

Comment regarder Souffle sur Netflix gratuitement

Le souffle du désert

Le souffle du désert

Ils sont québécois, belges, français et suisses, ne se ressemblent pas, sont d’âges et d’origines divers, bien portants et exercent une activité ordinaire. Leur seul lien entre eux est leur désir de réfléchir sur leur identité masculine. D’ailleurs, c’est la seule raison apparente qui explique leur présence dans un groupe de 13 hommes partis à pied durant 15 jours dans le désert tunisien..

Le dernier souffle

Le dernier souffle

À Bagneaux-sur-Loing les immenses verreries ont presque toutes fermées, entraînant avec elles la disparition des souffleurs de verre et de leurs précieux savoir-faire. Pourtant, avant l’arrivé de l’industrie sur son territoire, cette petite bourgade proche de la forêt de Fontainebleau a abrité pendant 250 ans une verrerie artisanale où plusieurs générations de verriers ont prospéré. Au début du XXème siècle, un groupe industriel met la main sur la petite verrerie et y implante la fabrication du verre PYREX à grande échelle. En quelques années, Bagneaux-sur-Loing devient une immense cité ouvrière attirant les verriers de la région venus tenter l’expérience du progrès industriel. Personne ne pouvait se douter que la cité et les souffleur de verre vivaient alors leur dernier souffle….

Un dernier souffle

Un dernier souffle

The film begins with the funeral of Pierre. Beaten in the street, because different in the eyes of society, the young man succumbed to his injuries. The next scene takes place in the office of a publishing house. We learn that a writer named Claire went to meet Pierre a few days before his death. This exchange aims to produce a book relating the fight of the deceased against discrimination. In the next scene, we are a few days before Pierre's disappearance. The singer is rushed to hospital. We see Claire going to a medical center, where the singer is in intensive care. At the end we witness the artist’s “last breath”. At the same time, Claire writes Pierre's story from her notes..

Second Souffle

Second Souffle

Jose, a former boxing champion, has retired and settled into the life of a private chauffeur. He has a quiet existence and is doing his best to live with his past. He has a father and son bond with Enzo, a young boxer who is about to have an important combat, giving Jose a renewed sense of passion and true purpose to his life. Karim, Enzo’s coach doesn’t take kindly to Jose’s come back into the world of boxing..

The Breaths

The Breaths

Les Souffles (The Breaths) is the translation from one language to another, the transformation of sound into a writing in which the alphabet is yet to be defined. A phonogram is literally the written but arbitrary transcript of a sound. Here, the sound escapes from the vinyl and the writing is just some beeswax fixed to the disc, originally used to improve its performance. Chips form in each groove, with each new turn, and disappear to give way to new ones. The process is repeated and the wax tells us the music as the materiality of the lived moment. The disc rotates, the man dances on one side, the wax forms on the other, indefinitely. As if the real was inexhaustible and mechanical.

Le souffle du guépard

Le souffle du guépard

Ce film nous raconte l'histoire de Mara, l'une des toutes dernières guépardes vivant en Afrique de l'Est, une mère solitaire et courageuse qui consacre toute son énergie à élever ses petits..

Le souffleur de l'affaire

Le souffleur de l'affaire

A burlesque crime film constructed around real events from 1897: Ildebrando Biribo, an Italian anarchist and a prompter in a theatre, is found dead in his box under the stage. An artistic puzzle between theatre, cinema, and a mysterious crime through the voice of playwright Edmond Rostand..

Dernier souffle

Dernier souffle

Axel and Maelle are in couple, they seem to have a simple life, without issues, but in their intimacy, Maelle uses violence. Axel needs an introspection, to save his couple, and save himself..

Ici le mistral souffle fort

Ici le mistral souffle fort

Tout est parti d'une voix, la voix d'une femme qui, un matin, se confie à son dictaphone. Elle nous embarque de la mer du Nord à la Méditerranée à la recherche de cette expérience fulgurante qui lui a traversé le corps, l'esprit et surtout l'âme..

Le souffle du désir

Le souffle du désir

Daniel Bellanger, a night-club crooner, is a basically straight,honest man. He has just married Christiane, a cashier in a Montmartre hotel and his main objective in life is to live happily with his wife and Pierrot, the son she had of a former union. Unfortunately Daniel accepts the offer of his old friend Freddy to run a gambling den. The place is frequented by a host of dubious guys, among whom a hood named Mario. The latter finds Christiane to his liking and soon shows he is prepared to do anything to take her away from Daniel, including kidnapping little Pierrot..