

Comment regarder The Wave sur Netflix gratuitement

The Green Wave

The Green Wave

The Green Wave tells the true story of Louis Mulkey, a Charleston firefighter, basketball coach and substitute teacher at a local high school, who passes away in a massive fire, while on duty. His underdog team continues playing on without their coach, trying to win the 2008 State Championship title in his honor..

Here Come The Waves: The Hazards of Love Visualized

Here Come The Waves: The Hazards of Love Visualized

Here Come The Waves: The Hazards of Love Visualized" is an animated collaboration between the band and four filmmakers: Guilherme Marcondes, Julia Pott, Peter Sluszka and Santa Maria. The Los Angeles Times describes it as "a tumbling series of visuals with four distinct aesthetic styles. Peter Sluszka's ultra-slow motion capture of exploding mushrooms and elegantly disseminating seed pods … Julia Pott's line art of wolves and foxes hovering in geometric constellations … Guilherme Marcondes' renderings of skeletons caught among leafless branches and verdant human arms that unfurl like ferns… Santa Maria provides context…with cosmic, computer-generated vistas, cartoons of splintering bones..

The Wave by The FIRM: Rock it OFF! - Express

The Wave by The FIRM: Rock it OFF! - Express

Rock it Off! is the ultimate high-energy, total body firming and fat-burning cardio and strength interval workout designed to work every inch of your body and maximize your post-workout calories. In quick Speed Slimming intervals, Rock it Off! gives you a one-stop, full-body, calorie blasting workout!.

Beat the Waves

Beat the Waves

In an effort to create a memorable and life-changing reunion, two friends decide to go on a 'shrooms trip, which has unintended consequences for both..

The First Wave

The First Wave

A family driving along a quiet country road is about to have a close encounter of the third kind. The parents try to calm their daughter who's crying in the back seat, but maybe her cries are a warning of the danger ahead....

The Green Wave

The Green Wave

A stereograph of an ocean wave breaking is suspended in time as it reshapes in time and in depth. 3-D for both two eyed and single-eyed viewers..

The 4th Wave

The 4th Wave

A documentary co-produced by Tribeca Films and the jewelry brand BVLGARI, profiling Italian rapper and R&B-singer Alessandra Prete, who records and performs under the name "Priestess.".

The First Wave

The First Wave

Documentary - The people of the Carteret Islands are about to make history. They will soon begin abandoning their small chain of islands, as rising seas make them increasingly uninhabitable. They will be the first people in the world to make such a move..

Between the Waves

Between the Waves

A surreal five channel film installation where unicorn women collect plastic and communicate through a mirror within a lunar setting. The film tackles issues such as sexuality, body, kinship and productiveness while blurring boundaries and categories..

The 2nd Wave

The 2nd Wave

Dr Shaan Ali suspects that his work has been used to create a pandemic. His investigation leads him to the highest levels of corruptions. Will he be able to get to the truth in time before it is too late?.

The Dark Wave

The Dark Wave

A young girl, played by Pamela Beaird, normal in every way is affected with severe epilepsy. What happens, in regard to her parents and school friends and their reactions, is shown. In addition, an explanation of the affliction and a demonstration of the treatment involved, both physically and psychologically, are detailed..

The Second Wave

The Second Wave

Spring 2012 the Swedish band La Fleur Fatale embarked on a journey to and through California. During two weeks they played with legendary psych musicians and met people who was part of making the 60's into what it later became both musically and spiritually, connecting the past with the present both musically and politically. What is the difference between then and now? Is the Anonymous movement now what 60's anti war movement was back then? The band themselves only knew about the shows they are supposed to play on the trip through California, they are lead on the journey by their manager that call in the next destination. In The Second Wave we find people and bands like La Fleur Fatale of course, Ebbot Lundberg (TSOOL), Strawberry Alarm Clock, James Lowe(Electric Prunes), Duncan Faure(Bay City Rollers, Rabbit), Patrick Campbell-Lyons (Original Nirvana) and more. The people behind this documentary have been working pro bono, by love to the band and the project itself..