, no birth certificate can be issued and Nila cannot attend school. The documentary depicts Leyla's tireless efforts to clarify Nila's legal status in order to offer her a perspective for her future. In a never-ending bureaucratic battle, Leyla fights not only against the legal system, but also against a judgmental society..

A Goat in the Garden

A Goat in the Garden

The wild Jon Esping bets that he will become a churchwarden. He, the upstart and the illiterate who can only write his name, a fox in business, a stud among women and a brute in general, wins the bet..