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Les combats musclés du Kung Fu

Les combats musclés du Kung Fu

En Chine, dans les premières années de la République, le général Yang Tsung et plusieurs membres de sa famille sont assassinés par le bandit Han Pei Tsang, qui se proclame général. Le fils de tsung va retrouver l’un de ses amis qui lui présente quelques relations personnelles : tous sont d’excellents spécialistes des arts martiaux prêts à combattre pour venger le général..



Two groups of knife-wielding and kicking women in bikinis join forces to kill a gang boss responsible for killing their fathers. But they're not very effective. After three attacks on the culprit, the worst damage he suffered was having his ankle run over by a motorbike. Closer co-operation with a casino boss may help..

World's Most Toxic Animals

World's Most Toxic Animals

Lurking in the oceans, to the forest, swamps and deserts, are a litany of lethal little killers. Here, explore what defines a poison from a toxin and which venoms pack the greatest punch..

Attack of the Joyful Goddess

Attack of the Joyful Goddess

A troupe of traveling performers stop in a small town. However, the general who controls the town has designs on the group's leading actress. They must figure a way to get out of town before the general has his way with her..

The Dancing Warrior

The Dancing Warrior

This flick is about this gung fu dancing, alcoholic beverage guzzler named Andy Ho (Cheng Tien Chi). The title of this flick sounds like this bad warrior who kills with ease, but its not. Actually, Andy is a nice guy who has a hard time keeping a job. He runs into some rich guy who convinces him to come to the United States to work for him. Andy agrees to come to the U.S. of A. but is in for a surprise, as Mr. Big Bucks wants Andy to participate in his slugfest tournaments that he uses to make money via gambling. Andy declines and the next you know, Mr. Big Bucks is devising a plan to get rid of him! (mpongpun, HKMDB).

Ninja Kids

Ninja Kids

3 boys are told they are Japanese orphans and raised by I-Ho Ninja Society. They learn they are Chinese and the Society tries to kill them. This movie has been condensed from a three part series..

The Nine Demons

The Nine Demons

Childhood friend Joey and Gary are the only survivors of a coup against Gary's family. Joey lands in hell, and sells his loyalty to the devil in return for magic powers. As part of the deal, Joey has nine demons enter his body. The demons demand a daily feed of blood, but they must obey Joey. He uses the new powers to help Gary, and to kill the plotters. But events soon get even more complicated..