

Comment regarder Bird

Street Birds

Street Birds

5 kids are working for a dark man called 'Çatal'. They find a baby in a trash bin, and because of Mercan's motherly instincts, they decide to take care of the baby; named 'Gülayşe'. Çatal, the bad guy notices the baby, thus the chaos begins by hurting him and killing a woman accidentaly who was looking for the baby. Frightened kids decide to abandon their territory. Gülayşe, the baby, is the daughter of a wealthy family couple, Bahar and Hafız Eyüboğlu. Her uncle, the boss of Çatal, kidnaps his niece for his agenda. To protect Ali from this murder, the kids agree to tell strangers they are siblings. And, a new life opens its doors when they meet a guy in their own cafe..

Sweet Bird of Youth

Sweet Bird of Youth

Tennessee William’s masterful melodrama about an aging movie star who, appalled by her own image on the screen, flees from her movie premiere and goes into seclusion, becoming entangled with a much younger hotel masseur and resident gigolo..

Bird of Prey

Bird of Prey

From its video game-inspired opening titles to its pervasive electronic music track, Bird of Prey went to great lengths to demonstrate its credentials as 'a thriller for the electronic age'. These elements, together with a clever and complex plot that combines a breathless fascination with the still-young field of computing with pan-European fraud, international terrorism, rogue intelligence operatives and organised crime, link it firmly to the early 1980s, expressing that era's growing anxieties about the burgeoning 'Eurocracy'..

From a Bird's Eye View

From a Bird's Eye View

From a Bird's Eye View is a 1970 ATV and ITC Entertainment co-produced sitcom. In the United States it aired on NBC, which had originally ordered the series as an entry in the 1969-70 TV season but pushed it back to the 1970-71 season as a mid-season replacement. The series followed two International Airlines stewardesses, a scatterbrained Briton and a savvy American, as they flew the London-European routes. The series ran for 16 25-minute colour episodes. The series was not a big success in either the UK or the US, but ITC re-used the format for the Shirley MacLaine series Shirley's World. That show also flopped, but ran to one more episode than From a Bird's Eye View..

L'Oiseau Bleu

L'Oiseau Bleu

Ce drama relate la tragique histoire d'amour entre Yoshimori, employé d'une station rurale et Kahori, l'épouse d'un riche héritier. Quand le mari de cette dernière découvre la vérité, les amants tentent de fuir ensemble en emmenant la fille de Kahori. Leur recherche de la sécurité et du bonheur les mènera à travers toute la nation, de Hokkaido à Nagoshima..

High Flying Bird

High Flying Bird

Quand un lock-out de la NBA met son client sur la touche, un agent échafaude un plan audacieux pour sauver leur carrière et bousculer la puissante structure de la ligue..

Follow That Bird

Follow That Bird

Big Bird is sent to live far from Sesame Street by a pesky social worker, who thinks it would be better for him to live with other birds. Unhappy, Big Bird runs away from his foster home, prompting the rest of the Sesame Street gang to go on a cross-country journey to find him..

Fiddley Foodle Bird

Fiddley Foodle Bird

The Fiddley Foodle Bird was a British children's animated musical series written by Jonathan Hodge, and narrated by Bruce Forsyth. Thirteen episodes of the series were made in total, with one story continuing through the episodes. They were made in 1991 and broadcast in 1992 on BBC One at 4:15. It was produced by H.A.P.P.Y. Animation and Fiddley Foodle Bird Productions in association with HIT Entertainment and was broadcast in over 30 different countries worldwide. The show also continued airing on the BBC until 2001..