

Comment trouver Back Home gratuit

Back Home Again

Back Home Again

Back Home Again is an ethical film that tells the story of two young intellectuals Feng Shibin and Zhou Wansen after their marriage to two country girls, Axiang and Lili.

The Winds Know That I'm Coming Back Home

The Winds Know That I'm Coming Back Home

Looking for extras and locations, a filmmaker settles on Chiloé, the second largest island off the coast of Chile. He does auditions, but mainly listens patiently to the stories of young and old people. As an outsider, he cautiously searches for the soul of the community and its underlying tensions..

The way back home

The way back home

Childhood friends Hinata and Hayato are training hard in kendo for their final high school inter-high school competition. One day, Hinata is scouted by an entertainment agency. This causes a rift in their relationship. The film depicts these two young boys who grow up to be adults while still carrying the pain & doubts from their youth..

Kenedi Goes Back Home

Kenedi Goes Back Home

The first film in what would ultimately become Zilnik’s famed Kenedi trilogy follows street hustler Kenedi Hasani and his friend as they roam the streets of Serbia seeking Kenedi’s parents. Kenedi Goes Back Home is Zilnik’s account of the Roma people who were forced to flee from the war in the Balkans to Germany in the 1990s and who, ten years later, are forced against their will to return to Serbia. Zilnik shows the immigrants' lives in relation to the prevailing ideology shaped today by the borders between rich and poor and by the often-racist selection process that determines who will be accepted into Western Europe. In presenting the dilemmas and identifying the crises these people face, he appeals for a solution..

Going Back Home

Going Back Home

Chilean women in prison have limited communication with their family—no visits, not even a conversation behind glass. Mothers sometimes spend years separated from their children, whom they have had to leave at home. This VR experience is the result of a project that gave a handful of these women the chance at least to have virtual contact with their loved ones..

There is no way back home

There is no way back home

In 1958, Robert Gottlieb was forced to renounce his Romanian citizenship in order to migrate to Israel. 50 years later, his daughter Yaela (re)builds that route but her father’s story does not match the places she knew. Family mandates and ghosts of the past get materialized. Him from Lima and her from Buenos Aires, for the first time, find an undeniable gap that leads her towonder: who her father is.

Someone who can’t go back home

Someone who can’t go back home

When I heard the radio broadcast about a missing 15-year-old boy, I realized that I was dressing exactly the same as that boy according to the announcement. It gave me a mixed feeling that on the one hand, I was wondering why this young boy had gone missing while on the other hand, I felt that somehow I became the one that people were looking for because of the clothes. The weird anxiety that the absence of me might cover the real absence of the boy fulfilled me the whole time till I got back home, and the video of this work was taken within that time. The sounds were recorded from the original broadcast. ​.

Way Back Home

Way Back Home

A story about a group of eight teenagers who have bonded inside a bar & restaurant named “HOME”. Every members in the group have their own personality, different origin even their own faculty in university. Such as Pol, Man, Jay study at Faculty of Engineering. Sand, Bank study at Faculty of Medicine. Khaopod, Yuan, and Well study at Faculty of Communication. Friendship and story of problems in each families reveal teenagers’ life nowadays. And causing the group of them. All of them think that “HOME” is a home for them. Being the place which contain love, understanding, helping and consulting. Then one day Khaopod accidently shoot a picture, which turn the problem to “HOME”. This story will absolutely change her life and all friends’ life..

Back in the Homeland

Back in the Homeland

A documentary film almanac of 9 short stories about people who returned from different parts of the mine to their small homeland, to the Perm Territory, and successfully realized themselves in creativity, business or professional activities. These are real, successful, sometimes sentimental, sometimes funny, with ups and downs, but most importantly, these are happy stories of returning home..

Back to Our Homeland

Back to Our Homeland

A group of older Cabécares from Talamanca rediscover their past when they visit for the first time since they left the indigenous territory of China Kichá, in Pérez Zeledón, where they were born, grew up and left. In the process, they get to know the generations that did remain in the territory and that are currently in the process of fighting for the recovery of the land. "Returning to the land where we were born" is a documentary that deals with the memory of dispossession and the current struggle for the recovery of lands of the indigenous community of China Kichá..



The daughter of the Li family has been missing for many years - suddenly she appears causing a turmoil in the town. The secrets hidden in the Li family gradually surface....

Maman, je suis seul contre tous

Maman, je suis seul contre tous

Maintenant que ses parents sont séparés, Kevin doit passer ses vacances avec son père chez la petite amie de celui-ci qui vit dans un véritable palace bourré d'une tonne de gadgets derniers cris. Mais il est loin de se douter qu'il devra mener une véritable guerre éclair pour déjouer le plan de dangereux malfaiteurs..

Men in Black II

Men in Black II

En quatre années passées à protéger la Terre de toutes sortes d’invasions extraterrestres, l’agent J, qui travaille secrètement au quartier général des Men in Black, n’a toujours pas trouvé de partenaire avec qui faire équipe. À la suite d’un crime étrange impliquant des extraterrestres, l’agence découvre l’existence d’un redoutable complot menaçant notre planète. Serleena, une maléfique séductrice qui a pris l’apparence d’un top‐model en lingerie fine, est prête à tout pour accomplir son sinistre dessein. J a absolument besoin des services de K, son ancien partenaire qui n’a plus aucun souvenir des MIB et travaille dorénavant à la Poste. J va devoir par tous les moyens le faire sortir de sa retraite..



Le deuxième film d’O’Leary est un collage décousu de séquences magnifiquement filmées: paysages urbains, panneaux et panneaux publicitaires, nus et caméos d’autres acteurs/cinéastes français de l’époque..