

Comment regarder A Dinner sur Netflix gratuitement

Salle à manger fantastique

Salle à manger fantastique

Showing the interior of a dining room of a modest cottage, whereto enter a young couple to partake in their meal, which is being served up by the maid. Suddenly the legs of the table are extended to three times their height; the dinner being elevated to this extent; in order to reach same they climb into the chairs. The table suddenly vanishes, but makes its appearance in another section of the room. It is practically a chase between them and the table, this finally disappearing altogether, and in its place is seen a gigantic bottle of "Scotch." Further surprising tricks are introduced, making this subject one of unusual interest. (Selig Catalog).

Dinner Rush

Dinner Rush

One unlucky evening, Louis Cropa, a part-time bookmaker, discovers that his restaurant has become a hotbed of conflicting characters. In addition to having to please a whiny food critic, Louis must fend off a hostile takeover from a pair of gangsters, to whom his sous-chef is in debt. Further, Louis has an argument with his son, the star chef, whose culinary creativity has brought success to the business..

The Dinner Club

The Dinner Club

Karen (32) and Michel (36) move with their daughter to an exclusive residential area. She soon finds a new close circle of friends: the women of the Dinner Club, and their husbands. But when two of the Club members commit suicide under suspicious circumstances, Karen starts to have second thoughts about her new friends. She has to choose: will she reveal the truth and dish the dirt, or will she protect the interests of the Dinner Club?.

Seven Dinners

Seven Dinners

After five years of marriage, their relationships have come to a dead end – no kids, no common interests, almost no more love is left… When the wife asks for divorce, the husband tries the last remedy to cure their relationships – a scientific method known as "7 dinners"....

Reunion Dinner

Reunion Dinner

Co-workers Chaoyang and Zi Hong have been dating for more than a year, with marriage on the cards. When a client requests for a livestream of their reunion dinner to promote his products, the couple realises that neither have met the other’s family. Zi Hong is excited to finally get to meet Chaoyang’s mother, unaware of the latter’s estranged relationship with his mother. Embarrassed by his mother Yan Ling’s occupation as a mama-san, Chaoyang decides to engage the help of a friend, Wei, to “rent-a-family”, resulting in a series of mishaps and hilarity. The carefully constructed sham falls to pieces when the lie is eventually exposed over the reunion dinner on livestream. Will Chaoyang be able to repair the broken relationship with his mother and reconcile his differences with Zi Hong?.

The Dinner

The Dinner

There are issues that cannot wait for dessert. At a dinner party, the son is going to tell his parents something important that he has been thinking about for a long time..

Quiet Dinner Without Salt

Quiet Dinner Without Salt

One day, Valera wanted to do a good deed, to save the endangered animals. But what should we do if the one we want to help is five times bigger than you and ideally you would hold in your stomach?.

The Dinner

The Dinner

Two brothers and their wives have dinner in a fancy restaurant to discuss their teenage children's misdeeds. An excoriating assessment of Europe’s contemporary social ills..

What's for Dinner, Mom?

What's for Dinner, Mom?

Two sisters Tae and Yo come back to their old house which is soon to be torn down. Clearing up the family mementos, Tae finds a red box full of recipes and letters written by their mother who died 20 years ago. In these recipes and letters, she finds out how her mother had struggled in her life due to relocation from Japan to Taiwan, the death of her Taiwanese husband, and a battle with cancer. Tae travels to Taiwan to trace her mother's past, reminiscing about the dishes she made for the family..

Zara and the Others: Gorilla Brains for Dinner

Zara and the Others: Gorilla Brains for Dinner

We don’t know a lot about Zara and the others. But Zara and the others seem to violently nose bleed a lot. And Zara and the others are allegedly stealing pots and children from other people. Besides, Zara and the others live in a caravan. And what do Zara and the others eat for dinner? Probably something terribly frightening..

The Dinner

The Dinner

Ema and Gregori come from Ukraine. They were very excited about immigrating to Israel. New country, new opportunities. They cross paths with a wealthy ageing middle-class Israeli couple whose relationship is in crisis..

Standard Deviants - Dinosaurs: Lifestyles of the Big and Carnivorous

Standard Deviants - Dinosaurs: Lifestyles of the Big and Carnivorous

What were the dinosaurs like? How long ago did they live? Can a dinosaur be created from DNA? Did they take care of their young? Why did they die out... or did they? Join our intrepid dinosaur hunters as they examine the diets, habitats, traits and the eventual extinction of some of the largest creatures ever to roam the Earth! With the help of a respected dinosaur expert, the Standard Deviants will dispel dino-myths and give you the bare-bone facts about these mysterious creatures, using humorous skits, computer graphics and a fun, easy-to-understand format. Released as two separate VHS tapes ("A Day as a Dino" and "Guess Who's Coming for Dinner?") but a single DVD and CD-ROM..

Dinner for Eight

Dinner for Eight

Sophie, Arian, Lizzy, Markus, Georg and Caro, a group of friends who regularly meet for dinner on Friday nights. They dine together, drink and philosophise about God and the world. This time, however, the students come across an explosive topic in their table discussions: to what extent are we being monitored with our digital devices? For example, is "someone" constantly listening in via Alexa & Co? Or is it all just a wild conspiracy theory? They want to put it to the test and come up with a diabolical plan....

La Table vide

La Table vide

Ce docu-fiction captivant est un récit fictif de ce qui peut arriver à une famille japonaise lorsque l'un de ses fils lui fait honte devant toute la nation..

Terminus pour un termite

Terminus pour un termite

Porky Pig découvre bientôt qu'un termite est responsable de la destruction de ses affaires. Quand il ne peut pas exterminer le termite lui-même, il va à un shyster qui lui offre une série de méthodes infructueuses pour enlever le termite..