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That's what friends are for

That's what friends are for

Although international marriage migrant Asian women have lived for from three to 20 years in Korea, their lives are sometimes viewed with racist eyes. And sometimes, it is not easy to live in the same discrimination as Korean women's lives. As they travel to the sea with a birthday friend, they think about happiness by recalling the day, week, and ten years ago..

That's What Happened

That's What Happened

Following a spirited filmmaker who is having a skeptical time after his first film, as he ventures on psychological odysseys to escape memories in an invisible city..

That's how it is, and what!

That's how it is, and what!

Abraham Bojórquez - Ukamau Y Ké - developed hop hop in the Aymara language and with his rebellious lyrics, shook up Latin American society in the early 21st century. At the cusp of his musical career he died violently the same day he finished recording his second record. Years later, his friend, the rapper and documentarian, Andrés Ramírez returns to Bolivia to uncover the reasons for his death and to find him among the Andean circular temporality. In this surreal journey, Ukamau y Ké is revived through archival footage, testimonials and in dreams..

Zodiac: What's Your Sign?

Zodiac: What's Your Sign?

On the verge of being broke, a sock shop owner enters a vlog contest where she has to date twelve men with different zodiac signs and prove that love compatibility based on zodiac sign is just a myth. After the contest is done, will she discover that the myth is in fact true, or would she break it and find Mr. Right?.

And Here's What's Happening to Me

And Here's What's Happening to Me

December, 31st. Impossible Moscow traffic, an endless rush leading to nothing, people trying to help but not making things any better. Small talk… about small things that fill one’s life — and make it pass us by too quickly. About Dad, who’s only got a few weeks left to live — and there’s nothing you can do to help... About plans for life of a 15-year-old girl — should she become a cancer specialist or a food designer?.

Et vivre encore

Et vivre encore

Schimon, jeune Allemand bientôt trentenaire, mène une existence plus qu’enviable. En ouvrant son propre studio à San Francisco, il a pu faire de sa passion son métier : il réalise des "biographies audio". Par ailleurs, son grand amour, Jella, qu’il a épousé il y a peu, attend leur premier enfant. Lorsque le père de Schimon fait un infarctus, le couple décide de quitter les États-Unis pour se rapprocher des parents du jeune homme. Mais alors qu’ils viennent d’apprendre le naufrage du cargo qui transportait leurs affaires vers l’Europe, Jella meurt dans un accident. S’accrochant à la devise de son grand-père – "Si les choses arrivent, c’est qu’elles doivent arriver" – , Schimon tente de faire face et de reconstruire sa vie en Allemagne auprès de ses parents. Lorsqu’il rencontre Milena, une jeune femme qu’il avait croisée à l’hôpital le jour de la mort de sa femme, il croit au destin et se lance à corps perdu dans cette nouvelle histoire d’amour. Mais très vite, son passé le rattrape….

What's Michael? 2

What's Michael? 2

Michael the tabby cat returns for another series of vignettes. The sketches this time include a send-up of The Fugitive — Richard Kimble is now a veterinarian on the lam. Despite the danger, he must intervene whenever he sees a cat (always Michael) suffering; after treating the patient, he plays a trick on the cat and runs away. Another sketch draws parallels between wandering husbands and wandering house cats, who seem to have similar proclivities. Two more point out what happens when a cat's instincts run up against the requirements of baseball or pro wrestling..

Ee Nagaraniki Emaindi?

Ee Nagaraniki Emaindi?

Four friends, with a bittersweet history, get drunk and embark on a journey to Goa. On the trip, they lose an expensive ring which threatens to derail one of their engagement. They end up confronting one another and their own fears, as they enroll in a short film making competition in Goa to try and win the prize money for the ring..

What's New About Love?

What's New About Love?

Six friends meet every evening in a basement to make music. During the daytime, however, there are no rehearsals for what life brings us. Each endeavour leaves its mark. Rita left Ricardo, Rafael found her, but she still feels lost. Eduardo thought he no longer liked Maria, but after what he has done he cannot turn the clock back. João lacks the courage to breakup with his girlfriend and takes refuge in the song he is writing for Inês. Marco struggles to get another young man’s love, but he is under no illusions. Samuel believes in everlasting love but something is wrong because his friends haven’t heard from him for sometime. Inês, attempting to feel safe, likes to experiment and she's waiting to see how things go with João. With all this going on, how could the band not be falling apart...?.

What's Your Emergency?

What's Your Emergency?

Black comedy "What's Your Emergency?" is a mockumentary style story about the police headquarters. Redundancy intimidate officials are working diligently as ever, but the call-outs this month will not give them a break. Moreover, one of the officials gets caught in the workplace-using stolen and evidence room kept drugs. Explosions, shootings, helicopters, love, erotic, music stars, movie stars and much more..

What's My Fault

What's My Fault

Dr. Magdy marries Laila, the daughter of a wealthy family, in spite of the opposition of Laila's mother, who wanted her to marry a wealthy man. She uses her wicked nephew to create disputes between Laila and Magdy..

What is in a Girl's Handbag?

What is in a Girl's Handbag?

"I was tired of aimlessly walking the club circuit so I decided to entertain myself in a more interesting fashion, combining clubbing with the creation of a work of art. Wearing the dress code appropriate to each club so that I would not stand out from the crowd, and armed with my camera, I walked into the ladies toilets of various night clubs asking the girls and women I bumped into the same question: What is in your handbag? It is unbelievable how much one can learn about girls by checking the contents of their bags and also listening to their own comments about them.".

What's Your Religion?

What's Your Religion?

"Kawdu and Bhulabai are a tribal couple living in a tiger reserve somewhere in Maharashtra. Their idyllic life gets a rude shock after Kawdu (Upendra Limaye), who had gone into the forest to fetch a medicinal root for his ailing baby, is arrested on charges of having killed a tiger. Desperate to save the life of her baby, Bhulabai (Vibhawari Deshpande) rushes to a Christian missionary, and showered with care and concern, embraces Christianity under the belief that this new god has different powers from her “own” gods, and will solve her problems. However, freeing her husband from jail is another affair, and for this she is advised to seek the help of Naxalites living in the nearby forest, through whom she acquires a new deity—Karl Marx. Even as these new gods find their place on her altar beside Waghdeo and Naagdeo, the traditional nature deities of her community, the community itself shuts the family out for having dropped its own gods." - Aparna Pallavi.

What's Wrong with Mom?

What's Wrong with Mom?

Something is happening to mom. Her daughter starts praying for her mom's health but soon she will find out what is happening to her. This short film is one of the five winning short films which were made for “My Annabelle Creation" competition as a promotion for the film Annabelle: Creation..

What's on Your Mind?

What's on Your Mind?

The wind on the riverbank, mixing with the sun and your smile. Practicing mistakes on the rooftop, gently strumming. Please don’t let time slip away. Counting down dreams, and memories etched inside my heart. When love tries to justify the wrongs, from start to finish. That's when words lose their sincerity. I wonder what's on your mind. I don't want you to vanish from my life. Keeping silent is my tenderness. Seeing you well is better than possessing..