

Comment trouver Mannequin gratuit

Making a Model With Yolanda Hadid

Making a Model With Yolanda Hadid

Former model and television personality Yolanda Hadid put coaches aspiring teen models through an intensive eight week training program, focused on the physical, mental and emotional wellness that it takes to build a sustainable brand..

Calendrier sanglant

Calendrier sanglant

Catastrophe chez Paradise Magazine : Miss Janvier est assassinée, poussée dans le vide depuis son balcon du cinquième étage. Puis c'est au tour de Miss Février, poignardée chez elle. Chargé de l’affaire, le Lieutenant Dan Stoner croule sous les pistes, de Trainor le patron libidineux du magazine à Couray, l’animateur vedette endetté, en passant par Conti le photographe ou Krell, un ancien employé un peu trop attaché à Cassie Bascomb, ex-mannequin vedette qui ne tarde pas à être de nouveau persécutée. Stoner s’occupe de la protection de cette dernière, espérant glaner un peu plus d’éléments sur Krell, principal suspect....

Humanoid Puppet

Humanoid Puppet

A student girl, derided and continually persecuted by her classmates, is preparing a mannequin with a suit of her own creation for a fashion contest; her classmates are envious because the girl is really good and so they decides to damage both suit and mannequin..

The Calendar Girl

The Calendar Girl

Mildred Manning, known as Middy, is an apprentice in Madame Lizette's fashionable shop. Her beauty is discovered by Madame's brother, George Martin, and she is made a model. One afternoon, she tries on a rejected bathing suit and by adding a touch here and there, makes it into a beautiful creation. Madame then sends her to the beach to carry out a clever advertising scheme. At the shore, Middy is pursued by a reporter and photographer, who have been commissioned by Madame to photograph the girl for calendar advertising. In her flight from the publicity men, Mildred takes refuge in a car owned by lawyer Philip Gordon, who gets into the vehicle and drives off with Middy. Middy has him drop her off where she doesn't live, and he ends up having to try to track her down..

The Cover Girl Murders

The Cover Girl Murders

The scene is a remote tropical island, where several top swimsuit models converge for a magazine photo shoot, orchestrated by publisher Lee Majors. The girls are lovely, the scenery gorgeous, the weather couldn't be pleasanter. Only one hitch: one by one, the models fall victim to mysterious fatal accidents. You know by now that these are no accidents..



Acting : RiRi
popularity : 0.085
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Acting : LuLa
popularity : 0.513
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