

Dead Man voirfilms

Letters From a Dead Man

Letters From a Dead Man

The plot of the series centers on an Iraqi woman, the child of an Iraqi mother and an Egyptian father that she has never met. The protagonist works as a physician in one of the larger hospitals in Egypt. Her life passes uneventfully until one day she is surprised to find that her father has been checked into the hospital as a patient. Thirty years after he was separated from his daughter by the war, the dying father is finally reunited with her. His final wish is to be able to spend his last days in her company..

Petites misères

Petites misères

Jean V., huissier de justice de quarante ans, exerce son métier avec talent mais sans faire preuve d'humanité. Il est marié à Nicole, 35 ans et consommatrice en crise. Régulièrement, Jean a recours aux services de Georges, débiteur chronique et personnage folklorique, qui l'aide dans ses "petites combines". Incidemment, Georges redonne à Nicole le goût d'acheter. Un jour, l'huissier fait la rencontre d'Eddy, un policier qui l'accompagne durant sa tournée des saisies. Mais un différend les oppose et va prendre des dimensions disproportionnées. Poussé à bout, Jean décide de monter avec Georges une sombre machination pour donner une leçon au flic..

In the Steps of a Dead Man

In the Steps of a Dead Man

When a young soldier suddenly dies, his parents and his girlfriend are naturally shocked and upset by the news. Several months later a young man turns up at the parent's house claiming to be their dead son's best friend. They welcome him and invite him to stay for a while. They also introduce him to their son's girlfriend and she is similarly impressed by him. It is later discovered, however, that he is not what he appears to be and may have had a hand in their son's death..

Dead Man's Memories

Dead Man's Memories

A policeman lunching with his daughter is present when a dead body washes up on shore. He investigates, leading him down a twisted and muddled path of nefarious connections reflecting, somewhat, his own life..

Marilyn Manson: Dead to the World

Marilyn Manson: Dead to the World

The controversial events from the Antichrist Superstar tour serve as the backdrop for this amazing document, all as seen through the video eye of the band's own cameraman. The picketing zealots, the fulminating moralists, the disingenuous politicians, the tens of thousands who came to see for themselves and, of course, gazing outward from the very heart of the storm, Manson himself. One hour of live concert performances intercut with behind the scene and backstage footage that will help you to understand what it must have been like to be at the center of these extraordinary occurrences..

Dead Side Manor: Prescription for Fear

Dead Side Manor: Prescription for Fear

After Dr. John Bell's unexpected suicide, owners of his home begin to experience strange noises, ghost sightings and discover creepy bloodstains on the floor. Second Sight Paranormal TV is called to investigate the haunted house and find out why Dr. Bell still lingers and what he wants. They soon discover he's not haunting alone..

To Kill a Dead Man

To Kill a Dead Man

To Kill a Dead Man is a short film made in 1994 by the trip hop group Portishead. The film is a spy movie which revolves around an assassination and what happens afterwards..

Hellcat's Revenge II: Dead Man's Hand

Hellcat's Revenge II: Dead Man's Hand

Tough and sexy "Hellcat" club member Kat (Lisa Neeld) gets framed for a crime she didn't commit and sent to a gruesome women's prison ruled by a maniacal warden (Patricia Culliton). She must fight her way out in order to get her revenge against ruthless and sadistic biker gang leader Rosie (Donna Hamblin).....and get help from her former lover "Snake" (Len Kabasinski) to make that revenge happen..

Dead Man's Wire

Dead Man's Wire

Set in 1977 and based on a true story, Tony Kiritsis, a former real estate developer puts a dead man's switch on himself and the mortgage banker who did him wrong, demanding $5 million and a personal apology..

Dead Man's Party: The Making of Halloween 5

Dead Man's Party: The Making of Halloween 5

In-depth Scream Factory documentary; one that doesn't sugarcoat any aspect of the production, from its rushed beginnings to the assembling of its cast and crew, its rocky production, and the many difficulties the filmmakers encountered along the way. Interviews with producer Malek Akkad, line producer Rick Nathanson, composer Alan Howarth and actors Danielle Harris, Ellie Cornell, Wedny Kaplan, Jeffrey Landman, Jonathan Chapin, Frankie Como, Tamara Glynn, Matthew Walker and Don Shanks (the fifth film's Michael Myers) are included. -

Les Filles de Malemort

Les Filles de Malemort

M. De Rose vit entouré de sa fille Maxime et de ses domestiques au château de Malemort. Celui-ci connaîtrait l'emplacement d'un mystérieux trésor. Un capitaine arrive et séduit Maxime pensant qu'elle aussi connaît la vérité. Mais le trésor n'est en fait que l'invention du maître des lieux..