

Comment regarder ZONA/ sur Netflix gratuitement

Mais Um Dia, Zona Norte

Mais Um Dia, Zona Norte

Workers on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro are experiencing moments of transformation in their routines. An instant of dreams, fantasy and escape from reality as a counterpoint to the sameness of everyday life..



Été 1967. Les États-Unis connaissent une vague d’émeutes sans précédent. La guerre du Vietnam, vécue comme une intervention néocoloniale, et la ségrégation raciale nourrissent la contestation. À Detroit, alors que le climat est insurrectionnel depuis deux jours, des coups de feu sont entendus en pleine nuit à proximité d’une base de la Garde nationale. Les forces de l’ordre encerclent l’Algiers Motel d’où semblent provenir les détonations. Bafouant toute procédure, les policiers soumettent une poignée de clients de l’hôtel à un interrogatoire sadique pour extorquer leurs aveux. Le bilan sera très lourd: trois hommes, non armés, seront abattus à bout portant, et plusieurs autres blessés….

Polonia: ¿Zona libre de LGTBI?

Polonia: ¿Zona libre de LGTBI?

Is Poland a homophobic country or is it only its government? Are there in Poland, as the conservative media would have you believe, "LGTBI-free zones"? To answer these questions, Jon Sistiaga takes an immersion trip through divided Poland..



A Garrison, cité-dortoir pour les flics de New York, le shérif Heflin est un dépressif obèse que personne ne respecte. La loi du silence de la profession lui impose un jour de masquer une bavure mortelle, mais l'insistance de l'incorruptible enquêteur Tilden va l'obliger à faire un choix….

La zona oscura - L'età bambina

La zona oscura - L'età bambina

More then forty years have been gone since the day in which Jole Ruglioni founded in 1972 La Casa dei Bambini – Childrens’ House, one of the first Montessori's school in Milan. For four decades the rooms, the walls, the creaking stairs og the 19th century house have welcomed little guests. Now the house isn't anymore a school it is a private house: walls, rooms have been destroyed, so the stairs too, heart of the school is not anymore there. By the way for a lot of people, pupils and parents the Building of Porpora street will remain the Montessori school of Jole. the film tells about the last months of activity before moving. Among learning, playing, pass, present and future the school daily school life and the founder's memories. It is a personal and intimate journey in the universe of childhood..

Netīrā zona 2. Nāves pļauja

Netīrā zona 2. Nāves pļauja

A look behind the scenes during the Covid-19 pandemic in Latvia. The documentary gives an insight about what goes on in the so called "Dirty Zone" - the area in the hospital where people suffering from infectious diseases are held. A continuation of "Netīrā zona" which was released by the Latvian National Television in January 2021..

GCW vs Zona 23

GCW vs Zona 23

On July 30th GCW faces off Zona 23 in Mexico. Already announced are some of the talents such as SHLAK, G-Raver, Jimmy Lloyd, Eric Ryan & 3-time ToS winner Alex Colon. Stay tuned for more information to be announced soon!.

GCW Vs Zona 23

GCW Vs Zona 23

On December 24th GCW vs Zona 23: DeshUesaDero is live on TrillerTV+! Big F'n Joe vs Lunatik Xtreme Bam Sullivan vs Aeroboy Ciclope vs Lunatik Fly Miedo Extremo vs Venganza Jimmy Lloyd vs Cyber Punk Rina Yamashita vs Ludark Shaitan John Wayne Murdoch vs Pagano Taped December 10, 2023 in The Junkyard, Cuautitlan Izcalli, Estado de Mexico, Mexico.



In a post-apocaliptic Barcelona, the essential resources are being privatized, in order to let the big corporations make more money, even if they are putting the people’s lives at stake..

Top Gunner: Danger Zone

Top Gunner: Danger Zone

Les jeunes diplômés d'une base isolée de l'US Air Force doivent protéger une arme de modification génétique de l'armée russe, qui cherche désespérément à s'en emparer..

Forbidden Zone - Wildlife on the Battlefield

Forbidden Zone - Wildlife on the Battlefield

Not far from Budapest, in the outskirts of Táborfalva, a board stops the arriving: "Keep out! Entry is dangerous and forbidden!" The Forbidden Zone starts here, the second biggest shooting and drill ground in Hungary, where military field exercises have been performed for one and a half century. In spite of the danger and prohibition, the area is densely populated. Many plant and animals species live their secret lives here, some of them being rare creatures that almost completely disappeared from the cultivated parts of the Hungarian Alföld. They are protected by weapons....