

Comment trouver Istanbul gratuit

Istanbul Express

Istanbul Express

An art dealer on a special mission is pulled into dangerous intrigue while railway detective Cheval tries to help and pursues criminals on the Istanbul Express..

The Protector

The Protector

Après avoir découvert ce qui le lie à un ancien ordre secret, un jeune homme de l'Istanbul moderne entreprend de sauver la ville des griffes d'un ennemi immortel..

Innocence of Memories

Innocence of Memories

Orhan Pamuk – Turkey’s Nobel laureate for Literature – opens a museum in Istanbul. A museum that’s a fiction: its objects trace a tale of doomed love in '70s Istanbul. The film takes a tour of the objects as the starting point for a trip through images, landscapes and the chemistry of the city. A film about Istanbul, love, memory and loss..

Trans X Istanbul

Trans X Istanbul

Thousands of Trans*Women live in the big cities of Turkey. There has been an increase in the murder of Trans*. Crimes against Trans*Women are mostly not investigated. The perpetrators can usually rely on being exempted from prosecution. Ebru, a Trans*Woman from Istanbul, fights against the displacement and murder of her companions. She has experienced exclusion from state, society and family in her own life. For 25 years she has been active for LGBTQI rights. She wants to change Turkish society with humor, self-irony and political acumen. She meets Margarethe, a 85-year-old German retired nurse and mother of the film-maker, and establishes with her an old age home for Trans*. Urban transformation of Istanbul and the protests around the Gezi Park resonate throughout the film..