

Gangsters sokroflix gratuit

Capone, chien gangster

Capone, chien gangster

Capone est un chien appartenant à Doc, membre d'une bande de gangsters. Quand son maître est arrêté, Capone se retrouve à la fourrière. C'est alors qu'un petit garçon le recueille dans sa famille..

Le Gangster de Chicago

Le Gangster de Chicago

Dans la seconde moitié des années 1930, à Chicago, le gangster 'Silky' Kilmount dirige une "respectable" distillerie d'alcool, après avoir trafiqué durant la Prohibition ; son bras droit est 'Doc' Ramsey. Orphelin, il apprend un jour que son père, décédé depuis des années, était un aristocrate anglais établi au Canada. Par suite, il hérite d'un titre de noblesse et des valeurs mobilières et immobilières y attachées. Mais il doit aller en Angleterre pour faire valoir ses droits. Il s'y rend donc, laissant 'Doc' gérer ses affaires, et fait la connaissance de sa parenté, ainsi que de Munsey, son maître-d'hôtel, lequel s'emploie à lui inculquer les rudiments de l'éducation qui sied au nouveau "Comte de Gorley"....

Les gangsters de la finance

Les gangsters de la finance

Créée à Hong Kong, il y a un siècle et demi, par des commerçants écossais liés au trafic d’opium, HSBC (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) n’a cessé de prospérer en marge de toute régulation. Aujourd’hui, la banque britannique à l’ADN pirate incarne à elle seule les excès et les dérives de la finance internationale. Blanchiment de l’argent du crime – celui des cartels de la drogue mexicains et colombiens –, évasion fiscale massive, corruption ou manipulation du cours des devises et des taux d’intérêt : depuis la crise de 2008, ce géant a été mêlé à de nombreux scandales avec régularité et en toute impunité. Car l’opaque HSBC, experte en sociétés-écrans, dont les coffres débordent d'argent liquide déposé par ses clients discrets et douteux, est devenue "too big to jail", "trop grosse pour aller en prison". La banque, riche de quelque 3 000 milliards de dollars, s’en tire chaque fois avec des amendes dérisoires..

Don Diva: A Gangster's Story

Don Diva: A Gangster's Story

Chronicling the life of Chicago gangster Larry Hoover -- who attempted to engineer a political takeover from inside the walls of his Illinois prison cell -- this fascinating documentary interviews the men who played a role in making sure the inmate's plan was dismantled, including a few of Hoover's GDs (short for "Gangster Disciples"). But were the government's efforts to keep the so-called Don Diva out of power truly effective?.

Hunan Gangsters

Hunan Gangsters

Jie received a letter from Tang at the prison's rehabilitation site, hoping he would find a way to escape for one last job. Jie finds a way to get the keys to the foreman's car, but is targeted by another cellmate. The two set out on the road to rendezvous with Tang, only to discover that there is more to the matter than simply stealing an ambulance..

The Gangsters and the Girl

The Gangsters and the Girl

Molly Ashley, a child of the slums, is charged with being an accomplice to a shoplifter. Although innocent, she is convicted of shoplifting and sentenced to two years' imprisonment. Jim Tracy, the leader of a band of gangsters, rescues Molly. The following morning Detective Stone is assigned the task of locating and running down Jim Tracy's gang. In order to secure evidence against the gang, he disguises himself as one of the gangsters, runs into their place and pretends that the "cops" are after him. Tracy and the gang take him in. Molly falls in love with Stone and discovers his true identity. One of the crooks gets sore at Jim Tracy and betrays them to the police. Jim accuses Molly of betraying them. Stone resents his accusation..

A Gangster's Word

A Gangster's Word

In the neighborhood of Los Angeles, known for drugs, violence and corruption, a wage for war is about to get green lighted. Two brothers are forced to confront faith, loyalty, passion and a touch of vengeance- when forced to collide where all's salvation is at stake..

A Gangster's World

A Gangster's World

In the neighborhood of Los Angeles, known for drugs, violence and corruption, a wage for war is about to get green lighted. Two brothers are forced to confront faith, loyalty, passion and a touch of vengeance- when forced to collide where all's salvation is at stake. . Drama - David Fernandez, Jolane Lentz, Nick Hernandez, Goya Robles, Mauricio Mendoza.

The Gangsters of New York

The Gangsters of New York

Biff Dugan, the eldest son of a poor family living in a tenement on the squalid East Side of New York, leads a gang of hoodlums, among whose members is his brother Porky. Their sister Jess is a consumptive whose health was ruined in a sweatshop. During a melee in a mission run by reformer Henry Davis, the Dugan gang encounters Billy Drew and his sister Cora, newcomers to the city. Porky saves Cora from the unwelcome attentions of Biff's rival, Spike Golden, and the two fall in love. Later, when Spike is killed in a gang war, Biff is wrongfully convicted of the murder and executed in the electric chair. Porky, who served a short term in prison for his part in the crime, comes back to the city to find that Jess has died and Cora has returned to the country..

Pocket Gangsters

Pocket Gangsters

Worldwide kidnapping have been a business of 150 billion Dollars per year. This is the kidnapping saga of a girl who is worth of millions. The kidnappers are professionals who are into kidnapping (pocketing) business. But what they are not aware is the true identity of the girl that they have kidnapped.