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The Truth

The Truth

The largest post-war industrial disaster in the Netherlands takes place on 13 May 2000 - fireworks storage S.E. explodes in Enschede. Firework. Many people are injured, a residential area is wiped out and 23 people die. How could such a disaster take place in a tightly organized country like the Netherlands? In De Waarheid, average in-depth interviews, zoom in on the decisions and behavior of those involved around the fireworks disaster in Enschede, in order to reveal the ones that provide insight into how this fragile balance manifests itself. Via the owner of the fireworks storage, an involved firefighter and the licensing municipal officials and the mayor, we reach the leader of the investigation commission, the chief public prosecutor and the minister of the interior who had to deal with the disaster. After all, it is the citizen whose house is destroyed who appeals to common sense..

Where The Heroes Are

Where The Heroes Are

Where The Heroes Are is a family portrait. Jons, the son, is severely mentally handicapped. Storms often rage in his head. When he was seven, Jons was put in a home. This was an almost impossible decision for his loving and caring parents to take..

Alles Van Waarde is Weerloos

Alles Van Waarde is Weerloos

Every day Gerard (80) commutes back and forth between his two houses, which are full of books. Lives in one house he and in the other he translates novels by other writers. Gerard has been a translator all his life, but dreams to write his own book..

Where the Rats Are King

Where the Rats Are King

Once, the Staatsliedenbuurt neighbourhood in Amsterdam was an autonomous state for squatters, punks and the original inhabitants who united in the 'Woongroep Staatsliedenbuurt'. The city council's authority had eroded to virtually nothing after years of failing housing policy. The neighbourhood took matters into its own hands, which became painfully apparent when Amsterdam's mayor Van Thijn was roughly kicked out of the area at the close of 1984..

Waarom Wettelen ?

Waarom Wettelen ?

L'histoire d'un groupe hétéroclite de parents et d'amis - marchant derrière un corbillard - en route vers la dernière demeure de la mère récemment décédée, Christine. Au cours de ce qui s'annonce comme une marche funèbre mouvementée, qui durera également plusieurs jours, les proches ont le temps d'enfin mieux se connaître et de percer quelques vieux secrets de famille. Lorsque la mère est enterrée, tous les liens familiaux semblent être bousculés..

Waardenberg & de Jong: Bandkaai

Waardenberg & de Jong: Bandkaai

Met o.a. de balk, de onderwaterscene en de zeilramp Bandkaai is het zesde theaterprogramma van de Rotterdamse theatermakers Martin van Waardenberg en Wilfried de Jong. De typische Waardenberg en de Jong aanpak isl in Bandkaai zeker weer te zien. Performance afgewisseld met miniatuurtjes van toneelspel. Grootse en wezenloze decorstukken. Schoonheid maar ook afbraak. Harde klanken naast stille beelden. Fysieke uitputting en tevens serene rust. Chaos en orde tegelijk. Waardenberg en de Jong zijn niet te vangen..

Waardenberg & de Jong: Waardenberg & de Jong

Waardenberg & de Jong: Waardenberg & de Jong

Waardenberg en de Jong blijven eigenwijs zoeken naar verrassende acts. Het tweetal heeft een hekel aan voorspelbaarheid, het accepteert geen grenzen, ook niet die van het opgeplakte etiket. De visuele en fysieke aanpak vormt wederom een hoofdbestanddeel van dit theaterprogramma. Waardenberg en de Jong zijn gebleven, verder is alles nieuw. Je kunt alles verwachten, ze leren het nooit..

Waardenberg & de Jong: Jool Hul

Waardenberg & de Jong: Jool Hul

In hun derde programma 'Jool Hul', dat vernoemd is naar een vrijersplek langs de snelweg tussen Amersfoort en Apeldoorn, slaan ze op elkaar in met reigers en in de meesterlijke wijn-en-spuug-scène rochelt Van Waardenberg in de wijd opengesperde mond van De Jong..

Gideon: Searching for truth

Gideon: Searching for truth

'Gideon: Searching for the truth' takes the viewer with Van Meijeren on his quest for answers to questions about the current global health crisis. Questions that are common among the population, but to which he, and therefore the people in the country, do not get an answer in the Dutch House of Representatives. A place where Van Meijeren says he often feels like 'crying in the desert'. Where he gets no answers to his 'justifiably pressing' questions. Where instead he is invariably framed and judged by form, which makes any form of democratic debate impossible in advance..

Why Didn’t You Stay for Me?

Why Didn’t You Stay for Me?

Four kids, who all lost a parent to suicide, share their journey from the moment they heard the news. The filmmaker, who experienced the same tragedy, asks them the questions no one dared to ask her at the time..

Little Baby Jesus of Flandr

Little Baby Jesus of Flandr

When the three beggars Suskewiet, Pitje Vogel and Schrobberbeeck are tired of their poverty and hunger, they decide to sing Epiphany on Christmas Eve. Their plan is a triumph and they sing themselves rich. On the way back to the pub however, they get lost in the woods and witness the birth of Little Baby Jesus. Bedazzled by this miracle they decide to give away all their gifts. When next year Christmas is around, they decide to sing again. But puzzled by last year experience, they start to quarrel over the gifts. Our three friends fall apart and each go their own way..