

Comment trouver Atlantis gratuit

Atlantis Expedition

Atlantis Expedition

In one of the most inspiring expeditions of the 20th century, Alfredo Barragan sets out to prove that primitive men could traveled from Africa to America long before Columbus' trip. He creates a raft with the same materials these primitive men could have arranged and together with four brave friends he sets out to sail the Atlantic Ocean - and the adventure begins. He didn't only want to prove this hypothesis but he also wanted to prove that a men, with determination and enough planning, can achieve what seems impossible. "Let men know that men can!". Don't miss this amazing and inspiring story that will make you believe again in yourself and in mankind..



Deux officiers explorent le Hoggar persuadés que l'Atlantide se trouve en plein désert. Ils tombent dans une embuscade. Le lieutenant de Saint-Avit se réveille dans une ville inconnue, cherche le capitaine Morhange et tombe sous le charme de la reine Antinéa qui le retient prisonnier..

Kings of Atlantis

Kings of Atlantis

Kings of Atlantis is a thrilling, fun, and epic animated series that follows the two deposed, young monarchs of the vast underwater city of Atlantis, Cody and Joe, as they seek to overthrow the brutal usurper of their kingdom, reclaim their birthright, and protect their people from his cruel reign. Each 11-minute episode will find Cody and Joe, alongside a persistent cast of misfit Atlanteans, heading on fantasy-themed underwater adventures both inside and outside the city of Atlantis, as they are pursued by the evil forces of King Phaeton. Along the way, they’ll encounter the value of friendship with all kinds of people, feel the corruption of monarchy, discover the truth of their origins, and eventually learn that just because they were once kings, doesn’t mean they can’t be something more..

Hilangnya Mahkota Atlantis

Hilangnya Mahkota Atlantis

A group of criminals stole the Atlantis Crown at the Jakarta museum, Lapor Pak! team must quickly rediscover the crown to be returned to the museum before their careers are in danger of ending..

Jack Smith and the Destruction of Atlantis

Jack Smith and the Destruction of Atlantis

In this entrancing documentary on performance artist, photographer and underground filmmaker Jack Smith, photographs and rare clips of Smith's performances and films punctuate interviews with artists, critics, friends and foes to create an engaging portrait of the artist. Widely known for his banned queer erotica film Flaming Creatures, Smith was an innovator and firebrand who influenced artists such as Andy Warhol and John Waters..

Bells of Atlantis

Bells of Atlantis

A perfect fusion of poetry and film, with dense layered imagery and music from electro pioneers Louise and Bebe Barron. The writer Anaïs Nin provides dialogue from her novella “House of Incest” and appears adrift in the undersea realm of Atlantis before ascending to dry land..

Forbidden Knowledge: Legends of Atlantis Exposed

Forbidden Knowledge: Legends of Atlantis Exposed

The hunt for a long, lost world is raging with the search for Atlantis gaining momentum. Now, with new evidence for a great lost kingdom, some researchers claim they know where the long lost kingdom of Atlantis once was. Myth and legend tells of highly advanced, superior beings with vast armies in pre-history that were ultimately destroyed by a devastating cataclysm..

Finding Atlantis

Finding Atlantis

À l'aide de photos par satellite, de radars à pénétration de sol et de technologies sous-marines, des experts observent des marais en Espagne à la recherche de l'antique cité. Si l'équipe réussit à faire correspondre des formations géologiques avec les descriptions de Platon et à dater des artefacts à la période de l'Atlantide, on pourrait approcher la résolution d'un des plus grands mystères..

Atlantis Untold

Atlantis Untold

Atlantis Untold is the story of an unexpected journey by brother and sister Jack and Skye Noble, who are forced by circumstances to try to conquer the opposing forces of an inner world. Decending deeper and deeper into unknown spheres, the two travelers are guided by unexpected forces of light and hindered by relentless forces of darkness, until their struggle brings them to the legendary City of Atlantis..

Ullmann: Der Kaiser von Atlantis

Ullmann: Der Kaiser von Atlantis

The Emperor of Atlantis declares a war of all against all and proclaims that his old ally Death will spearhead the campaign. Offended by the Emperor’s insolence, Death refuses to let anyone die, wreaking havoc throughout the world. Der Kaiser von Atlantis's origin as the only surviving opera composed in a Nazi concentration camp elevates it to a unique memorial against forgetting. Yet in the Deutsche Oper am Rhein’s production, the parable of living death is never cautionary, but ominous, disturbingly comical and deeply human..

Dwarka: The Atlantis of the East

Dwarka: The Atlantis of the East

Ancient Explorer, Amish Shah travels to the west coast of India in search of an ancient submerged city. With a passion for the truth, he stumbles into a cover up and in this film, he goes public with what he found..