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The year is 1941. SS-Recruit Wilhelm does everything to make up for his past, but with each passing day, his mentality falls further and further down..

China Armed Escort

China Armed Escort

An emperor assigns his two superintendents Lung & Hu to wipe out the heads of the famous Justice Escort Service whom he sees as a threat to him in achieving total reign over the land..

Beauty Escort

Beauty Escort

This blood tale of a feud between two sword fighting clans is full of betrayal and intrigue, will most probably please the fans of samurai sword fighting..

Matching Escort

Matching Escort

A prince wants to marry a common girl, but is forbidden from doing so. When the girl's parents are brutally murdered, she's taken in by the Silver Fox, and taught the ways of killer kung-fu techniques, which she masters completely. When she finds out that the prince's life is now threatened by the same warlord who killed her parents, it's time to take revenge..

The Singing Escort

The Singing Escort

The sex appeal factor shoots skyhigh here with Ting playing Susan, a young woman hiding from her father by being a nightclub singer in Japan. Pop singer Chao Ke-jen (the handsome Lin Chong) gets permission from his boss to visit Japan – but only on condition he finds the boss’s daughter. Boy finds girl, boy falls in love. But will Daddy approve?.

Escort Service

Escort Service

Director: Lin Zixiong. Leading actors: Zeng Yuru/Li Zhongning/Weng Shijie/Lan Yin/Charlie Meng Dingge set up a company to attract customers by package meal..

The Eight Escorts

The Eight Escorts

In Wuiyng County a violent jewel thief is harming the business of local merchants. As they nervously await the delivery of a shipment, they hire an experienced martial arts expert to protect it, who in turn hand-picks a team of seven other fighters to take on the thieves..

Escort Service

Escort Service

Claudia makes Katrin to work for her provider for Claudia's material security and to leave the "shitty work outside". They are both prostitutes. Katrin learns that the price for being independent is high and goes with physical destruction..

Humen Escort Group

Humen Escort Group

This film tells that during the reign of the Emperor Shenzong, he was obsessed with wine and indulged in the administration of the court, which led to the eunuch's hegemony and the destruction of loyalty. A generation of loyal Yang Yiyun.

Thousand Miles Escort

Thousand Miles Escort

During the South Sung Dynasty, rampant with corruption and murder the peasants led a very difficult life. Lords controlled the countryside, continuously fighting for power. This film depicts these brutal realities of China during this time, and how one man's integrity and pride is never compromised..

Defense: Secret Escort

Defense: Secret Escort

The film focuses on the 'scouts', a peacekeeping service, and tells the story of the Chinese peacekeeping and anti-riot team being lured by Chinese businessmen when they carried out the mission of evacuating overseas Chinese. The armed conspiracy completed the task of evacuating overseas Chinese and told a touching story of a Chinese blue helmet firmly guarding world peace.

Escorts Over Tiger Hill

Escorts Over Tiger Hill

A war between two generals, one of whom drafts Jing Wuji, a former fighter who has become a monk, to escort a group of prisoners over the mountains. The monk's efforts are complicated by the reappearance of his two vengeful ex-wives..

Hitman & Bodyguard

Hitman & Bodyguard

Un redoutable tueur à gages est contraint de témoigner contre son ancien employeur devant la Cour internationale de justice de La Haye. Interpol est alors chargée de l’escorter jusqu’aux Pays-Bas et engage le meilleur garde du corps du métier pour mener à bien cette mission. Mais c’était sans savoir que depuis des années, les deux hommes s’opposent : les voilà désormais obligés de s’associer pour tenter de survivre aux pires épreuves… De l’Angleterre à La Haye, ils vont vivre une aventure délirante, une succession infernale de tentatives de meurtre, de courses-poursuites pour échapper à un dictateur d’Europe de l’Est prêt à tout pour les éliminer..

Hitman & Bodyguard 2

Hitman & Bodyguard 2

Michael Bryce, le célèbre garde du corps, a besoin de repos. Il décide d’entamer un " voyage spirituel " en Italie, loin des armes et de la violence. C’est à Capri que Sonia, la femme de Darius Kincaid, vient le chercher pour qu’il l’aide à libérer son mari des griffes de Carlo, un caïd mafieux. Michael accepte – à condition de ne toucher à aucune arme à feu… Ils infiltrent le QG de l’organisation criminelle, faisant échouer au passage une opération de surveillance des autorités, ce qui va leur attirer un autre genre d’ennuis… Le trio va vite se retrouver au cœur d’un chassé-croisé rempli de criminels et d’officiels qui ont tous d’excellentes raisons de leur en vouloir. Est-il vraiment possible de sauver sa peau et le monde sans tirer un seul coup de feu ?.