

Comment regarder if.... sur Netflix gratuitement

If I Can't Have You

If I Can't Have You

Disc jockey Michelle Hall attracts the amorous attention of an unknown, demented fan. Meanwhile, back at home, her nosy neighbor seems to watch and know every move she makes..

Watch If You Dare

Watch If You Dare

What many are saying is the most disturbing film of 2018, Watch if you Dare revolves around a series of horrifying incidents. If you press play, look away ;).

IYKYK (If You Know You Know)

IYKYK (If You Know You Know)

Everyone seems to have a different approach to the elephant in the room; her Gender Identity. Address it or ignore it. No one seems to have a clue how to go about it. We follow a series of dates, Kusum goes on..

If a Man Answers

If a Man Answers

Rich socialite Chantal marries photographer Eugene and everything seems blissful until her envious friend attempts to break them up. In desperation, she turns to her mother, but the advice she receives may do more harm than good..

What if?

What if?

My need to decide seems trivial. Nevertheless, it exists. But isn't it lost life time? I turn forwards and backwards, to turn backwards and forwards. I move on, bulging with all the experiences I have gathered for myself within me..

Cheat On Me, If You Can

Cheat On Me, If You Can

Kang Yeo-joo is a best-selling writer. She only writes crime stories, dealing with cruel murder cases. She constantly thinks about how to murder people for her novels. Kang Yeo-Joo is married to Han Woo-sung. He is a lawyer, specializing in divorce. He wrote a memo to his wife stating "If I cheat, I die.".

If Not Now, When

If Not Now, When

Centers around four friends who met while in high school and are bonded by an event that happens. Fifteen years later, they are suddenly forced to all come back together when one of them faces a crisis..



Acting : I-F
popularity : 0.003
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" I-F en streaming gratuit.

One Last Score

One Last Score

Johnnie Cooper served time for an armed robbery that also his father and brother participated in. When he's released from jail he's determined to live a normal life and gets work at a gas station. But soon his brother pays a visit..

Quand vient l'hiver

Quand vient l'hiver

En 1939, la petite ville anglaise de Penny Green voit sa population basculer dans un profonde émoi, car Mark Sabre, auteur de livres scolaires, se comporte de manière peu recommandable. Trahi par celle qu'il aimait, il a récemment épousé Mabel. Idéaliste et rêveur, Mark s'ennuie ferme auprès de sa femme. Cette dernière est en effet beaucoup plus terre-à-terre que lui. À quelques jours de la déclaration de guerre qui va faire basculer le pays dans la Seconde Guerre mondiale, son premier amour, Nona, revient au village avec son mari, Tony. Mabel est sûre qu'elle n'a rien à craindre de la « revenante ». Mark, de son côté, a entamé une liaison avec une jeune fille enceinte, ce qui scandalise le village....

Aime-moi si tu oses

Aime-moi si tu oses

Simon est un profiler de qualité. En effet, il est capable de comprendre les motivations et raisonnements des criminels en se mettant à leur place. Suite à l'une de ses enquêtes menée aux États-Unis, il se retire en Chine. Il fera alors la rencontre de Jenny, qu'il engage tout d'abord comme traductrice pour l'aider dans son travail. Mais très vite, ils se retrouveront à travailler ensemble sur différents crimes. Au cours de leurs enquêtes, un mystérieux et dangereux criminel fera son apparition, ne cessant de les surveiller de prêt et ayant toujours un pas d'avance sur eux. Bien évidement, des liens forts se tisseront entre Simon et Jenny. Mais ce criminel étant prêt à tout pour obtenir ce qu'il souhaite, ne cessera de les tourmenter en s'en prenant à eux par le biais de nombreux innocents. Qu'adviendra-t-il de la suite ? Ce drama est une adaptation du best-seller éponyme de l'auteur Ding Mo..

If You Are the One

If You Are the One

With a viewing audience of up to 50 million per episode, this popular Chinese dating show is a cultural phenomenon. A lone male suitor has to impress a panel of 24 single women, who can then register their interest or disinterest in the man through the use of their podium lights. Popular host Meng Fei oversees the action in front of a large studio audience..

Catch Us If You Can

Catch Us If You Can

Dinah is a famous model and actress who is getting tired of life in the limelight and wants to take a break. While shooting a commercial spot for meat, she meets Steve, a stuntman. Dinah and Steve hit it off and decide to head to an island to get away from it all, bringing along four of Steve's friends. Before long, Dinah is reported missing and everyone is looking for her, making their getaway anything but tranquil..