

Comment regarder Evil I sur Netflix gratuitement

Evil Idol Song

Evil Idol Song

Kana Fujisaki is an unsuccessful idol who does gravure and also works as a singer-songwriter. Her production company is trying to get her a pillow fight with a producer in the industry, as she is not selling well as a singer. And she is terrified of being stalked by a black shadow, perhaps due to her daily stress..

Who Says I'm Evil?

Who Says I'm Evil?

Tick has an argument with her father and leaves the house. Tunsmai receives a letter from his old boss saying that Panee, his sister, is coming to town and wants him to take good care of her. The next day, he goes to pick up Tick by mistake. At work he has over heard that Tick is the daughter of Minister Pratuan. While Tick is at work as a cat-walk model, she sees her father coming in and he sees her. As she is running out, she gets hit by a car. Later Tunsmai finds her and brings her back to her home..

In the Face of Evil: Reagan's War in Word and Deed

In the Face of Evil: Reagan's War in Word and Deed

Ronald Reagan was the President of the Screen Actor's Guild during the incredibly violent Hollywood trade union strike in the 1940's. Reagan saw first-hand the brutality, destruction and oppression that defined the communist party as it attempted to overtake the unions to convert them into propaganda mills for the Soviet Union. The strike incited in him a call to action and an unshakeable belief that communism was a "form of insanity" which must be wiped from the earth. From SAG President, to GE Spokesman, Governor of California and finally, to President of the United States, this film chronicles the rise of Ronald Reagan, his unwavering conviction that America was the world's last best hope of man, and shows why he is hero to over a billion people who he helped free from the bonds of Soviet domination..

I Am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil and I Want to Be Your Class President

I Am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil and I Want to Be Your Class President

Twelve-year-old Oliver Watson’s got the IQ of a grilled cheese sandwich. Or so everyone in Omaha thinks. In reality, Oliver’s a mad evil genius on his way to world domination, and he’s used his great brain to make himself the third-richest person on earth! Then Oliver’s father—and archnemesis—makes a crack about the upcoming middle school election, and Oliver takes it as a personal challenge. He’ll run, and he’ll win! Turns out, though, that overthrowing foreign dictators is actually way easier than getting kids to like you. . . Can this evil genius win the class presidency and keep his true identity a secret, all in time to impress his dad?.

Le diable n'existe pas

Le diable n'existe pas

Iran, de nos jours. Heshmat est un mari et un père exemplaire mais nul ne sait où il va tous les matins. Pouya, jeune conscrit, ne peut se résoudre à tuer un homme comme on lui ordonne de le faire. Javad, venu demander sa bien-aimée en mariage, est soudain prisonnier d’un dilemme cornélien. Bharam, médecin interdit d’exercer, a décidé d’enfin révéler à sa nièce le secret de toute une vie. Ces quatre récits sont inexorablement liés. Dans un régime despotique où la peine de mort existe encore, des hommes et des femmes se battent pour affirmer leur liberté..

The Evil Inside

The Evil Inside

This is a story about ?evil inside ?, based on a true Taiwan social event. ?Evil inside? means the devil lives inside your heart, or the darkness inside your conscious; such as fear?hatred?greed?pride?stubbornness?selfishness. The darkness can be always exit, or come out in a sudden. It can hide and grow deeply in your mind to make you either become stronger or to be overwhelmed. The story happens in the present day of Taiwan society. ?The deceased collaborated organization ?as so called ? D.C.O. ?or ? The Help ? has existed in Taiwan for at least 30 years. The purpose of this organization to be founded is to help the family members taking care of the funeral affairs when their elderlies passed away. Because of the certain amount of money involved, some greedy businessmen take the advantage of elderlies? ?death? as a huge profit to lure people by gambling. Sadly, the gamblers sometimes includes the family members of the deceased....

Land Without Evil: Ivy Maraey

Land Without Evil: Ivy Maraey

A filmmaker tracing the steps of Swedish explorer Erland Nordeskiold travels with a Guarani Indian from the highlands of La Paz to the swamps in the forests of South Eastern Bolivia, a place where uncontacted indigenous still exist. Philosophical Road Movie into the heart of Guarani culture of Bolivia translates ancient knowledge and explores the importance of the other in the construction of our identity..

Meurtres sous surveillance

Meurtres sous surveillance

À chaque instant, des millions d'Américains vivent sous le regard des caméras de surveillance. Si la plupart d'entre eux sont d'honnêtes citoyens, les systèmes de sécurité captent quelquefois les agissements de redoutables criminels..

Evil Dead Rise

Evil Dead Rise

Alors que Beth n’a pas vu sa grande sœur Ellie depuis longtemps, elle vient lui rendre visite à Los Angeles où elle élève, seule, ses trois enfants. Mais leurs retrouvailles tournent au cauchemar, quand ils découvrent un mystérieux livre dans le sous-sol de l’immeuble, dont la lecture libère des démons qui prennent possession des vivants....

Resident Evil : Bienvenue à Raccoon City

Resident Evil : Bienvenue à Raccoon City

Ce nouveau chapitre de la saga Resident Evil, situé en 1998, dévoile enfin les secrets du manoir Spencer et de la ville qui fut autrefois le siège florissant du géant pharmaceutique Umbrella Corporation. Depuis le départ de la toute-puissante entreprise, Raccoon City a sombré jusqu’à la ruine, et une menace terrible rôde dans l’ombre. Lorsque le mal se réveille, Claire et Chris Redfield accompagnés de Jill Valentine unissent leurs forces pour tenter de découvrir la vérité sur Umbrella, en espérant voir le bout de la nuit....

Grim & Evil

Grim & Evil

Grim & Evil also known as Maxwell Atoms' Grim & Evil and promotionally referred to as The Grim & Evil Show, is an American animated television series created by Maxwell Atoms. The series, which debuted on Cartoon Network, consisted of two segments which were eventually spun off into their own series, The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy and Evil Con Carne..



Erik est renvoyé de son école à la suite d'une bagarre. Il se fait donc admettre dans une école privée, où les plus anciens contrôlent les plus jeunes. Il sympathise avec Pierre, son camarade de chambre, mais refuse de se soumettre à la politique de l'école. Il souhaite juste étudier seul et en paix..

This Child Is Evil

This Child Is Evil

Doctor Shiro Kubo, whose family had a severe accident leaving the mother in a coma, is called to treat a strange disease. His daughter is suspicious of the woman who claims to be her mother after leaving the coma. Who is the woman who pretends to be her mother? A father must do everything he can to bring tranquility to his family..

Hitler : La Naissance du mal

Hitler : La Naissance du mal

Adolf Hitller était un enfant qui ne s'est jamais senti à sa place dans sa famille. Ce sentiment n'a pas disparu en grandissant et le rejet qu'il a subi par l'école des Beaux-Arts de Vienne l'a énormément bouleversé. Il s'engage par la suite dans l'armée, avant de lancer sa carrière dans la poltique et comettre toutes les atrocités dont le monde a été le témoin et la victime..

Evil - In the Time of Heroes

Evil - In the Time of Heroes

The story begins at the end of the first Kako movie. The survivors meet up with a group of other barricaded survivors and must take care of the zombies as well as other random Greeks that have taken advantage of the chaos, while shooting random moving targets (zombie or not). Throughout we take small flashback visits into ancient Greece where the zombie apocalypse has also happened and we learn how they faced them..