

Comment faire pour télécharger There Will Be Blood gratuitement

Crow's Blood

Crow's Blood

As science is growing ever closer to the taboo field of regenerative medicine, a mysterious new student named Maki Togawa begins attending the International Dolly Girls' College. Soon after, a series of strange and horrific events occur in and around the school, seemingly in the proximity of or due to new student Maki..

Bitter Blood

Bitter Blood

Sahara Natsuki vient d'entrer dans la police, la tête encore pleine d'idéaux de justice. Mauvaise surprise pour lui, il est affecté dans le même commissariat de Ginza et dans la même section que son père Shimao Akimura qu'il n'avait plus vu depuis plusieurs années et le divorce de ses parents. Déjà pas très emballé par l'idée de retrouver son paternel à qui il reproche d'avoir laissé tomber sa famille, Natsuki apprend en plus qu'ils vont devoir faire équipe tous les deux. La paire de flics la plus improbable du Japon vient de naître, pour le plus grand plaisir de leurs collègues qui se font une joie de les taquiner..

Zero: Black Blood

Zero: Black Blood

Rei Suzumura, Zero the Silver Fanged Knight, is patrolling on his own when he encounters the white Horror Ring, who has created a commune where Horrors and humans live together in harmony, so long as one human a month allows themselves to be devoured by the Horrors. Rei, along with Makai Priest Cain and the knight-in-training Yuna are ordered by the Makai Senate to slay Ring and free the humans under his thrall by means of Yuna's mother the Makai Priestess Iyu..

Golden Blood

Golden Blood

The love story between a strict protector and a rebellious boss. Sky is a young master and the son of a mafia boss. Sun is the bodyguard who was sent by Sky's father to protect him. But in the end, they fall in love with each other. How will they face Sky's father?.

La Terre et le Sang

La Terre et le Sang

Après plusieurs années à la tête d'une scierie dans les Ardennes où il emploie d'anciens détenus et délinquants, Said a la mauvaise surprise de voir débarquer un cartel..

Inspector Rojas: In Cold Blood

Inspector Rojas: In Cold Blood

The disappearance of dozens of teenage girls shakes Alto Hospicio community in northern Chile. The official version speaks of runaways from broken homes and an underworld of traffic, but the case hides a horror perhaps even worse: A murderer that remains unpunished unable to stop his impulses..

Hot Blooded Detective

Hot Blooded Detective

Enter Kong Xue Li, a budding young policeman, and Fang Dong, a keen-minded coroner. This duo has become myth-busting hoax detectives, using their wits and knowledge of contemporary science to expose scammers for what they really are and show that what many people mistakenly believe are supernatural spirits are actually smoke-and-mirror tricks from con artists. But when what at first glance seems to be the powers of darkness threaten to bring terror and death to the residents of a city, the duo must step up their crime-fighting activities. Things get a little more interesting for Kong Xue Li, too, when he meets a sassy and beautiful no-nonsense restaurant owner. Can this trio put an end to the violence and ghoulish terror that has the city in its grips?.

Hot Blood

Hot Blood

Revolves around penniless Ha Ryu who is driven by upward mobility and a thirst for personal success. Here is a man who can do whatever it takes to make money. He dreams of raking in 10 billion won by selling cars. Due to this wild idea, he is deemed crazy by everyone, but is ready to sell even his soul to become a billionaire. "I will make myself fully prepared to take every chance that lies ahead of me!!!".

Strain of Blood

Strain of Blood

Krai comes from a family of soldiers and has spent most of his life fighting in battles and wars for his country. Dao is the youngest daughter of a prominent village chief, who is very curious and happy go lucky as a youngster. Krai's older brother marries Dao's older sister, sealing the connection between both families. Krai meets Dao as a young girl and he spends a lot of time taking care of her, buying her toys and taking her on village outings with him to the market. Krai and his older brother are called away to defend the border and he promises Dao that he will return to take care of her always as an older brother. Years later, Krai comes back to realize that Dao has grown into a young beautiful maiden and the good feelings that both had for each other from years ago resurface into true love..

Pirates: Blood Brothers

Pirates: Blood Brothers

Two brothers fell in love with the same woman, who was nearly killed by one of them in an accident. After the two men parted in anger, they meet years later when one is a famous pirate and the other one is a soldier who needs to hunt him down....

