

Comment trouver Commando gratuit

Suicide Commando

Suicide Commando

World War 2 - a British commando squad is tasked with attacking the "secret" German airfield from which German fighters have been attacking bombers which are trying to stop German tanks from reinforcing the D Day defences..

Qu'un sang impur…

Qu'un sang impur…

Alors qu’il n’est plus que l’ombre du guerrier qu’il était en Indochine, le colonel Paul Andreas Breitner se voit contraint de traverser une Algérie en guerre, à la recherche de son ancien officier supérieur : le colonel Simon Delignières, porté disparu dans les Aurès Nemencha, une véritable poudrière aux mains des rebelles..

Saigon Commandos

Saigon Commandos

A series of drug-related murders haunt Saigon. Ex-Green Beret Mark Stryker and his MP's must find the culprits. With the help of Jean Lassiter, a nosey reporter covering the crime beat, Stryker uncovers the involvement of corrupt politicians in the heroin trade and in the killings. But before he can pin them down, Stryker is framed for the murder of his commanding officer and now he must clear his name, free Lassiter from her captors, and stop his men from carrying out their own kind of vengeance before it is too late..

Delta Force Commando

Delta Force Commando

After the needless death of his wife and unborn child during a theft and raid on an army base (and it was really needless as the hoods just burst in and shoot up his apt for no reason) an ex-member of Delta Force and decorated war veteran Fred Williamson go to South America and repeatedly blow it up!.



Six Dutch Commandos, commanded by John de Koning and stationed in Mali, are sent to Nigeria under American orders to free the son of a wealthy Nigerian oil family from Boko Haram rebels. When the team finds out that the man is not a hostage but actually working with the terrorists - and unexpectedly find themselves responsible for a group of teenage schoolgirls - the mission gets completely out of hand. Will John be able to keep his team together and to accomplish their mission?.

Delta Force Commando II: Priority Red One

Delta Force Commando II: Priority Red One

Dans une zone solitaire et délaissée, un avion atterrit. Un homme avec un uniforme général quitte l'avion. Sa mission est de démasquer l'espion, qui réside dans la base camouflée. Les accusations du général créent une atmosphère tendue dans le bâtiment. Entre-temps, deux autres employés recherchent également l'espion, mais au moment où ils apprennent leur identité, ils sont capturés. L'escadron de la Delta Force travaille à les libérer..

The Last Runway 2, Commando Yaguareté

The Last Runway 2, Commando Yaguareté

Betty Jara reassembles the Yaguareté Commandos to exchange an imprisoned criminal for one of her own agents. A risky operation becomes even more so when she realizes they are not just fighting a drug ring but the highest spheres of power..

Commando: On The Front Line

Commando: On The Front Line

A hard hitting ITV series that follows Royal Marines recruits from day one of training, through 32 weeks of the longest and hardest military training in the world and then to the front line in Afghanistan..

Commando Ninja 2: Invasion America

Commando Ninja 2: Invasion America

1988, Communists have been planning to invade America for the past 10 years, hiding entire divisions underneath major cities, moving through the sewer network, and infiltrating into the population! Nobody can believe it! Today is the 4th of July, the day they have chosen to launch their operation. Hopkins is gonna have to rally the team, John, Kowalsky and Jenny to fight back, and destroy the evil at its source, the house of the rising sun, VIETNAM! When America is under Attack, When Governments can't help, if you find them, maybe you can Hire them.

Angel of Death

Angel of Death

Un commando à la recherche du célèbre Dr Mengele tue un autre médecin nazi par erreur. Mengele se cache sous un faux-nom et prépare le quatrième Reich....

Commandos and Dragons

Commandos and Dragons

George, a charismatic 11 year-old boy, moves with with father and two siblings to a village in Crete, trying to start over after his mother's death. From the very first night, George's nightmares begin to come to life. But he won't have to face them alone, since he soon becomes member of the "Commandos", a local kids' gang. Together, they take up the mission of freeing a "weird" young man, Dodo, from the chains of the infamous "Dragons" gang and put an end to the vendetta that haunts the village. To make that happen they will need to confront the dark force that sows discord between the villagers for hundreds of years..

American Commandos

American Commandos

A group of Vietnam vets are sent to Southeast Asia to destroy drug-smuggling operations in the Golden Triangle. When they get there, they find that many of the drug gangs are run by other Vietnam vets..