

Crash film en francais

Crash Zone

Crash Zone

Crash Zone is an Australian children's science fiction television series which aired on the Seven Network from 1999 to 2001. It was produced by Australian Children's Television Foundation, in association with the Disney Channel, and ran for 26 episodes. The series starred five high school students, "high-tech whiz kids" of varied backgrounds, who are hired by the president of the Catalyst software company to save her failing business. The premise of the series was unique in that it was one of the first series to examine the early use of the internet as well as the video game industry and artificial intelligence..

Crashs aériens, l'enquête inédite

Crashs aériens, l'enquête inédite

Dans l'une des plus grandes expériences de l'aviation de tous les temps, un Boeing 727 a été délibérément «crashé» dans un désert inhabité. Le but: recréer un grave accident d'avion. Grâce a des mannequins de crash-test, des dispositifs scientifiques et des caméras à bord nous connaissons le sort des «passagers». Chaque caméra à bord a la tâche spécifique de capturer un aperçu du jamais vu dans le crash d'un avion de passagers. Ce programme répondra aux questions fondamentales que se posent les passagers à chaque fois qu'ils montent à bord d'un avion : où dois-je m'asseoir, quelle sera la position de sécurité destinée à me sauver la vie?.

Le crash mystérieux

Le crash mystérieux

Sam Mc Bane enquête sur les circonstances du crash d'un avion de la compagnie qui l'emploie. Son enquête se révèle délicate car le pilote de l'avion n'est autre que son meilleur ami….



Crashh is a young urban drama; a roller-coaster ride of emotional story of 4 siblings.. They get separated at a young age due to one car crash and then destiny brings them at odds with each other to reunite them again. Based on the life of four long-lost brothers and sisters, the series is a beautiful saga of pain, love, separation and deep connections. But, how are these four kids torn apart from each other? What have they been doing so far? How do they cross each other’s path after decades? Does destiny play its card?.

Crash Course Black American History

Crash Course Black American History

Over the course of 50 episodes, we're going to learn about Black American History. Clint Smith will to teach you about the experience of Black people in America, from the arrival of the first enslaved Black people who arrived at Jamestown all the way to the Black Lives Matter movement..

Crash Course Games

Crash Course Games

Welcome to Crash Course Games! In this series our host Andre Meadows is going to discuss the history and science of games. We’re going to talk about video games of course, but also board games, role playing games, card games, even sports! But before we get ahead of ourselves we are going to look at what a game actually is, who is playing these games, and what they are doing to us. It turns out these answers aren’t as obvious as they would seem, but one thing is definitely clear: games make up a huge portion of most peoples’ lives, and we think that can be a great thing!.



Benni a neuf ans. Négligée par sa mère, elle est enfermée depuis sa petite enfance dans une violence qu’elle n’arrive plus à contenir. Prise en charge par les services sociaux, elle n’aspire pourtant qu’à être protégée et retrouver l’amour maternel qui lui manque tant. De foyer en foyer, son assistante sociale et Micha, un éducateur, tenteront tout pour calmer ses blessures et l’aider à trouver une place dans le monde..

I Want to Violently Crash into the Windshield of Love

I Want to Violently Crash into the Windshield of Love

La Güera, a young rapper from Mexico City, struggles with her ability to rap after a heartbreak. Despite attending freestyle sessions with friends, she struggles to regain her lyrical prowess. Seeking solace, she turns to a forest-dwelling shamanic friend for unconventional healing. Through a transformative encounter with forest crickets, she confronts her pain and emerges with newfound liberation..

Crash Course Zoology

Crash Course Zoology

This fourteen-episode series takes a rapid deep dive into the weird and wonderful biology of animals, guiding us across the tree of life as we endeavor to answer what makes an animal an animal anyway? Explore the current state of the world and how it's evolving with in-depth looks at particular animals, showing how the science is applied..

Avant le crash

Avant le crash

Marc-André est un marginal sorti du système et en mode simplicité volontaire. Il prétend que c’est par choix. Ses amis François, Evelyne et Patrick ont tous des carrières fulgurantes en finances chez Olstrom, sauf Vincent qui s’est réfugié dans un emploi de fonctionnaire après un épuisement professionnel. François offre à Marc-André une opportunité de retourner dans le monde des banquiers d’investissements… mais au bas de l’échelle, question de se refaire. Marc-André acceptera-t-il l’offre? Va-t-il retourner dans un milieu qu’il a quitté quatre ans auparavant se promettant de ne jamais y revenir, ce milieu où il a connu du succès mais qui a eu raison de lui?.

Crash Course Business - Soft Skills

Crash Course Business - Soft Skills

In 17 episodes, Evelyn From The Internets will teach you soft skills for business and everyday life! This course is based on a college-level curriculum, with a variety of management and organizational psychology reference texts..

The Convention Crasher

The Convention Crasher

The Convention Crasher is the title of a documentary originally broadcast in the United Kingdom on 25 January 2007 on Channel 4. The one-off documentary followed Justin Lee Collins as he entered the world of celebrity lookalikes and attempted to become one himself before visiting a convention for them. The show returned on 17 January 2008 for a series with Justin Lee Collins this time crashing three conventions, each on magic, ventriloquism and clowning..