Blood on the Tracks

Blood on the Tracks

An ex-detective, Kagawa, is found dead in a park in Shinjuku, Tokyo. Swearing revenge, detectives of the #1 investigation team, including Tozawa (Shosuke Tanihara), begin to investigate Kagawa’s death. Meanwhile, Sono (Masanobu Takashima), at the public security bureau, orders his subordinate Shimizu (Taizo Harada), to uncover the truth behind the case in secret. Sono believes the maintenance of trust held by the general public for the police could be jeopardized if anything afoul is discovered in the case stemming from the police. Sono wants to coverup the case as unsolved if the police are involved..

Blood Reign: Curse of the Yoma

Blood Reign: Curse of the Yoma

To avenge the woman and friends he loved, one lone warrior must seek out and slay his former comrade... but how do you kill someone who is already dead? The solitary ninja must find the answer to that very question, and the ancient secrets of the world's oldest clan of professional assassins are pitted against the forces of evil! From nightmarish battles in which blood-soaked clay literally becomes the feeding ground for the dark creatures that lay in wait beneath the surface of the earth, to flesh-eating stallions and shape-changing spiders..

Petit Paysan

Petit Paysan

Pierre, la trentaine, est éleveur de vaches laitières. Sa vie s’organise autour de sa ferme, sa sœur vétérinaire et ses parents dont il a repris l’exploitation. Alors que les premiers cas d’une épidémie se déclarent en France, Pierre découvre que l’une de ses bêtes est infectée. Il ne peut se résoudre à perdre ses vaches. Il n’a rien d’autre et ira jusqu’au bout pour les sauver..

Red Blooded Eleven

Red Blooded Eleven

The residents build a new school called Shinsei High School. Shingo has lots of charm, and it seems all the girls cannot keep away from him, he sings off key and waters flowers. Matsuki Tenpei the teacher introduced the students to the game of football..

Girl's Blood

Girl's Blood

Le Girl’s Blood est un club de jeunes filles pratiquant divers types d’arts martiaux et se donnant en spectacle chaque soir sous un chapiteau, sous la direction d’un homme d’affaires avisé. Comme pour le catch, les combats sont très impressionnants mais en grande partie simulés… La bonne entente du groupe est troublée lorsqu'arrive Chinatsu, une femme surentraînée à qui on fera jouer le rôle d’une combattante chinoise mais qui semble ne pas être très habituée aux simulations et prendre le jeu un peu trop au sérieux. Il s’avère que Chinatsu est l’héritière du terrible clan Ando et qu’elle fuit son mari, qu’elle déteste mais qui souhaite ardemment la reconquérir afin de devenir le nouveau chef du clan… Satsuki, une autre des filles, employée de bibliothèque au civil, finit par succomber au charme de Chinatsu. C’est alors que Satsuki fera tout pour venir en aide a Chinatsu, tout en protégeant Girl’s Blood d’une fermeture certaine. C’est le début d’un combat sans merci….

Réunion sanglante

Réunion sanglante

Après 16 ans, Miss Park une institutrice qui est dans un fauteuil roulant, organise une réunion d'anciens élèves. Mais après quelques verres, quelques souvenirs remémorés, ces retrouvailles vont vite tourner au cauchemar....

Edgar de la Cambriole : Le sceau de sang - Une sirène éternelle

Edgar de la Cambriole : Le sceau de sang - Une sirène éternelle

Une paire de bijoux renferme le secret d'un trésor encore plus grand, mais il y a tant d'obstacles sur le chemin de Lupin. Le plus petit est Maki, une jeune fille de quatorze ans qui veut que Lupin lui apprenne à être une voleuse. Mais quel est son lien avec le trésor et la mystérieuse fille Misa, une fille qui ne peut pas mourir ? Les secrets derrière le trésor remontent même au passé de Lupin ; le Sceau de sang sera-t-il ouvert ?.

La Baie sanglante

La Baie sanglante

La Baie est un magnifique domaine, convoité par tous. La propriétaire, une vieille comtesse paralytique, refuse de vendre car elle ne veut pas le voir transformé en station balnéaire. Ventura, un architecte sans scrupule, met au point une machination criminelle pour s'emparer du site. Pendant ce temps, quatre jeunes gens entrent par effraction dans une villa du domaine, jusqu'à ce que l'une des filles découvre un cadavre flottant dans la Baie....